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  1. #1
    peedee's Avatar
    peedee is offline Junior Member
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    First ever cycle

    hey everyone im from australia an im keen to get started into my first cycle of steroids .



    80kg or 176


    about 4-6 big meals a day accompanied with various snacks inbetween

    been working out for 3.5 years on an off doing all uper an lower muscle workouts with also some cardio thrown in there.

    contemplating between susta250, stana, or deca but leaning towards susta250, if i did susta250 i figured id do 450mg a week injecting twice a week for 8 weeks then 8 days after that start on nolvadex for a further 3 weeks, is this how its done? correct me if im wrong.

    My goal is to gain as much muscle as possible while toning an cutting at the same time.

    i will also make sure i have nolvadex on hand ready for the bitch tits if they decide to come along.

    for a first timer what are your opinions an comments on this, also any comments over the susta250 vs. deca vs. stana hiccup would be greatly appreciated.

    any thoughts an advice welcome


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Why are u lookin at those compounds for a first cycle? ?

    Youd be better off with a basic test enth or cyp cycle for 10 - 12 weeks mate.

    Or prop for 8 weeks if your willin to pin ed?

  3. #3
    peedee's Avatar
    peedee is offline Junior Member
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    thats all i can get my hands on

  4. #4
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    sus should be done eod, and id try get a hold of some arimidex in case of gyno and you can run it as pct with. i personally would not use deca or stanna on a first cycle as you want to keep it as basic as possible. i would also prob look at running it 10 to 12 weeks aswell.

  5. #5
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    yer although its not recommended to run arimidex with nolva as they reduce each others effectiveness.

    try lookin a little harder around for some test e... i also would steer clear of stana and deca for a first cycle... the deca in particular.. and dont go near the stana unless its oral - its not as good as injectable but its ed injections and very painful as its suspended in water.

    also get your post count up so u can receive pm's mate

  6. #6
    in2shape's Avatar
    in2shape is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    yer although its not recommended to run arimidex with nolva as they reduce each others effectiveness.

    try lookin a little harder around for some test e... i also would steer clear of stana and deca for a first cycle... the deca in particular.. and dont go near the stana unless its oral - its not as good as injectable but its ed injections and very painful as its suspended in water.

    also get your post count up so u can receive pm's mate
    how many posts you gotta have 2 pm ? good to find some fellow aussies on here !!!!

  7. #7
    peedee's Avatar
    peedee is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for your input guys. haha yea mate australias the way to go. me an my mate are doing this together for the first time an im just doin all the research while he gets the goods.
    ill try get some test e but odds are i probably wont, why should i be doin test e for a first cycle instead of susta250?
    an what do you mean by taking every other day, dont you just split your weekly dose up an take it twice a week?

    thanks in advance

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Test is great for first cycle cause it's easy. Less injections and great results. But you can have nice results from sus as well. You have sus 250? Then i'd shoot 1cc eod. If you don't have enough for 12 weeks get more before you start anything.
    As far as the deca goes...Hold off on that man. Do the sus and see how your body responds to this. Then you can plan bigger cycles.

  9. #9
    Mike111 is offline Banned
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    every other day because one of the esters run out in a very short duration so ur left with only 3 other testosterones. but im doing sus injections one on monday one on thursday. its also my 1st cycle. ive injected only 5 times but ive gained a massive 6kg.

  10. #10
    peedee's Avatar
    peedee is offline Junior Member
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    6 kg on sus250, that sounds great, how of that do you think is water retention?
    i think ill run sus250 500mg a week eod, have nolva on hand, an use clomid for pct

  11. #11
    peedee's Avatar
    peedee is offline Junior Member
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    some dude from on here emailed me asking where i get my gear "im a bro an ill help out a bro" bit strange

  12. #12
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    really, disreguard that shit.. odds are some scumbag looking to scam ya..

  13. #13
    Littlebudda is offline New Member
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    beginner with no experiance please help!!!

    HI I've been working out for about 1 year.I am 27 years old,120Lb,5'8".I just bought 100x50mg of Anadrol ,30ml of Dbol ,30ml of Decca and 20ml of Sustinon.All of them are for oral use only.I also bought 120 tab of Clomid,100Nolvadex,2x1oz bottle of HGH and 100 tab of Provion.I never use them before.All I know is some information from some webside.Please Help me do the Cycle.My goal is to gain weight as much as possible in a safe way.Thanks

  14. #14
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    1- Dont highjack threads. Start your own for help.
    2- You are WAY to small to run a cycle. Its just plain not safe.
    3- Your diet is obviously horrible for you to only weigh 120lbs.
    4- All oral cycles are terrible for your liver. Not to mention that ive never seen Oral Deca and Sust. (Sounds like you got faked.)
    5- You should research on your own before asking questions that can be easily answered if you would look them up on your own.

  15. #15
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    ehhh, nevermind.. war beat me to it

  16. #16
    Mike111 is offline Banned
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    maybe a 1-2 kg water retention. im looking slimmer then ever almost 32 waist and everything else is exploding like no 2moz lol. its crazy. i just stopped my sus and started using enanthate with deca . time to seriously gain some muscle

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