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  1. #1
    sox22 is offline New Member
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    First cycle advice

    So I'm gonna do my best to get this right so people can actually give me advice. I am looking to start my first cycle, my main goals for it are strength and lean mass with about 5-10 lbs of solid gains. Stats are as follows

    198lbs(been having a lot of trouble getting past this w/o a gut)
    11-12% BF
    First cycle
    4 Years of solid disciplined lifting
    3 years of a good diet

    Proposed Cycle
    Week 1-8 100mg Test Prop EoD
    Week 1-8 100mg Tren EoD

    PCT 1-2 40mg nolva
    3-4 20 mg nolva

    I know tren isn't a good first timer substance which is why i kep tthe dosage so low, i just have it on hand and am ithcing to use it as it fits my goals. Please advise, criticize, let me know what i"m doing wrong.

  2. #2
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    well, if thats what your gonna run id run the prop at 150 for 10 weeks.. unless you want to go with ed injections..

  3. #3
    cokecoon is offline Junior Member
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    bro tren is not good for a 1st cycle even at low dosage. test is good for a 1st cyle at 12 weeks but i wouldnt do the tren. also for pct you'll need more than just nolvadex you need to add proviron or something along those lines.
    save the tren for another time

  4. #4
    sox22 is offline New Member
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    If I were going ED injections which would be better, 62.5 mg of prop and 50mg of tren or 75mg of prop and 62.5 of tren?

  5. #5
    sox22 is offline New Member
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    I figured the tren wasn't going to be a good idea, wanted to run it by you all, what could i put in place of it to make lean gains? I would guess winny might be an obvious choice, but for a 1st timer?

  6. #6
    skinnykenney's Avatar
    skinnykenney is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sox22 View Post
    I figured the tren wasn't going to be a good idea, wanted to run it by you all, what could i put in place of it to make lean gains? I would guess winny might be an obvious choice, but for a 1st timer?
    be ready for the pain! ( prop and winny ) oooooooooouch!
    1-2 time injections ed on the water based winny

  7. #7
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by sox22 View Post
    I figured the tren wasn't going to be a good idea, wanted to run it by you all, what could i put in place of it to make lean gains? I would guess winny might be an obvious choice, but for a 1st timer?
    you would be fine with just test..
    thats the way to go anyway for a first cycle imo

  8. #8
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Would look at having an AI in there

    Oh and i agree with the others on only using the test on the first cycle

  9. #9
    sox22 is offline New Member
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    ok so i think most who viewed this series of posts can agree im a bit uneducated, so after some solid reading i think i have a better idea for a first cycle.

    test cyp 250mg 2x/week for 12 weeks.
    what would be best to run as an A.I. w/ that? arimadex? or would i want to go with hcg ? pct remains up in the air till i do more research. remember, main goals are 5-10 lbs of lean mass. i know my diet is good, not great but def where it needs to be for first time use

    5 a m- 2whole eggs 2 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal w/ fruit
    830 a m- post workout) mass xxx protein shake
    915 a m- apple
    1130 a m- chicken, turkey, tomato sandwich on 100% whole wheat roll
    130 p m- 1 cup peanuts w/ 1 cup fruit and cheerios
    230 p m- banana
    5 p m-dinner, varies, fish steak chicken
    9 p m- 1 cup cottage cheese

  10. #10
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by sox22 View Post
    ok so i think most who viewed this series of posts can agree im a bit uneducated, so after some solid reading i think i have a better idea for a first cycle.

    test cyp 250mg 2x/week for 12 weeks.
    what would be best to run as an A.I. w/ that? arimadex? or would i want to go with hcg ? pct remains up in the air till i do more research. remember, main goals are 5-10 lbs of lean mass. i know my diet is good, not great but def where it needs to be for first time use

    5 a m- 2whole eggs 2 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal w/ fruit (Add 2 more eggs and make that 80G's of oatmeal.)
    830 a m- post workout) mass xxx protein shake (Add 6oz of chicken. 6oz of brwn rice. 4oz of mixed veggies.)
    915 a m- apple (Add a couple tablespoons of PB.)
    1130 a m- chicken, turkey, tomato sandwich on 100% whole wheat roll (86 all this. Add 6oz of Chicken, beef, or turkey. Add 4oz of brn rice and 175G's of Lentils or Barley.)
    130 p m- 1 cup peanuts w/ 1 cup fruit and cheerios (86 all this. Add 6oz of Chicken, beef, turkey. Add 7oz of Sweet Potato.)
    230 p m- banana (4-6oz of Steak and 4 oz of potato.)
    5 p m-dinner, varies, fish steak chicken (6 oz beef or chicken
    7.5 oz of Baked Potato, 4oz of mixed veggies, 300 grams stawberries/ blueberries, 6oz of green Salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.)

    9 p m- 1 cup cottage cheese (Make sure this is fat free.)

    This diet would better suit your growth.

    As far as you cycle is concerned.

    For a first timer, Test E or C with an option of Dbol or Winny is enough.
    If all youre looking for is 10lbs, it can easily be achived with the diet i provided along with a good training routine.

    When dealing with AI's in your PCT, one would be advised to stear away from Adex in PCT since Adex and Nolva reduce each others effectivness. Adex is a fine AI to use while on cycle however. But when looking for a AI in PCT use Proviron or Aromasin .
    HCG is not really ever required, though it is advisable the weeks leading up to your PCT.

    A good PCT includes the following:
    Nolvadex (Which is the conerstone of ANY PCT.)
    Clomid (is optional, and not needed when using an AI.)
    Aromasin or Proviron (The only AI's you should use in PCT, Adex can be used for on cycle control.)
    HCG (Opinons vary on this, but mine happens to be 2 weeks before your cycle ends, and two weeks into PCT.)

    If all you really want is 10lbs and have no further aspirations, id say change the diet, and then think about gear after 4-6months.
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-29-2008 at 06:47 PM.

  11. #11
    sox22 is offline New Member
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    Concerning the diet, i've tried thing comparable to what you've provided however it makes me bloated and fat as hell, always feeling full and uncomfortable and i get a gut, which is why I'm considering AAS. I take several supplements to help digest and metabolize protein etc. but my body just doesnt seem to want to.

  12. #12
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    I can tell you right now, that what you provided, isnt enough to gain.

    Its not even enough to maintain.

    If i ate that ED for a month id die of hunger.

    You arent ready for AAS bro.

    If you cant gain while not taking AAS, what makes you think youll gain if you do take them?

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