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  1. #1
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007

    A couple cycle concerns

    Firstly the problem of joint pain on winny. I feel I may be prone to this as my shoulders and hands ache'd (sp?) on my last cycle. To alleviate the pain from 50 mg/day of winny ,I have read you can

    1)take less winny...

    2) take some deca ..seems likethe most common recomendation-but I dont have any.

    3) Msm glucosamine supplements. I have bottles of these.Can anyone who used this method suggest a dosage. Thanks ,because this is the one I am betting on.

    Next is the time period during which I will be subjecting my liver to the orals in my cycle. Especially the 9 weeks of the dbol and winny back to back! My thoughts are.

    1) Cut the winny right out. (see concern#1)

    2)shorten the winny cycle (might as well cut it right out then)

    3)leave 2 weeks between the dbol and the start of the winny.(those are the two most toxic of the three orals I am taking)

    4)Milk thistle. 3 tbsp a day. (I have heard of a liver cleanse but dont know how its performed)

    I am doing my 2nd cycle and had great results last time from my cycle of
    a50 for 4 weeks
    sust 250 @ 2cc per week for 12 weeks
    I have been working out naturally since 04 and did this first cycle winter of 07. I am 5'9" and weight 175 with about 12%BF
    Diet is much improved as I spent considerably more time reading the diet sections this year.

    This years cycle is
    1-4 dbol at 40mg/day with adex .25 eod
    4-9 winny at 50mg/day
    9-14 anavar at 60mg/day with prov at 25mg ed
    2-14 sust at 500mg/week
    pct with nolv and clomid and prov 2 weeks after the final shot.

    I have been timid in posting asking for help due to the flaming and useless replies that seem to be rampant here. But I do respect and acknowledge that even in the midst of those posts there are many here who are truly awesome in both their knowledge and their helpfullness.
    Last edited by sonysucks; 10-13-2008 at 05:30 PM.

  2. #2
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    bro, thats a lot of orals to be taking at once, you sure you want to be doing that?

  3. #3
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    running orals for that long is gonna put a lot of stress on your liver but that's your call. for me, glucosomine chondroiton works wonders after 4 knee surgeries. try 1500 mg per day of glucosomine, and 1200 mg chondrioton. after a month or so, you can back off on the dose a bit.

  4. #4
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    why are you starting the sust week 2.. id start it from the getgo

    i perfer to leave a gap between the 17aa's.

    i use tylers liver detox or liv52,r-ala,milk thistle and NAC

  5. #5
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    I started the dbol a week early tol leave the chance to get a 2 week gap tween the dbol and the winny if needed. Is two weeks the length of gap needed?

  6. #6
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    theres something called adequin i think, it is used mainly on horses to keep them from getting joint problems but it can be taken by humans and its suppossed to be super effective. I know of 3 vets that wrote themselves prescriptions for it so they can take it themselves and they were all older and they get around a ton better now. Just thought you might wanna consider looking into that

  7. #7
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    id run something like..

    sust 1-12
    dbol 1-4/5
    winny 10-15

  8. #8
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    theres something called adequin i think, it is used mainly on horses to keep them from getting joint problems but it can be taken by humans and its suppossed to be super effective. I know of 3 vets that wrote themselves prescriptions for it so they can take it themselves and they were all older and they get around a ton better now. Just thought you might wanna consider looking into that
    yes.. its adequan.. its the shit if you can get it..
    know about 3 years ago there was a "human" *(using the term loosely)* version going around mex

  9. #9
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Dude just cut out the winny... no point running to 17AA's if you already have Anavar . On top of that, you have problems with joints.

    btw, Sus should be pinned ED for least amount of sides.

    Run the cycle like this...
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @40mgs ED
    Weeks 1-14 Sust @75mgs ED
    Weeks 9-16 Anavar @50mgs ED

    This way you begin your PCT right after your last day of Var.

  10. #10
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    pullin the winny does fix both my concerns ,But I was looking forward to trying it as it get good reports here. I will keep it for the next cycle ,a simple test E and winny cycle.

  11. #11
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    Okay so now I am looking at my anavar supply and I have a good question,one which searching has not revealed an answer to.
    I have 2500mg so I am left with this decision. What is better ,a lower dose over a longer time period or the opposite, a higher dose over a shorter period.
    My math is showing either 7 weeks at 50mg/day or 9 weeks at 40mg/day.
    What are your thoughts.
    Ps my guess is the 7 weeks at 50 is the better choice cause 40mg/day is a touch low...hows my thinking?
    Last edited by sonysucks; 10-15-2008 at 10:35 AM.

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