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  1. #1
    RendellUnit is offline Junior Member
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    3rd week in cycle / Looking to go in another direction

    25 years old
    12% BF
    3 Years training at the gym
    4th cycle

    EOD im taking:
    150mg prop
    50mg tren
    150mg decca

    40mg dbol week 1 to 3

    Im currently on a bulking diet, lots of protien, carbs and good fats, however, I booked a trip to dominican in the second week of april and I want to shed some belly fat. Im not a fat guy, the upper body has some decent definition, but the stomach needs some work.

    I was thinking on uping the tren and prop dose:

    EOD - 150mg tren and 200mg prop.

    I was wondering if I should stop the decca altogether, or shoud I lower the dose or maintain the current dose.

    Also, which would be a better choice for an oral, wintrsol or clenbuteral, or both?

    As I have listed above, this is my 4th cycle and this is the first time I have ever wanted to cut up, so I did some reaseach on the diet and I compiled a diet for cutting, but, I deff need some help on what I should take and what does to get the best results.

    So any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Below is my diet, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to tweak it up for me.

    Meal 1: 5:45AM

    4 egg whites - Pro 14g Fat 0g Carb 0g Cal 60
    1/3 cup oats - Pro 6g Fat 3g Carb 27g Cal 150
    1 Scoop 12 hour protien - Pro 21g Fat 1.5g Carb 6g Cal 125

    Protien 41g Fat 4g Carbs 33g Calories 335

    Meal 2: 7:00am
    2 peices of whole wheat bread - Pro 7g fat 2.5g carb 29g cal 170
    1 tbls of peanut butter - Pro 3g fat 6g carb 5g cal 80g

    Protien 10g Fat 8.5g carbs 34g Calories 250

    Meal 3: 9:20AM

    1 can of chicken breast chunks - Pro 32g Fat 1g Carb 0g cal 140
    1 scoop of whey - Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 56g Fat 2.5g Cabrs 3g Calories 260

    Meal 4: 12:15pm

    1 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - Pro 25g Fat 2g Carb 0g cal 120
    1/2 cup brown rice - Pro 3g Fat 1.5g Carb 34g Cal 150

    Protien 28g Fat 3.5g Carbs 34g Calories 270

    Meal 5: 3:30PM
    1 Banana Pro 2g Fat 1g Carb 51g Calories 200
    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 26g Fat 2.5g Carbs 54g Cal 320

    Meal 6 (Pre Workout Meal) 6:00pm
    2/3 cup oats - Pro 12g Fat 6g Carb 54g Cal 300
    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 36g Fat 7.5g Carb 57g Calories 420

    Meal 7 (Post Workout Meal)
    Salmon - Protien 24g Fat 13g Carb 1g cal 220
    1/2 cup brown rice - Pro 3g Fat 1.5g Carb 34g Cal 150

    Protien 27g Fat 16g Carb 35g Cal 370

    Shortley after Meal 7 its off to bed.

    I wake up in the middle of the night everynight for a p*ss, so I was gonna have a shake before I go back to bed

    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Total Protien 248g Fat 46g Carbs 263 Calories 2345

  2. #2
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    First off tren should be injected ED. 50mg/eod of tren only breaks down to 200mg/wk so id definetly bring that up to 350mg/wk by simply injecting on a proper tren schedule. Youre prop seems fine but if you wanted to go to 800mg/wk on your 4th cycle i think you would be okay. 600mg/wk of deca is a good amount and if youre already running i dont see why not. However tren and prop will do the work just fine. Thats alot of gear tho homie.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    diet looks ok, but you are gonna want to drop some calories if you want to cut now, you need to figure out your caloric needs and go from there

    I would drop the deca if it were me

    and run the winny the last 6 weeks 3 days past your last prop shot to match PCT timing

  4. #4
    RendellUnit is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input boys.

    Anyone else care to add anything, I got till the 2nd week of april to cut up a little bit for my 1 week in paradise and I start my new diet and my new steroid dose monday, im trying to get all the info I can.

    Im gonna go hard at it, so I wanna make sure I have all the elements to do this right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Diet is the key. id keep prop and tren at the same dose you're running. A buddy of mine is running 300mg prop /wk and 150mg tren /wk he started at 230 14% and is now 236 10% in 5 weeks. Thats just prop/tren and diet. Be dedicated to you're food and train like a banshee bro!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You can even get away with just running prop and having your diet correct. Test is all we ever need!

  7. #7
    te4vass's Avatar
    te4vass is offline Junior Member
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    Im on week 5 of tren /prop ed shots. Started out eod at 75/125. Didn't like the reults. Recently went to 70/80 ed shots. Huge difference. The little fat I had literally just fell off. I would drop the deca start a strict cutting diet, up the tren and prop and cardio cardio, cardio.

  8. #8
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Id drop the deca since you are trying to cut IMO and most of all its not good to run two 19nors together i have heard. prop + tren is a great cutting stack, but up the tren to maybe at least 350mg/wk shot everyday

  9. #9
    RendellUnit is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, decca is gone out of the cycle, doing shots everyday going forward, prop 100mg tren 50mg . Do you guys see anything wrong my diet?

    Today is saturday and I start Monday, so any advice on my diet, I did alot of reaserch and compiled the above diet.

  10. #10
    DS21 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RendellUnit View Post

    Meal 1: 5:45AM

    4 egg whites - Pro 14g Fat 0g Carb 0g Cal 60
    1/3 cup oats - Pro 6g Fat 3g Carb 27g Cal 150
    1 Scoop 12 hour protien - Pro 21g Fat 1.5g Carb 6g Cal 125

    Protien 41g Fat 4g Carbs 33g Calories 335 looks good

    Meal 2: 7:00am
    2 peices of whole wheat bread - Pro 7g fat 2.5g carb 29g cal 170
    1 tbls of peanut butter - Pro 3g fat 6g carb 5g cal 80g

    Protien 10g Fat 8.5g carbs 34g Calories 250 Drop the PB and add lean protein

    Meal 3: 9:20AM

    1 can of chicken breast chunks - Pro 32g Fat 1g Carb 0g cal 140
    1 scoop of whey - Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 56g Fat 2.5g Cabrs 3g Calories 260 Drop the scoop of whey and add complex carb like brown rice

    Meal 4: 12:15pm

    1 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - Pro 25g Fat 2g Carb 0g cal 120
    1/2 cup brown rice - Pro 3g Fat 1.5g Carb 34g Cal 150

    Protien 28g Fat 3.5g Carbs 34g Calories 270 Good

    Meal 5: 3:30PM
    1 Banana Pro 2g Fat 1g Carb 51g Calories 200
    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 26g Fat 2.5g Carbs 54g Cal 320 Okay, but whole food is always better then a protein shake.

    Meal 6 (Pre Workout Meal) 6:00pm
    2/3 cup oats - Pro 12g Fat 6g Carb 54g Cal 300
    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Protien 36g Fat 7.5g Carb 57g Calories 420 Perfect

    Meal 7 (Post Workout Meal)
    Salmon - Protien 24g Fat 13g Carb 1g cal 220
    1/2 cup brown rice - Pro 3g Fat 1.5g Carb 34g Cal 150

    Protien 27g Fat 16g Carb 35g Cal 370 I would also add a scoop of whey/casien here.

    Shortley after Meal 7 its off to bed.

    I wake up in the middle of the night everynight for a p*ss, so I was gonna have a shake before I go back to bed

    1 scoop of whey Pro 24g fat 1.5 carb 3g cal 120

    Total Protien 248g Fat 46g Carbs 263 Calories 2345
    Hope that helps.

  11. #11
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Drop the deca . It doesn't make a lot of sense in this cycle. Prop/tren is a great stack. 100mg of each eod should do the trick. However, you might need a higher dose. Four cycles in only three years of training is a lot. I didn't do my first cycle until after four years of training consistantly.

  12. #12
    RendellUnit is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info boys, much appreciated

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