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Thread: Fall Bulker!!

  1. #1
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Fall Bulker!!

    Ok, so ive decided to come back the the dark side after a short break from AAS. Im already planning a bulker this fall but want to make sure everything is in check when time comes for my cycle. This is my 4th cycle. Heres what I was thinking.

    Option 1:
    A Tren , Test, Tbol combo looking something like this.

    Wk 1-8 Tbol 60mg/day
    Wk 1-12 Tren E 500mg/wk
    Wk 1-14 Test E 500mg/wk
    Nolva 20mg/day for 4 wks
    Clomid 100mgs/day 3 wks
    HCG if needed dont know the dose, clomid has always worked for me but I have never ran tren...

    Option 2:
    A Deca , Test, Tbol combo looks like this.

    Wk 1-8 Tbol 60mg/day
    Wk 1-12 Deca 500mg/wk
    Wk 1-14 Test E 500mg/wk
    Same as option 1.

    So those are my two options for my next bulker. Any changes I need to make? I really want this cycle to be perfect so the help is appreciated. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2005
    Forgot my states. Im 5'10" around 225lbs very low bf in the single digits. 4th cycle.

  3. #3
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    Well I haven't done a cycle with 19 nors yet, but I think most ppl would recommend tren because pretty much everyone who uses it, loves it...the gains are amazing

    what dosage of tbol are you gonna run?

  4. #4
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Well I haven't done a cycle with 19 nors yet, but I think most ppl would recommend tren because pretty much everyone who uses it, loves it...the gains are amazing

    what dosage of tbol are you gonna run?
    The tbol will be ran at 60mg/day. I have seen amazing results with tbol

  5. #5
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Everything looks pretty decent. I'd add in a AI in PCT like Aromasin

    Apples or oranges...... though I'd go with the tren .......

    Start the HCG towards the end of the cycle and run it till you start PCT. You have plenty of time to research and learn about HCG

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