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  1. #1
    plucks's Avatar
    plucks is offline Junior Member
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    1st cycle almost over and already thinking about 2nd cycle

    Well i know it is early but i thought i would get some ideas from you guys and see what others have seen then work out a cycle from there. Here is what i have done and what i am looking for. I am finishing up a EQ 400mg/wk for 12wks, Test200 400mg/wk for 10wks, DBol 30mg/day 6 weeks, Winny 50mg/wk for 6 weeks, clen /eca and ofcourse will finish off with clomid. I have seen great gains in strenght and size and due to a better diet have dropped a large portion of bf%. My shoulders and chest have gotten bigger than i could have hoped for but my arms are still lacking, Not sure if that is due to over working or just lack of large amount of weight gain.

    What i am looking for in my next cycle is plain and simple... SIZE. I plan on doing some more clen/eca up untill i drop about 10lbs. After that i am really just looking to add size and strength. I was thinking of Sus, Deca , Anadrol , Dbol. I do think this maybe over doing it a bit but i'm really leaning to use some or all of these in a cycle.

    Heres what i am thinking so far and yeah its still in the way early stages:
    Anadrol 100mg/day wk 1-6, Dbol 50mg/day wk 7-12, Sus 500mg/wk wk1-12, Deca 200mg/wk 1-12. With this cycle can i expect keepable (yeah i knw its not a word but hell George Bush would use it so, so will i) gains from this cycle and is it a safe cycle. I know Dbol and Ana are hard on the liver and i am wondering if this is tooo too much.

    So give me your opions, good and bad all is welcomed.

  2. #2
    Mike62200 is offline Associate Member
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    i think the 50mg anadrol pills are supposed to put 1 lb per pill on you. I know someone who took 50mg a day and put on 30 lbs in 30 days. anyway that is a gangsta cycle. i dont think the drol and dbol back to back is good. pick one to jump start the cycle and up the deca to 300 or 400.

  3. #3
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    In a cage near you...
    That's too much in the way of orals...Run the orals for 6 weeks and up you doses of test and deca instead...

  4. #4
    hacksign is offline Junior Member
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    Anadrol is a bit more hardcore, you shouldn't run a-bombs until you don't respond to Dbol , but hey, you are looking for dramatic gains, doesn't seem like you want steady long term growth.

    Really, this is only going to be your second cycle, you will be better off keeping you cycle simple, 2 injec. and an oral is plenty. For size nothing will beat the classic Deca /Dbol/Test cycle.

  5. #5
    plucks's Avatar
    plucks is offline Junior Member
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    Well i definatly want like i said keepable gains. In truth i only plan on doing AS for maybe 2 more cycles so i ain't worried about what it costs i just really want to make sure that i am geting the most out fo what i can. I have read some good things on the deca /test/dbol and thought about that but have heard awesome things about the sus and abombs. Like i said this is way early in the planning phase and is still only my second cycle. So will still work out the kinks.

    If i do tha Abombs would it be best to drop it to 50mg/day for wk 1-6 and just bumb the deca to 400mg/wk? Also i have heard of the dreaded deca dick since sus is 4 type of test in one would that keep it from happening?

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