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Thread: Cut or not

  1. #1
    pumpd is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Cut or not

    Ok here's something I've been debating for a long time...I'm on 1000 mg of Omna a week and well I'm debating wether I wanna start cutting, I'm tired of having the bloated belly all the time and eating so much carbs, I haven't seen any dramatic size difference for while now, so I was thinking of cutting down carbs and getting leaner so I can actually look like a BB (Striation/Veins). I mean I'm not that fat but with the carbs and bloat, in the middle of the day I do look somewhat chunkier and I'm tired of it. O I've been on Omna at 1000mg for like 3-4 months now, I have no intentions of stopping AAS for now, please dont flame me about this. I'm 21, 5'7 210, now here's the question, when you guys were my age, did u guys have a lean base and kinda went a little off season during the winter to put muscle on without sacrificing seeing your abs, kinda like some of the pros do... or were u guys fat enough and then decide to cut and stay that way and just building from there? Some guy at my gym is shredded and huge, and he says he would have never gotten like he is if he didn't get his weight up when he was young, he was 5'4 240 at 19 years old, so should I shred up and then build from there... I think I rather have abs and then put on weight afterwards without sacrificing abs or striations. Any help advice would be appreciated. I asked the same question over at meso.

  2. #2
    pumpd is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002
    BUMP! Anyone?

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