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  1. #1
    bigg73 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2002

    Opinions on next cycle

    My goal is to pack on about 20 pounds.I got plenty of anadrol and d-bol, 30 amps of Testoviron Depot 250mg,two 10ml.QV Deca 300.plenty of clen ,nolva and clomid,and going to get some bromo.How does this cycle look?

    weeks 1-5 50mg of Anadrol ED
    weeks 1-12 Test Depot 500mg,one amp monday one amp thursday
    weeks 1-12 400mg of QV Deca,same days as test
    week 15 start clomid and clen,clen 2 week on 2 off with eca.

    I could switch the a bombs and use d-bol but last cycle nips got a little sore comming off of the d-bol.Should I run the nolvadex throughout my cycle or get some armidex?Should I add some winny in there to harden me up or leave it the way it is? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Rich8888's Avatar
    Rich8888 is offline Member
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    Jul 2002
    Hey bro..thats a good read to gain some pounds. I wouldn't add the winny to this cycle. Perhaps the next you could do a cutting cycle to include some winny and EQ. Also if your nips were sore, it will not hurt to run the Nolva throughout the cycle. Good luck.

  3. #3
    ANTWAAN is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2002
    moving up the test to 750 and the eq to 600 would be a good idea, i wish i had on my first cycle. i will next time for sure.

  4. #4
    bigg73 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2002
    Should I increase the dosage of deca to 600mg.I forgot to add this is my first time trying deca.I thought I should start with 400mg?Nolvadex at 20mg ed throughout my cycle sound good? Thanks bros...

  5. #5
    Jaguar is offline Associate Member
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    No u definalty do not need to increase the dosages , particulary with the Deca if you have never run it before, some guys even use only 300mg a week for there first time, so 400 will be fine... I assume when you say this is your 'next cycle" that u have done some in the past, what amounts of Test did u run in there??? The only reason u might not to bump the test up is if you have quite a few cycles under your belt and are not responding to those dosages anymore...

    Otherwise stick with how it is mate...


  6. #6
    bigg73 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2002
    This will be my second cycle within the past five years.I did sust at 500mg last cycle,along with d-bol and primo.I was happy with the results.Will 500mg of test work good like it did last cycle?Or should I up it?

  7. #7
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the vast wasteland
    5 years apart?

    you'll be fine with the dosages you have layed out here with it.

    peace bb79

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