Just got my blood work results.

First, some background….
I used to do AAS quite a bit. But have been off for over 2 years. Since then I have tried some over the counter stuff. I used some Anabolic Extreme stuff in early 2007 and last summer did an American Cellular Labs cycle.

A few months ago, to boost the libido I tried the highly recommended Stoked/Activate Xtreme stack. It made my sex drive WORSE. Then I dropped the Activate Xtreme and on Stoked alone my sex drive became quite good.

So everything was fine. Then all of a sudden, I felt the floor drop out on my sex drive. Perhaps because I missed a few doses of Stoked? Or maybe the Stoked wears off? So I stopped taking it over a month ago.

My sex drive has been LOW since then.

Anyway, I figured now would be a good time to get blood work done.
My results are

Testosterone , Serum 456
Free Testosterone (Direct) 9.1
LH 3.1
FSH 2.3
IGF-1 189
DHEA-Sulfate 144
Estrogens, total 14

I was told all of my general health stuff (cholesterol, etc) was good. I would rather get my natural test flowing again than supplement test. Is this possible?
Should I look to do a clomid/nolvadex /aromasin type stack? Would it help at this point?

I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you!