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Thread: Hcg?

  1. #41
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Why are you getting so worked up man? Just take a deep breath and realize your posting on a message board.

    Take it easy...

    The mods aren't enjoying this...
    Why? Because instead of being respectful,and disagree with my opinions, he chose to be aggressive. You know as well as I do, there is a right and wrong way to disagree with someone on boards like this. This j*rk off just came in and willfully tried to belittle me. Why I haven't any idea. I never saw his SN before on any boards, so I haven't a clue to his antagonist behavior.
    Taking one's words out of text to start a dispute doesn't fly in my book.
    If I don't agree with someone. I'll state my reasoning's as to why, and be polite about it. This j*rk apparently just thought he'd be cool and try and piss on a senior member. He didn't once respond to any of my retorts at all. Danced around them calling names , instead of saying why he thinks thought poorly of my opinion.
    I think you see what I'm saying here. I know many others that have been watching this do. I have what, 10 Pms from guys saying don't pay this as*hole any mind, he just wants to look cool instigating a fight with you

  2. #42
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    are you on medication bro? You need to be ...because i dont know what thread your reading but your a schizophrenic. Good luck ...btw If u ever book that flight - you let me know .....

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    are you on medication bro? You need to be ...because i dont know what thread your reading but your a schizophrenic. Good luck ...btw If u ever book that flight - you let me know .....

    If you think you didn't intentionally try to be antognistic, you're delusional at best. You think coming in a thread and calling someones views stupid, non aggressive in nature? Not once did you back any of your bullsh*t. NOT ONCE! You simply kept twisting my text to suit your aggression, nothing more.

    As for my flight. That's easy. Give me your info like I requested and I'll be there to break your fat a*ss in pieces. COMPRENDE?

  4. #44
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    yeah like thats gonna happen ...gee give a dude on steroid .com your home addy (thats smart)- how about this ...lets meet anywhere in philly u name it time place im there...ok tough guy
    btw - re read the sounded like a fool over and sorry you may be big...but its in spite of your unless you have a flight number for me (which im sure ill never see) take a hike.....

  5. #45
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    Off to bed, seriously we are going to need some bear tranquillizers to put Pinnacle down, the man is a raging beast. I feel bad for his keyboard or whats left of it, haha.

    Good night fellas.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    yeah like thats gonna happen ...gee give a dude on steroid .com your home addy (thats smart)- how about this ...lets meet anywhere in philly u name it time place im there...ok tough guy
    btw - re read the sounded like a fool over and sorry you may be big...but its in spite of your unless you have a flight number for me (which im sure ill never see) take a hike.....
    I'm here,and not going anywhere til your pu*ssy punk a*ss gives me the info.

    I stand by my original opinion in this thread. All you've done is try to belittle me, INSTEAD of being a mature man and state your views as to why you disagree with me. You know it, everyone reading this thread knows it.Your an a*ss hole

    My guess is your nothing but a fat,lonely bi*tch that looks to start Internet fights becuase that's all you have in life.Pretty damn sad when you think about it.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    im sorry you may be big...but its in spite of your stupidity.....
    ROFL..WHAT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA damn you're an idiot,,,hahahahahahaha

  8. #48
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    FLIGHT # ???????
    Belittle ? You used the fact that they dont give cattle t3 to justify it not being necessary? Do i even have to SAY how stupid that statement is? Then you proceed in your other thread to say clomid/nolva isnt needed together - no sense in it. - Yeah other than what i expressly pointed out in my post - that you ignorned and figured you just hurl insults - because i didnt agree. Like u have done every time i pointed out another stupid statement you made and proved you wrong. IE: the brilliant statement about how hcg is more useful with deca tren blah blah blah ...because they cause more testicular atrophy. Now before you go on those three statements YOU made? How stupid are they? i pointed out they didnt make sense - u didnt like it and immediately started hurling personal insults. Whatever - take your prozac.... IM waiting for the flight # ill never get....get your last post it now bro - im outta here...u post flight number , location , when , u name it im there...otherwise please be quiet......

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    FLIGHT # ???????
    Belittle ? You used the fact that they dont give cattle t3 to justify it not being necessary? Do i even have to SAY how stupid that statement is? Then you proceed in your other thread to say clomid/nolva isnt needed together - no sense in it. - Yeah other than what i expressly pointed out in my post - that you ignorned and figured you just hurl insults - because i didnt agree. Like u have done every time i pointed out another stupid statement you made and proved you wrong. IE: the brilliant statement about how hcg is more useful with deca tren blah blah blah ...because they cause more testicular atrophy. Now before you go on those three statements YOU made? How stupid are they? i pointed out they didnt make sense - u didnt like it and immediately started hurling personal insults. Whatever - take your prozac.... IM waiting for the flight # ill never get....get your last post it now bro - im outta here...u post flight number , location , when , u name it im there...otherwise please be quiet......
    I told you in PM you'll have my flight for Monday. I'll give you my name, cell # anything else you want. Before I step on board, I need your info. Do you think anyone would book a flight and just hope the person will show? You must be delusional at best.

    Now,as for my T3 comment. I was making a point. A point you didn't get,apparently, but simply posted "Are we animals? That's stupid".
    You don't think that was being antagonist at all? You could have been "mature and asked what I meant by that, but instead you opted for your aggressive behavior. If you don't see that, you need serious help.

    As for the HCG comments. Like I said already, I stand by my post. All you've done is belittle it with no reasoning's as to why. You simply kept taking comments out ot text, to suit your self. Nothing more. Good example is you putting words in my mouth saying I said test doesn't shut you down as much as Deca nor tren . I never said that, YOU DID. You came at me instead of asking me what I meant by the comment. You want to disagree with me or anyone on this board, be respectful, or at least polite. I never saw you before and your first post to me was in the tren thread with what I quoted you on above. You want to continue tp play your games here. Guess what? You'll lose. Believe me when I tell you that. You want to disagree with my opinion's, do so the right way. Otherwise next time will be your last time. Don't think so? Try me

  10. #50
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    whatever bro ..anyone that reads the threads will know what happened. No i wont give you my address etc...and no you wont fly to philly to meet me unless i do.... so here we are. Keep your unfounded personal attacks to yourself. You dont scare or threaten obviously have issues ...but i dont care. I got nothing for ya - dont care who you are ....dont care how long you have been around...... im done woth you...if u ever fly through philly u let me know ...we can chat face to face OK ?
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-31-2009 at 03:57 AM.

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