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  1. #1
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Test/Deca cycle help/critique or skip deca and add winnie?

    Ran though the search function, found some good info, this is what I have figured out so far. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. First, just to get it out of the way, as I know the question will come
    diet-3,500ish cals a day
    12% BF
    1st cycle, have taken a prohormone
    Hopeful gains 15-25 pounds, keep BF stable

    Test- 500 mg
    Deca - 400mg
    Novla- 20 mg

    PCT- Clomid
    day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg
    day 12-21 50 mg
    Search function lead me here

    Now the questions I have are Clomid for only 3 weeks regardless of the cycle length? Is 10 weeks the optimal cycle length for Test + Deca? Should I do 11 weeks of Test, starting one week before the ten of Deca?

    Then comes part two, a lot of people rag on deca saying it's soft, lots of water retention, gains are lost quickly, etc. and that winnie and Test is a great cycle. Truth to this?

    If winnie, deca and test were the 3 available to you personally, what would your cycle look like? I would prefer to not use all three.

  2. #2
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    those 3 available.. 1st cycle.. id say

    500mg test per week.. 10-12 weeks

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    I'd say correct your diet. You still have alot of potential left to gain weight. Whats your diet look like??? Post it

  4. #4
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    run the test a couple weeks longer than the deca so the pct timing will line up. Save the nolva for pct instead of running it during the cycle. Arimidex would be a better choice to run during cycle if you are concerned about gyno, but with those doses it would probably not be necessary. If you are bulking, the deca would probably be a better choice than the winny. Keeping your gains will depend more on your pct, diet, and training after the cycle. You need to run pct longer than three weeks as well. I would suggest something like:

    1-12 test e or test c
    1-10 deca
    14-19 nolva 20 mg ed
    14-16 clomid 100 mg ed

  5. #5
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    I'd say correct your diet. You still have alot of potential left to gain weight. Whats your diet look like??? Post it
    true, you could probably get to at least 200 naturally before hopping on the juice.

  6. #6
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    And for your first cycle, stay away from Deca and do Test E or C only.

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    IF you use Deca, you will need Letro on hand, and the use of an AI during the PCT.

  7. #7
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, so avoid the deca , I have actually been hearing that a lot of late, so I think I will do just that. On the other hand, I have been hearing a lot of good with the Winnie stack to keep mass gains nice and lean and not swell up my BF. Diet of late goes something like this
    Breakfast 3 eggs, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast or cereal (oatmeal, raisin bran, or mini wheats) + a protein/mass gainer shake
    Snack PB & J sandwhich or cereal if I had eggs for breakfast
    Lunch 2 cans of tuna on whole wheat bread or turkey sub or chili over rice
    Snack protein/mass gainer shake
    Dinner steak, fish, chicken + potato of some sort
    Protein shake before bed
    Sometimes dinner or lunch will be a half pound of pasta with meat sauce

    Now, back to the cycle.
    500 mg of test for 10 weeks every day <== ok, will do that for sure. If I wanted to add Winstrol tabs in there, how much? 100 mg every other day good?
    So for 10 weeks, 500 mg of test daily + 100 mg of Winstrol every other day
    Followed by Nolva at 40 mgs for 2 weeks then two more weeks at 20 mg along with 100 mg of clomid for 4 weeks? Is 4 weeks of both Clomid and Nolva ok? Longer PCT?

  8. #8
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, the other thing I mis read was the Test, 500 mg per week, not per day. So "500mgs test enanthate for 12 weeks at 250mgs twice per week" <=== That sound solid? Inject something like every Monday and Thursday 250 mg?

  9. #9
    noclue is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, so nevermind on the Deca , and I am thinking nevermind on the the winnie, I don't need the joint pains. Novice one <==== What is an acceptable PCT for this? I am thinking this will be my best bet. Here though it says 400mg once a week, so just load it all in one shot one time a week? Or should I split it up? Also, what about the D-bol, worth it? Or should I just skip it?

  10. #10
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    you got it 500mg a week .... 500 a day would be extreme overkill hahaha

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