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  1. #1
    BocaJames38 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2009
    Boca Raton Fl USA

    Test Prop Question

    Alright I have read that 3 days after last injection of test Prop you would start PCT. but my question is if i needed to get bloodwork done and did it through my job ( which doesn't test for Steroids but probably would notice elevated levels.) if i schedualed the test on the 4th or 5th day before i started pct would my levels have dropped enough to where my test would not be elevated??

    It sounds weird its just i would like to check my liver and kidney stuff before my pct.. and at work its free.. than i would get the other test done after my pct ends....

    Chime in if you can

    thanks James

  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Mar 2005
    well if you are starting pct 3 days after last inject, and you are getting the test 5 days before your pct...

  3. #3
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2008
    Thats not answering the question is it!

    do ur pct m8 and wait a couple of weeks then get it done well thats what im doing!

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