Thread: Superclen
11-11-2001, 04:55 PM #1
HAs anyone tried the Superclen tabs (underground)? They're supposed to contain 500mcg, that's 25 times stronger than the usual clenbuterol .
11-11-2001, 06:26 PM #2
if you are refering to our 2 initial friends superclen then i think they r not as strong as he advertises them to be. my bro is on them now and thinks they r great. think he is takin 1/2 a tab a day. i'll check with him and let u know.
if i remember correctly though everyone reacts differently to clen so whats good for him might mess someone else up...
i asked the same question a ways back and cycleon gave me some good advice. do a search for superclen and you'll find the thread.
11-11-2001, 07:04 PM #3
yeah i havent heard many good things about them either. a mix of responses im sticking to the basic clen !!
11-11-2001, 07:09 PM #4
Gorilla, I am also taking clen , however, it is Oxyflux I am up to 6 tabs and still no shakes. I hear these are underdosed. I was going to try the Superclen, but some people can't even tolerate 1/4 of a tab and are only taking 1/8. Now that is what I call strong. I will prolly just get some Spiropent before I try the Superclen, if they don't have an affect then Superclen here I come.
11-12-2001, 03:30 AM #5
oxyflux is worthless , its hard for me to beleive that these crappy things are real at all . please everyone, save your money if oxy is all you can get.
500mcg of clen is WAAAAY to high a dosage. i'd stick with good ole basic clen.
11-12-2001, 02:59 PM #6Originally posted by sp33dg33k
think he is takin 1/2 a tab a day. i'll check with him and let u know.
11-12-2001, 03:49 PM #7The Iron Game Guest
the reason his clen tabs are called super clen? The only thing super about them is how they work for some and do nothing for others
11-13-2001, 01:31 AM #8
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