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  1. #1
    sobrien is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland

    Question Best way of coming off steroids and keeping gains


    I have heard contradictory advice about the use of HCG at the end of the cycle. Alot of people think that it will further suppress natural LH production and be detrimental to the process of getting test levels normalised. I have clomid ready to run for 3 weeks post cycle. However in the 2 weeks after the last injection do you think it is worthwhile using a short action bridge roid such as d-bol / winstrol to keep androgen levels elevated to retain gains?

  2. #2
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Aug 2002
    The reason to use HCG is to get the boys powered up after a LONG cycle. After the HCG start the clomid, the boys will be functioning. You don't need it on a 12 week cycle. I wouldn't do a bridge before clomid, you want the roids out of the system, so that your natural production can kick in.

  3. #3
    Mastiff is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Mea culpa

    I am sorry about that, I misread your post. Yes, I think its a good idea to use short acting roids to help keep the gains, as long as you stop in time to start the clomid therapy.

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