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  1. #1
    xpijeonx is offline Associate Member
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    Blood work: Elevated Iron levels, low test HELP

    OK, I am 26, I have had low test levels for three years, No Doc I have found would do anything about it due to my age. I also had a 1 1/2 year lapse in insurance so between those hiccups nothing has been resolved.

    I have had a few appointments with an Endo and my iron levels have come back very high, test low. She claims that thus far she thinks it is due to a genetic disorder, probably carried down from my Dad, He has been on TRT since about 35 (now 57) he was diagnosed with Diabetes at this time as well. The Endo claims those issues could have stemmed from this as well.

    The Endo is telling me that having the amount of Iron in my system I do is causing the hormone levels to be out of whack. She did an ultrasound on my Thyroid and found a nodoule* on it, took a biopsy, drained it and it turned out to be benign. On monday I am getting an MRI to check my Pituitary. After that we are going to do some genetic testing?

    I have been looking for information on ELEVATED IRON levels on various forums, pubmed, google anything I can think of and numerous terms.

    I am wondering if all the knowledgeable bros here have any insight on the situation or links to articles/studies

    I am looking cause she seems like she is pretty thorough but when she talks about TRT she seems to know nothing of the use of HCG , Clomid, Nolvadex to bring back/keep natural hormone levels and claims I would be infertile quickly on TRT and for a long time after discontinuing therapy. No doubt she knows way more than I do but I am looking to be more educated on the subjects.

    THANKS FELLAS!!! If this needs to be moved to a better forum section feel free, I didnt know where this would fit well and I know this one gets the most hits

  2. #2
    CORR24's Avatar
    CORR24 is offline Associate Member
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    How high

    How high is ur Iron?

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