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Thread: Neeedd hellpp

  1. #1
    CONsis10c's Avatar
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    Neeedd hellpp

    ok so let me start off with some background information:
    20 years old
    just finished my first cycle of consisting of dbol week 1-6 and tes c 1-15
    everything went good, got good gains
    but now im on my four week of pct which includes nolva, clomid, and hcg
    the second week of pct i had major depression almost to the point of regreting the cycle now i haven't been able to get an errection in about a week or two. a girl can be standing in front of me naked doing some kinky shit and can't get hard where b4 it was hard to hold it in.
    So my question is how long does it last? should i go to the doctor?
    please help

  2. #2
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    keep running your pct and maybe pick up some cialis or something..
    how are you running that pct

  3. #3
    CONsis10c's Avatar
    CONsis10c is offline Junior Member
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    am i going to need cialas for the rest of my life or am i going to go back to my normal self

  4. #4
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    bump on how you are running you pct..?

  5. #5
    CONsis10c's Avatar
    CONsis10c is offline Junior Member
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    i ran clomid 50mg first 10 days with hcg and nolva 40 mgs a day for five weeks. theres no decrease in the size of my nuts or penis, i just have no sex drive... is it common to gain it back or am i stuck like this for life.


  6. #6
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by CONsis10c View Post
    i ran clomid 50mg first 10 days with hcg and nolva 40 mgs a day for five weeks. theres no decrease in the size of my nuts or penis, i just have no sex drive... is it common to gain it back or am i stuck like this for life.

    Hard to tell at your age, that is why we don't suggest you start steroids at such an early age, you could have done some permanent damage or you could get lucky and your natural hormones will start producing again.

    Keep running your PCT for another month, get some natural test boosters like caber or Tribulis, and get some cialas or viagra for the time being.

    GOOD LUCK and keep an eye on it

  7. #7
    Dinosaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CONsis10c View Post
    i ran clomid 50mg first 10 days with hcg and nolva 40 mgs a day for five weeks. theres no decrease in the size of my nuts or penis, i just have no sex drive... is it common to gain it back or am i stuck like this for life.

    be optimistic man everything can be fixed, ur just going through hard time right now.
    let me get this right, you have already done five weeks of pct?

  8. #8
    CONsis10c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Hard to tell at your age, that is why we don't suggest you start steroids at such an early age, you could have done some permanent damage or you could get lucky and your natural hormones will start producing again.

    Keep running your PCT for another month, get some natural test boosters like caber or Tribulis, and get some cialas or viagra for the time being.

    GOOD LUCK and keep an eye on it
    i will. i hope i get ****ing lucky i would hate to rely on the pill for the rest of my life. i'll never do it again

  9. #9
    hellapimpin's Avatar
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    HOpe all is well lbro...I was nervous like that the 1st time also, i got better though, after about 5 weeks or so total, i was back to my old self.. i was 22 at the time.. (still to young) but we are hard headed at that age.. DOn't forget that you could be over reactinng due to the clomid, which makes you very emotional

  10. #10
    CONsis10c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellapimpin View Post
    HOpe all is well lbro...I was nervous like that the 1st time also, i got better though, after about 5 weeks or so total, i was back to my old self.. i was 22 at the time.. (still to young) but we are hard headed at that age.. DOn't forget that you could be over reactinng due to the clomid, which makes you very emotional
    i already finished the clomid and boy i was emotional on it. but now im just taking nolva. ur lucky i took advantage of this man i never would of thought i would need a pill to get me hard. this could be the biggest mistake of my life. i will always recommend every1 to stay away from steroids

  11. #11
    hellapimpin's Avatar
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    Ouch..sorry to hear but hope there is still hope..>GL...might wanna try some tribulus or something of that nature..tongka

  12. #12
    adimenia is offline New Member
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    my guess is its because of HCG its not recommended to run HCG during the PCT as HCG can cause side effects like late gyno and such because the body sees high levels of HCG and thinks test production is high so it incises aromatization of existing test which then brings to high estrogen levels which are already high my guess this is why your having issues with your erection stop running HCG keep running nolva and clomid as planed
    and no you wont need to be on cialis for the rest of your life FYI cialis rocks i love this shit

  13. #13
    mic.p is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CONsis10c View Post
    ok so let me start off with some background information:
    20 years old
    just finished my first cycle of consisting of dbol week 1-6 and tes c 1-15
    everything went good, got good gains
    but now im on my four week of pct which includes nolva, clomid, and hcg
    the second week of pct i had major depression almost to the point of regreting the cycle now i haven't been able to get an errection in about a week or two. a girl can be standing in front of me naked doing some kinky shit and can't get hard where b4 it was hard to hold it in.
    So my question is how long does it last? should i go to the doctor?
    please help
    Hey man maybe it's just taking a little longer to come back, i mean 15weeks is a reasonably long cycle. Definetly keep us informed on how your going in the next couple of weeks. Fvck i'm about to start my first cycle and your scaring the sh*t out of me.

  14. #14
    Sherman01's Avatar
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    Another 20 year old on juice.... Then wonders why he screwed up his hormones..

    Whelp good luck. Hopefully you won't have a limp dick for the rest of your life.

  15. #15
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    Screwing up his hormones? Besides the fact of the rare possibility that he's not done growing at this age, would it be any different than him running it a few year's later.

    You will be fine man, I know my sex drive went down from Test E when everything else I hear says it should go up. Your PCT sounds pretty solid, the cycle is a little long, but there are people that run a lot longer. Get some blood panel's if you get a chance to figure out what is going on.

    Good luck!

  16. #16
    CONsis10c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mic.p View Post
    Hey man maybe it's just taking a little longer to come back, i mean 15weeks is a reasonably long cycle. Definetly keep us informed on how your going in the next couple of weeks. Fvck i'm about to start my first cycle and your scaring the sh*t out of me.
    its been a week or two now and im am getting back to horny self... i consider myself very lucky, for weeks i was emotionally shot to the point of crying then when their was no chance of me getting an errection is when i really started to freak. my personal opinions on the overall status of the cycle was that i gained a good amount of muscle and lost a lil bit but in the end its not worth chancing the ability to ever have sex again plus emotionally it sucked. i would not only recommend all youngsters to stay away but everyone should. think your a pussie without muscles wait till you can't satisfy your girl. b/c in the end thats whats going to make you feel like a pussie. stay away and enjoy the life you got brothers

  17. #17
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    congrats on the good news.

  18. #18
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    I would do another pct and include aromasin

    and if that doesn't work, see an endo (regular doc first tho)

    and if that's way out of the question, you might be cruisin' early! (to be realistic)

    good luck

  19. #19
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Nice to hear that brother...
    Good Luck...

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