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  1. #1
    BuckFosten is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol vs A-50...I know I know but it never seems to get answered entirely

    A-50 vs dbol . I know theres plenty of topics on it but it never seems to get answered, even tho i know its mostly a matter of opinion, but I want to get it right. I know dbol makes you feel alot better than the shitty feeling of A-50, but wut about the gains? is there that much of a difference? Because Idc if I feel like shit on A-50 as long as the gains are better than wut i normally would have from dbol. But if they are neck n neck in terms of STRENGTH more than anything, than by all means who wouldnt go with dbol? Thats wut was confusing me, thanks

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Drol requires a higher dosage for similar effects as dbol , other than that it is entirely user dependent. No matter how many times it's asked, you will always find that some prefer one and others prefer the other, there is no hands-down best between the two.

  3. #3
    BuckFosten is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Drol requires a higher dosage for similar effects as dbol, other than that it is entirely user dependent. No matter how many times it's asked, you will always find that some prefer one and others prefer the other, there is no hands-down best between the two.
    That clears it up completely. Thanks again Big! I'll just give A-50 a try and then dbol in my next cycle and see which I like'll only know if you try both

  4. #4
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Is there much difference between them being toxic on the liver? One more than the other or same?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Is there much difference between them being toxic on the liver? One more than the other or same?
    hepatoxicity is over-rated in my opinion, either compound ran at typical dosages (or even a little higher) for a reasonable time frame would cause no issues provided the person had no pre-existing issues.

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    To each his own. I just finished my first cycle of drol and the gains were better and the sides were less than dbol . I didn't feel like crap all day and my bp was not that high at all. Dbol gave me a little gyno and more water weight than anything. This contradicts what a lot of other people will say but like I each his own.

  7. #7
    BuckFosten is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    To each his own. I just finished my first cycle of drol and the gains were better and the sides were less than dbol. I didn't feel like crap all day and my bp was not that high at all. Dbol gave me a little gyno and more water weight than anything. This contradicts what a lot of other people will say but like I each his own.
    Good to know, thanks man. And Big, yeah hepatoxicity does seem a little overrated IMHO. Considering a long time friend of my mother's drank heavily for years and years and probably after 15 years she is just now starting to get liver cirrhosis. I know it's a different situation but I think we doubt our body's ability to heal most of the time. And just to be safe or see how much damage was actually done, get your values tested if you want to be precise

  8. #8
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    To each his own. I just finished my first cycle of drol and the gains were better and the sides were less than dbol. I didn't feel like crap all day and my bp was not that high at all. Dbol gave me a little gyno and more water weight than anything. This contradicts what a lot of other people will say but like I each his own.
    I'm another that falls into this category... Try them both.

  9. #9
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    dbol thanks

  10. #10
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    If you do a search there is a good tread about this and it talks about running both together. I'm going to try that soon

  11. #11
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
    drummerofgod87 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm currently running Dbol and Drol together (not alone, of course), and I absolutely love it! Doses are 50mg Dbol and 100mg Drol ED. Strength is through the roof.
    Last edited by drummerofgod87; 02-02-2009 at 11:25 PM.

  12. #12
    Pittbull78's Avatar
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    I love this topic no matter how many times its discussed. After several years of juicing I finally decided to run some drol. For years I always ran dbol . The reason I think was more opposed to drol was that it seemed the gains were likely to disappear as fast as they came. This quick gain and loss factor is why I decided to go with dbol instead. I was not really concerned with the toxicity issue as I have found that over the years the toxicity issue seems a bit more legend than fact. (I'm not saying that its not toxit, only if this stuff was as toxic as people suggest - most of my friends would be dead.)

    This year I started my bulk cycle a little later than usual. I decided to take four months off the gear and give my body a break. Since I waited until the first of January to begin bulking I thought hey - time to get some A-bombs and play catch up. I've put on some decent weight and I'm in my fourth week now. I was 188 pounds and I'm now 204. At only 5'8" and tiny jointed I can tell you 204 feels pretty heavy. I think my gains would be even greater but I made a peculiar mistake in the begining which I corrected 2 week into my cycle. Most of my gains kicked in after making the necessary correction.

    I have not felt "like crap" as many have suggested. I have felt a bit bloated (but then again I'm eating like a grizzly bear). And that is an important point - The only reason to take drol is to bulk up - and that means lots of food. I don't know about you guys but when I up the calories and sky rocket the protein - my belly is always bloated. But its a small price to pay when my delts and arms seem as if they've grown over an inch.

    So far A-bombs are exactly what I expected. I do feel tired a bit more (not crappy but just tired), I feel like I could sleep all day and yet when I pop an A-bomb an hour before working out - It hits me pretty hard - its the only thing I've taken where I've genuinely felt more aggression. The aggression doesn't last long maybe an hour from the time it hits.

    After I finish my A-bombs, I am going to give my liver a break for about 4 weeks and then I'm running D-bols, and hopefully I can keep putting size on. I am hoping to reach 218lbs.

    My experience with Dbol is that my weight gain is not as rapid, but that said, dbol and A-bombs do have similar qualities. I do plan on pyramiding my dbol starting with 50 mgs daily and go up to 100 mgs daily. Oh yeah - I love Ds they are great. And if I had to pick one I still think I'd stick with Dbol, simply because the gains are of a slightly better quality. But that said I definately will run drol again.

    Of course I'm running test 600mgs (minimum) weekly - I always do. Always. I never do a cycle with out test. It will always be King - everything else is really a side point.



  13. #13
    Pittbull78's Avatar
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    Hey Drummerofgod that's awesome! You're f@% crazy - but I love that! Hey maybe I'll finish out this week taking some dbol along with my drol - I can't wait to see how many pounds I put on this week!

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