I am 30-45 days away from starting my 3rd cycle of tren /testp. All test levels are normal. stats are.

age 30
weight 192
height 6'1''
bf around 12

I came off my second cycle at 210 lbs feling pretty good. After my cycle I thought I needed to do more cardio. So I bumped it up from 1 or 2 days (bulk cycle) to 5 days 30 minute sessions. I am losing the weight and my strength is staying the same in every department except bench. Im losing a little not much. Now I know with that much weight loss im going to lose some strength but my question is, when I start my tren I would like to gain mass but lean mass. Should I keep the cardio to 5 days or drop it to 3 or drop it all together? What should I be doing pre tren cycle? Drop the cardio or keep it going till I start the tren? I really wouldn't be to worried but this weight loss occurred in a matter of weeks. I have been done with my prior cycle for months and proper pct was done. any advice is appreciated!