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Thread: Cycle question

  1. #1
    stride316 is offline New Member
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    Cycle question

    Hey guys, this is my first cycle ever. Does this seem to be a proper cycle for first time use? If not, any suggestions are appreciated. My personal and cycle info is as follows:

    age: 28
    height: 5'10"
    weight: 175
    bodyfat%: 15-20%
    Diet: 2000 calorie. Was trying to cut more by using primo/clen but I'll probably bump it up with the sus.
    Training: 2 years lifting 5 days/week. Pretty much steady regiment. Also boxing for extra cardio 3days/week.
    GOALS for this cycle: Like to gain maybe 5-15lbs total weight but drop about 10 pounds of fat (or try to get below 10%).
    PCT for this cycle: not sure. Just have nolvadex . Would like some advice.
    Cycle layout as you have it planned out since you already started;

    On 6th week of 12 week cycle. Front loaded w/ t-bol for 2 weeks. Only have 2 weeks left of oral t-bol which is a 50mg/day regiment.
    -2 ccs/week primo
    -2 weeks on/ 2weeks off clen. 20mcg/day (don't think this is very effective)
    -Planning on starting 1 cc/week of sus.
    -don't know proper usage of nolvadex. But will say my test levels are low. I know the sus will help too.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your cycle is all wrong, should have started the test with the primo and tbol. You need more than nolva for pct too. Should have done more reasearch.

  3. #3
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    i am gonna go out on a limb and say your diet needs some serious work.

  4. #4
    stride316 is offline New Member
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    Well, it was intended just for a ripped effect and quality strength gains initially. Then my sex drive disappeared, so I wanted to use a little sus. because my girl is getting no attention.

    I'm going to get some clomid for PCT. Thanks for the insight though.

    Any more suggestions?

  5. #5
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stride316 View Post
    Hey guys, this is my first cycle ever. Does this seem to be a proper cycle for first time use? If not, any suggestions are appreciated. My personal and cycle info is as follows:

    age: 28
    height: 5'10"
    weight: 175
    bodyfat%: 15-20%
    Diet: 2000 calorie. Was trying to cut more by using primo/clen but I'll probably bump it up with the sus.
    Training: 2 years lifting 5 days/week. Pretty much steady regiment. Also boxing for extra cardio 3days/week.
    GOALS for this cycle: Like to gain maybe 5-15lbs total weight but drop about 10 pounds of fat (or try to get below 10%).
    PCT for this cycle: not sure. Just have nolvadex . Would like some advice.
    Cycle layout as you have it planned out since you already started;

    On 6th week of 12 week cycle. Front loaded w/ t-bol for 2 weeks. Only have 2 weeks left of oral t-bol which is a 50mg/day regiment.
    -2 ccs/week primo
    -2 weeks on/ 2weeks off clen. 20mcg/day (don't think this is very effective)
    -Planning on starting 1 cc/week of sus.
    -don't know proper usage of nolvadex. But will say my test levels are low. I know the sus will help too.

    Damn son. Where to begin.

    Okay... Lets see. Should have started running the tbol, primo, and test all together but too late now.

    Id run alot more than 250mg/wk of sust. Sust needs to be inj eod but can be run okay with e4d.

    Clen protocol typically ramps up dosage per day up to around about 120mcgs.

    Day/ MCG
    1/ 20

    Something similar to that. You ramp up dosage as sides become more managable. For instance...if you got your ass kicked by 60mcgs dont ramp up to 80mcgs until those sides become tolerable. You should be experiencing shakes, more energy, some disrupted sleep, maybe some headache, sweating, and the tell tale sign is slightly elevated body temperature if youre running the right dose.

    If youre in week 6 of primo and tbol and running tbol for two more weeks id advise against it. Orals shouldnt be run for so long. 5 weeks is a typical maximum guideline. If you want to see much from the sust Id run it at least at 300mg/wk but 500mg/wk would be better. Id run it at LEAST 8 weeks to see something worthwhile from it.

    This would mean extending cycle to 14 weeks which isnt all that excessive in the scheme of things.

    PCT should include nolvadex and clomid.

    PCT will begin when the last ester of the sust has cleared your body. The longest ester in sust is the decanoate ester so I believe you will need to wait about 18 days from last injection to begin PCT and PCT will run for 4 weeks.


    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    What is your current injection schedule for the primo?
    What is your primo dosed at per ml?
    Which primo is it?

    Lastly....Youre 28 bro. This really is some shit a high school kid would do. You lack alot of essential research. next time use your head please. For your own well being.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 02-26-2009 at 03:25 PM.

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    Damn son. Where to begin.

    Okay... Lets see. Should have started running the tbol, primo, and test all together but too late now.

    Id run alot more than 250mg/wk of sust. Sust needs to be inj eod but can be run okay with e4d.

    Clen protocol typically ramps up dosage per day up to around about 120mcgs.

    Day/ MCG
    1/ 20

    Something similar to that. You ramp up dosage as sides become more managable. For instance...if you got your ass kicked by 60mcgs dont ramp up to 80mcgs until those sides become tolerable. You should be experiencing shakes, more energy, some disrupted sleep, maybe some headache, sweating, and the tell tale sign is slightly elevated body temperature if youre running the right dose.

    If youre in week 6 of primo and tbol and running tbol for two more weeks id advise against it. Orals shouldnt be run for so long. 5 weeks is a typical maximum guideline. If you want to see much from the sust Id run it at least at 300mg/wk but 500mg/wk would be better. Id run it at LEAST 8 weeks to see something worthwhile from it.

    This would mean extending cycle to 14 weeks which isnt all that excessive in the scheme of things.

    PCT should include nolvadex and clomid.

    PCT will begin when the last ester of the sust has cleared your body. The longest ester in sust is the decanoate ester so I believe you will need to wait about 18 days from last injection to begin PCT and PCT will run for 4 weeks.


    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    What is your current injection schedule for the primo?
    What is your primo dosed at per ml?
    Which primo is it?

    Lastly....Youre 28 bro. This really is some shit a high school kid would do. You lack alot of essential research. next time use your head please. For your own well being.
    ^^^^^DAMN!!! enough said.... ^^^x2 from me OP, couldnt have said it better

  7. #7
    stride316 is offline New Member
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    !! Now that's some good shit. Alright, so when you say use my head you are referring to maximizing my results? Or are you talking avoiding side effects?

    Primo 2ccs/week Tues/Thurs
    Last edited by stride316; 02-27-2009 at 01:47 PM.

  8. #8
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    duhh both

  9. #9
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stride316 View Post
    !! Now that's some good shit. Alright, so when you say use my head you are referring to maximizing my results? Or are you talking avoiding side effects?

    Primo 2ccs/week Tues/Thurs
    British Dragon (before it was shut down)

    No. What ester is attached to the primo?

    Should say

    Primobolan (fill in blank here).
    Or maybe
    Methenolone Acetate or Enanthate .

    Which is it?

    Primo @ 200mg/wk isnt SHIT. That needs to be cranked to 600mg+/wk

    And what i meant was dont go injecting shit into your body that you know nothing about.

    And edit your post. We cant mention lab names in open forum.

  10. #10
    stride316 is offline New Member
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    Ok. Sorry for the ignorance.

    It's Primobolan methenolone enanthate

    That's all that's on the vial.
    Last edited by stride316; 02-27-2009 at 01:50 PM.

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