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  1. #1
    grana87 is offline New Member
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    Am i ready for roids ?

    I am 17 years old, i have been training for around 5 months, my weight is 125 lb 5'9 ft ... i think i reach my natural level, because i eat fairly enough and it seems i can't get bigger ...

    in my gym the guy who do the cleaning recommend me a cycle of Boldenone , i could buy the stuff right away from a veterinary ... he recommend me to do 500 ml each week for 12 weeks ... then for post cycle take clomid for 4 week ...

    thanks a lot, and sorry if my english isn't correct, i did my best

    here is some pics i took is not that much but is what i got doing it natural ...
    Last edited by grana87; 01-30-2009 at 03:17 AM.

  2. #2
    vibnad1991 is offline New Member
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    mate no way in hell have you reached your natural potential, you have barely put any size at all. 5 months is nothing. and if you have decided that you ar going to take them , then start educating yourself about diffrent steroids , eg their active life, side effect, reasons for pct. it sounds like you dont know anthing. imoa you are not ready at all

  3. #3
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    Dude i know your young so ill go easy.

    The fact you even mention steroids has indicated your not ready. 17 is a JOKE to start steroids as your body is still producing high levels of natural testosterone . Start doing AAS now and your screw that up and cause problems which may effect you through rest if your life.

    The CLEANER who recommended you gear is a complete di*ck head. hasn't a clue.

    Go to the diet section read about bulking diets.

    You look like a skeleton which also shows you have no diet knowledge, don't even think of touching AAS for at least a few more years.

  4. #4
    mrsocks is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Nope sorry bro, way too young and a lot of room for natural growth. Revamp your diet and tweak your training and you will gain.
    On an anecdotal side note, I've also found that those who call them "roids" typically aren't ready.

  6. #6
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by grana87 View Post
    I am 17 years old, i have been training for around 5 months, my weight is 125 lb 5'9 ft ... i think i reach my natural level, because i eat fairly enough and it seems i can't get bigger ...
    I have a 17 yr old son who often gets frustrated by his lack of gains. He's just starting to get facial hair, a late bloomer.

    Sometimes it's hard to put on size at 17 because you haven't matured yet. In another year or two gains will pick up. If you take steroids now, you will cause permanant damage.

    Learn how to diet properly, and train productively. I started training when I was 12, and at 46, Im still learning new ways to be more productive in my workouts. I bet you could put on another 50 lbs in the next 3 years if you work hard and pay attention to your diet. You will get your best gains over the next few years without steroids.

    BTW, the "cleaner" who recommended you take roids should fvcking clubbed for giving you such bad advice.
    Last edited by Bossman; 01-30-2009 at 08:41 AM.

  7. #7
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    I swear I was just as strong at 18 as I was at 24. Wait till you're in your 20's first and foremost, secondly if you had to ask "Am I ready?" ... then your not. I came out of high school at 5'9" 135lbs. Trust me, you'll get to where you wanna be. Everything takes time, and the key to results is consistency

  8. #8
    coylem2379 is offline New Member
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    Listen to these guy they know what they are talking about. Get on a good diet and you will see a huge different.

  9. #9
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Forget steroids and look into diet as much as you can.

  10. #10
    Chance_Baby is offline Junior Member
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    Im 20, i have been working out for 5 years and i JUST started my first cycle of test and dbol . I did about 10 good hours of researching PCT, as well as what will best fit my needs. ultimately no one can tell you what to if you do choose to take them do your ****ing research.

  11. #11
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    aren't you not even allowed to be on this site until you're 18...

  12. #12
    Chance_Baby is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    aren't you not even allowed to be on this site until you're 18...

  13. #13
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Look up in the sky...
    BRo you need to wait.

  14. #14
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    ya. You gotta be 18. But besides that..I feel your pain kid. I weighed in at 150lbs my junior year in high school. i broke 200lbs for the first time in my life when i was 21. made it to 215 when i was 22. It took me a LONG time to make natural gains but it was absolutely worthwhile. I know the meaning of hard work. You just gotta keep going. The repercussions of AAS use at your age will effect you the rest of your life and are not worth it at this point when you can make natural gains. You will gain for yourself much more by spending the next 5 or 6 years working your ass off. Dont be jaded, cause i know that seems like a long time, but itll go by in a flash. Besides, if you can bulk and stay lean like you are now...when it comes time to use AAS, youll be a beast. So dont waste that. Stay tough kid.

    I know ive said this before but i laugh my ass off everytime i see the word "roids" or hear it. haha so funny.


  15. #15
    DrSauce99 is offline Associate Member
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    Up the Diet... I have been (due to an illness) from ~130lbs to 170lbs in 3 months or less many times...

    Juice isnt for you, I tried it at your age too out of stupidity, didnt do it right at all, shut down my nuts and ****ed my self up with a limp dick for 6 months, my girlfriend WASNT happy!

  16. #16
    ray0414's Avatar
    ray0414 is offline Member
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    if by "roids" you mean hemmoroids then yes, you are ready. you are at the perfect age height and weight. your body is matured enough and i reccommend a cycle of hemmoroids as soon as you can. Your friends and family will all notice the difference, some of them however may advise you seek help or even see a doctor. I know its a big step but i think you are ready.

  17. #17
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    if by "roids" you mean hemmoroids then yes, you are ready. - Hehehe!

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