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  1. #1
    UncleD's Avatar
    UncleD is offline Associate Member
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    ok guys here goes
    took a shot of test/deca in left a s s check 3cc total like i have many times before
    the next day it really started to hurt/soreness so i used a heating pad to sooth it
    that seemed to help but was still really sore when i sit
    well 4 days pass and im getting out of the shower and see my a ss
    HOLY CHRIST i have a bruised area 8-10 inches all directs with purple
    red, pink and yellow colors.. mostly purlple and was sore to touch
    it looks freakish.. guys WTF did i do, what is this, does this happen often?? im lost.. ive never in my years had this happen
    i asperated,swabed, washed hands, masaged and inject correctly
    i do remember a unusal sting though.. its been 6 days and seems to get worse looking but no increase in pain maybe acualy less pain..

  2. #2
    Browns4Life86 is offline Banned/SCAMMER
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    After 6 days it's about time to suck it up and go to the doc. Might have been a bad needle, bad stick, etc. Anyways, something is wrong if it's been that long. It's just not worth waiting longer and risking your health.

  3. #3
    UncleD's Avatar
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  4. #4
    clockwork_killer's Avatar
    clockwork_killer is offline Associate Member
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    yep docs deffo or give it 1more day then deffo go mate.

  5. #5
    UncleD's Avatar
    UncleD is offline Associate Member
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    ok 1 more day, and btw it only hurts to touch it hard or sit 2 hard or in a hard chair walkin/standin i have no pain.. its like any normal bruise i guess just really big, just measured it and its more like 6" by6" diff colors throughout like i said, and btw when i used the heating pad i left it on my a s s little to long and got really hot almost burned the skin would this cause the gear to come back out and get under the skin? would this cause the bruiseing? btw its not the pain that worrys me its the size of the bruise and the fact ive never had it happen, anyone with likewise exp/advice chime in

  6. #6
    clockwork_killer's Avatar
    clockwork_killer is offline Associate Member
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    iv never had it mate but it sounds pritty bad like u sed give it another day see how u are good luck

  7. #7
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wish i could help mate, but i can't even see any logical reason for this bruising, it's something iv'e never come accross myself or anyone i know.

  8. #8
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Sounds like you hit a vein. The only time I bruise when injecting is when I hit a vein, but never 6" diameter. I also find that I experience pain when hitting a vein when shooting.

    Also, if I have swelling on a sore injection site, I use ice not heat. Heat may make it worse drawing more blood to the sore spot.

  9. #9
    UncleD's Avatar
    UncleD is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Sounds like you hit a vein. The only time I bruise when injecting is when I hit a vein, but never 6" diameter. I also find that I experience pain when hitting a vein when shooting.

    Also, if I have swelling on a sore injection site, I use ice not heat. Heat may make it worse drawing more blood to the sore spot.
    UPDATE woke this morning and the bruise has lightend in color and size some and is less sore..
    looking closer i found another smaller bruise on the other cheek way at the bottom but the same color as the other (under the fold of me arse)
    i think i overused the heating pad (i sat on it on high for about 1 1/2 hours)
    i know verry gear had a high BA conent so ive found out as well
    (verry strong BA smell) maybe it was heating pad... btw i almost fell asleep, looked at clock and was like damn.. better get off this heating pad..

  10. #10
    UncleD's Avatar
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    ok for anyone keeping up on this.. the bruise is healing and is half gone theres no pain now but i noticed 4 pink lumps (oil under skin) what ive concluded is a multi event senario hapend..
    1 it hit a vain so blood pooling began
    2 there was high BA content making it sore so i used a heating pad
    3used heating pad way to long causeing thermal burns or W/E its called
    pulled tons of blood to surface(go back to hit vain) and heated my arse so hot
    it caused the gear to pool up it the skin as well..
    all this combind for 1 big fck up ill never repeat again and a lesson learned

    guys remember NEVER sit on aheating pad!!! NEVER!! def not for 1+
    i would have be "ok" if it wasnt for the heating pad... sheesh

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