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  1. #1
    hughie is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    Unable to run on Deca and Sus, any better drugs for cardio?

    I recently was doing an 8 week cycle of Deca and Sus, very low weekly dose (2ml Deca amd 1ml Sus). I had not taken anything for about 5 years, when I used to do it in the past I did much higher doses than that.

    I was really impressed with gains that I was making but there was a massive drawback, I totally lost my ability to run. My circumstances have changed from when I trained in the past, I am now in the army in an airborne unit and running distance, often carrying weight, is a big part of what I do day in day out. About 2 weeks into the course I started to notice that my shins and calfs would hurt when I run, then as time went on it spread further and further up my legs. In the end it got to the stage were I could only run about a mile before my legs ceased up and I could no longer run, to touch my quads and calfs felt completely solid as if I were tensing them.

    Obviously this must have been down to the gear as I would normally cover plenty of distance easily and also since I have finished my cycle the effects have started to slowly subside again. My Question is simple..

    What drugs can I use that will still allow me to maintain my ability to run?

    I have search throughly on the internet in different forums but never found a definative answer, what one person says another contridicts. Does anybody have any experience in this matter? I need to be massive for when I go back out to Afghan :-)

  2. #2
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    list doses in mg not mL... how many mg was each

  3. #3
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    and what are your stats.. age,height,weight, training exp. and PCT plan?

  4. #4
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    deca and sust shouldnt have any affect on your running?

    if you were cramping and getttin shin splints it could of been due to diet

    or... you gained a decent amount of muscle (or fat) due to being on the cycle...

    and your body wasnt adjusted to the new weight

    so we need to know stats and what you gained/lost from the cycle??

  5. #5
    hughie is offline New Member
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    Sorry mate.

    Bit technical for me that, the deca was in blue 2ml vials and they were 200mg per vial. The sus was in a 10ml vial and was 250mg per ml. Does this sound right?

    So that would be 200mg Deca and 250mg Sus per week

  6. #6
    hughie is offline New Member
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    Yeah I put on about 10lbs but I normally run over hills carrying a minimum of 40lbs on my back anyway. So when I run carrying nothing the fact that I have put on 10lbs is neither here nor there as I normally run with much more than that anyway.

    My stats are 5'10 170lbs (before drugs) 30 years old. I have been weight training for ten years but not used any gear for a while (I used to use it a lot and was over 200lbs) , I also run quite intensively

  7. #7
    hughie is offline New Member
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    p.s. I would just take deca on its own but then I can't get a hard on! I'm sure it's the sus that pumps my legs up when I run

  8. #8
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    too low of doses for much effect in the muscle building dept....

    i feel that at least for me, when i am gaining alot of muscle it puts a strain on my whole body and and besides making me tired more often i do lose some cardio ability. I seem to have an accelerated heart rate also when on cycle and i know this affects cardio to some degree. The small doses you are taking, and the fact tht you arent exactly running marathons with gear on your back would lead me to believe that your solution (besides adding, if not doubling you doseing) is nutritional. Add more calories, more carbs more protein.
    correct me if i am wrong here

  9. #9
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    you definitly need more gear. those are low doses. almost TRT doses really

    id bump your test and deca up

    that may actually help

  10. #10
    hughie is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the responses.

    I had actually planned to up the dose after a few weeks but when these things started happening I thought better of it as I though I would completely grind to a halt, I just stayed at the dose I mentioned earlier. What is a TRT dose? I did get decent results from this low dose though.

    Not exactly marathons but each week have to run 10 miles carrying 40lbs and my weapon, we do that in around 1 Hour 40 minutes so it is a decent pace. I also do some kind of running or circuit every week day.

    So what you guys are saying is that the answer is to eat more or take more gear?

  11. #11
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by hughie View Post
    Thanks for the responses.

    I had actually planned to up the dose after a few weeks but when these things started happening I thought better of it as I though I would completely grind to a halt, I just stayed at the dose I mentioned earlier. What is a TRT dose? I did get decent results from this low dose though.

    Not exactly marathons but each week have to run 10 miles carrying 40lbs and my weapon, we do that in around 1 Hour 40 minutes so it is a decent pace. I also do some kind of running or circuit every week day.

    So what you guys are saying is that the answer is to eat more or take more gear

    and TRT doses range from 150 to 200mg a week of test usually. depends
    so your not really that high above normal levels if your only running 250 a week of test

  12. #12
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    yes eat more no matter what. Use more gear if you want to get better results ( up to a point, lol). It sounds to me like your body is trying to add additional muscle and you are nutrient deprived during your runs.

    A similar thing happened to me is all. I have 3 hour very very intense mma training sessions that i struggled through when i first started cycling. I didnt have enough simple carbs, and i just ran on empty all the time. I literally would feel like my arms were on fire sometime even though the only work i was doing at the time was running or situps. It was a lack of fuel. I have upgraded my diet and no longer have these types of problems, which seem similar to yours.

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