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  1. #1
    BrunkerVic is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Pre-cycle Cleanse?

    I had an interesting idea the other day, wondering if anyone else may agree with me.

    Im sure many of you have heard of a Cleanse cycle, which in essence is either a pill (cheaper) or liquid (expensive) cycle of 1-2weeks in which you ingest a multitude of enzymes which are to break down the long time build-up and residue lining your intestinal tracts. The average human has approximately 6-7 pounds of build-up and it can affect the effectiveness of absorbtion of all the important nutrients.

    I figure that before a cycle, if not annually, a cleanse cycle would be ideal to maximize nutrient absorbtion especially with a strict diet and therefore maximize results when doing a cycle of AAS, so that all the proteins and healthy fats and complex carbs can be maximized.

    sounds interesting in the least even if it may be somewhat bogus

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I woudl like to hear more about this one. What about getting enemas done?

  3. #3
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    Dec 2008
    Dude thats funny i was thinking about the same thing for the past 2 weeks. I think Im actually going to do it. Im about to run a cycle but before im going to do the cleanser wait a week and then hit the gear. I mean it shouldnt hurt me..I guess? I slipped on my diet and alcohol for the past 3 months so im going to start fresh with my diet. After running cleanser ill stay really clean on my diet.

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