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Thread: Next Cycle

  1. #1
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Next Cycle

    Hey guys

    Figured I would post my potential cycle here and see what the big guys had to say about it. First time using HGH so I'm not sure what to expect. First time using d-bol as well. But here goes.

    Weeks 1 - 8 400 mgs of Cyp/week, 4iu HGH ED
    Weeks 1 - 2 20mg of d-bol ED
    Weeks 3 - 8 30 -40 mg of d-bol ED

    Weeks 9 - 16 400 mgs of Prop / week, 4iu HGH ED

    Weeks 17 - 20 PCT (Nolva / HCG / tribulus or possibly clomid if necessary)

    Please let me know what u guys think. Thinking of running it Dec. 1 into the new year.

    Any bad sides I can expect. I have used both tests b4 and they will be the exact same. All I got was some acne, but i get that from the tribulus too that I am taking since I came off my last cycle.

    Also, staying away form hardeners and cutters like Wiiny and EQ as they messed with my "equipment" after 6 - 8 weeks of prolonged use. And being disinterested in my most favorite activity was not good.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    That is a horrible cycle.

    Dbol for 8 weeks? Have you read on its effects on your liver?

    And Test C takes 5-6weeks to gain the full effects. 8 weeks is pointless. C needs to be run for a minimum of 12 weeks.
    That PCT is sub-par as well...

    You need to do more research before beginning a cycle.


  3. #3
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    uh, yeah..not good
    are you also saying you are running the gh 1-8 then again 9-16

  4. #4
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    ya i have to agree that this is a bad cycle i dont even know where to begin no idea why your are changing the tests the way you are i know changing test is a good way to start or come off a cycle but the way you have it is very strange also i would just run the dbol 40mg a day for four weeks (depending on how you plan on running the prop) also are you only running the hgh for 8 weeks?

  5. #5
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, HGH is 16 weeks. As I have been told 3 months is the minimum, I figured I would go for 4.

    D-bol for only 4 weeks sounds fine. Never taken it before myself.

    Don't know where you get your Cyp from. Mine is pharm grade and last cycle I gained 16pounds in the first 3 weeks.

    Switching tests to lose some water retention in the second half. But it can easily be changed to 10 - 12 weeks of cyp and 4 - 6 weeks of prop. The concern is carrying too much water to the end of the cycle if I only run cyp.

    Also, this is not my first cycle, it is my first to contain HGH and D-bol, if you read the opening paragraph.

    Would Nolva throughout the whole cycle be a good idea? I have heard too little estrogen can mess up your gains and sex drive.

    I have tweaked it based on your "notes". Again I have until Dec-Jan to get it worked right.

    Week 1 - 12 Test cyp 400 mg / week

    Week 12 - 16 Test Prop 400 mg / week

    Week 1 - 16 HGH @ 4iu ED

    Week 1 - 4 D-bol @ 40mg ED

    I have never had the need for nolva during cycle. Would you guys recommend for this one? Or is it still individually based?

    Why is the PCT weak? A run of HCG followed by Tribulus and a NO supplemwnt has done me well so far. What suggestions would you guys make?

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nolva/clomid/hcg would be a better pct and an ai like aromasin wouldnt hurt either.

  7. #7
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Redz - Isn't your use of AI's and Serms dependent on what kind of reaction you get to the AAS. I mean, I don't get anything but mild acne from Test, and the only sides I get from cutters and hardeners is a bit of dick issues after prolonged use. No gyno pains or anything like that.

    Also, what can you use to block DHT to prevent hairloss.

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Finastride I believe is a DHT blocker. For best recovery and to keep gains you are better off to run a strong pct. HCG /Tribulus is a terrible pct.

  9. #9
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    True. I have been off for about 2 months. Got sick and injured during my off period and have lost about 5 lbs. Not all muscle though. As I have leaned out around the waist even more.

    Weird question, but would there be a problem with running Clomid now? Perhaps my PCT was weak. And I do have time to fit it in as I don't plan on going back on til DEC 1. Or am I better to jump on some test and run a stronger PCT next time?

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you feel recovered there is no need to run another pct, I sugest planing a better pct next time around and you should be fine.

  11. #11
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    If you feel recovered there is no need to run another pct, I sugest planing a better pct next time around and you should be fine.

    But would it hurt to run the Clomid now? Also, The AAS did shrink my nuts a bit. After the HCG they did come back but not to 100%. My source said to expect that I would not get them back fully, but now after reading a few threads I am concerned...

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