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  1. #1
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    New Cycle (Athletic) Recomendation/Critiques? (Posted on PCT forum Accidentally)

    Alright first off understand im interested in strength/performance gains not weight or muscle mass necessarily. That said here's my planned cycle:

    Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) - 500mg a week divided in 2-250mg doses for 10 weeks

    Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) - 20mg/day for 4 weeks

    Stanozolol (Winstrol) - 25mg/day for 6 weeks

    Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) - 100mg/EOD for almost 6 weeks (Began at the end of the 2nd week of Equipoise )

    IGF1-L3R - 30mcg/day for 50 days

    And possibly Somatotropin(HgH) - 10 I.U.'s EOD for 2-3 months depending on finances...

    Okay now for my questions...

    1) I do not plan on taking Fluoxymesterone and Stanozolol at the same time b/c of their hepatoxic nature. I plan to take both during my 10 week cycle of Eq. So, which would be the better one to start with, or does it matter?

    2) As you may notice I reluctantly did NOT include Test because I have such a multitude of gear already. Is this a good assumption or does it make the whole cycle worthless in comparison to its true potential?

    3) My PCT will included HCG once a week during the last three weeks of my cycle and Nolvadex at 20mg/day for 4 weeks and 10mg/day for 4 more weeks. Is this sufficient or will clomid be necessary? And should i expect the need for nolvadex during my cycle? (I ask because masteron is known as a decent anti-estrogen agent)

    4) I was planning to use the IGF-1 at the beginning because of its cell multiplying properties but I have yet to make a final decision. When would it be best to implement the IGF-1?

    5) Lastly, I was wondering when should I start the Masteron? I was thinking in the middle over 2 weeks of halotestin and 4 weeks of winstrol . Whats best beginning, middle, or end?

    Im looking for opinions /or recommendations as well as props /or criticisms. I have done quite a bit of research and feel pretty confident, but I'd like to tie up any loose ends or uncertainties before I begin.

    Thank you for reading /or responding.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    What are your stats age/weight/height/bf%/cycle experience.
    Your gunna need test in there

  3. #3
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Where hell did you copy that post from

    And lets get some stats from you

    PCT knowledge
    previous cycles

    And that cycle just looks like a mess...

    Your gonna just run HGH off the bat at 10iu a day...... not a good idea AT ALL!

  4. #4
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    First off i did not copy that cycle from anywhere except my own accidental post on the PCT forum...

    Its a cycle ive planned myself after quite a bit of research


    Age: 23
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 175
    BF: 8-10%
    PCT Knowledge: Decent I've used nolvadex ,clomid, etc But i kno i'll need HCG and i have never needed it before.
    Previous Cycle:
    1)Straight Test with PCT
    3)Experience with Dbol as well as Winstrol

    My Diet: Is not as expertly planned as many. I try to consume 3000-5000 calories/day with at least 1gram of protein per Pound on workout days. I consume a decent amount of carbs and many fruit/vegetables. My only vice is a coke every now and then

    I rotate different work outs every week. I'm a a big fan of muscle confusion. I max 300 on bench and 400 on squat. I have a faint 8 pack that I'd love to develope.

    I know its a rather intense stack but too say its a mess seems strong bro. I mean if you consider what each gear does in theory it should be great. Remember i want athletic/performance/strength gains NOT size or mass! As for the HgH (I said 10 I.U.'s EVERY OTHER DAY) that was only a consideration I need to do more research, but im most interested in the heighth gains...

    Last edited by trickynicky511; 03-06-2009 at 01:18 AM.

  5. #5
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    My reasoning behind the HGH was based on a dosage cycle info I found at steroid .com - (2) .028 I.U.'s/kg of weight (For me that is 9.8~10) EVERY OTHER DAY for at least 2-3 months...

  6. #6
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well regardless if you said EVERY OTHER DAY you don't jump into 10ius like that.... you clearly have not researched enough in this area to understand how to run it or what it does.... you aren't gonna get height gains sorry
    Start reading of GH here:
    And it is mess...

    First there is no test in there

    Second most advocate no shorter than 12 weeks of EQ in order to get the most... you wanna do 10 thats fine.... not that big of a deal just letting you know

    Third winstrol at 25mg a day... realize the least effective dose is 50mg for men

    Fourth why are we going to masteron in the first place... just need to add in more drugs.... what is your reasoning behind adding this drug in....its best application is used when the bodyfat is lower at 7-8% in order to harden up in the final phases of preparation for a bodybuilding competition...

    Fifth like I said with the hgh you should not start off at 10ius whether you follow 5 on 2 off or eod.

    Sixth IGF-1 LR3 why are you using that....

    I don't understand the reasoning behind so many drugs I have a friend with the same exact stats and has never touched AAS.... you could grow so much better if you just stuck to a basic cycle and improved your diet....

    Research some more and get something that you won't be throwing money out everywhere...

  7. #7
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Instead of running a million different compounds you could just run straight test and get better results. Do you want the performance while on the juice or what? Don't understand your goals exactly.

  8. #8
    Reed's Avatar
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    I think test and halo would be just fine for the OP....

  9. #9
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    First off thank you for your help. That said...

    1) I read from multiple sources including steroid .com that 8-12 weeks of Eq was recomended the middle seemed good since the dose i have works out that way...

    2) I did lots of research on winni. I read 50-100mg was necessary with intravaneous but only 25mg/day was necessary for the tablet form which I was planning on...but i can get either. (Plus i figured a lower dose would be okay since its stacked)

    3) I really like what i've read about masteron it builds lean, dense muscle while fighting estrogen i thought it would help with PCT as well as the stack I have here...

    4) The Hgh is of little concern to me at the moment its very expensive and Im interested but i do need to do more research. It will help with heighth though if used properly - Its used in for treatment in Idiopathic Short Stature.

    5) IGF1-LR3 has been great in my experience it fights bad genetics by increasing your muscle cell count rather than simply making your muscle cells larger like every other product excluding hgh which ironically increases your IGF1. Hgh's muscle gains are based in IGF1 production increase and IGF1 is much easier (and cheaper) for me to obtain.

    5) As for no Test I'm undecided thats why i posted this forum to get some feedback on prior experience from anyone with a similar stack or even individual use of each seperately.

    Innovation leads to new possibilities. No matter what, my next stack is several months off I need to talk to my physician/ make final decisions, as well as obtain each product...
    Genetics have never been on my side i've worked for everything I have today. As a senior in high school i weighed 130 at 5'6" at ~11% bodyfat benching 200 and squatting 315.

    I'm looking for a big boost in strength and lean muscle i can maintain afterwards. I strongly dislike the bloating and water retention I've dealt with in the past, these products cause very little water retention lead to almost no estrogenic side effects (excluding Winstrol and Halotestin which I plan to take adjacently) Hair loss should be managable as well as acne.... I'd like to see what more ppl think in the next few weeks (no offense)
    Last edited by trickynicky511; 03-06-2009 at 02:01 AM.

  10. #10
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well I'm confused on your goals... don't want size or mass gains but just primarily strength.... IGF-1 LR3, eq and 10iu of HGH all seem to state the opposite...

    Winstrol won't be effective for strength gains until bumped to a higher dose IMO over 100mg ed..... that was my experience with it

    Then the masteron ..... I don't have any experience with it yet till my competition cycle this coming season but I feel, as do some others, that its a complete waste of a drug for gaining muscle..... it won't be much or any and I don't give a shit what you read in Anthony Robert's (Lets Forget AR) thread about it being his favorite drug or he thinks a Olympic swimming team used it.... they are decent write ups but they could be much better

    And since you want others respond thats fine.... bet if I hadn't started you out you would not have got as much info as some would have just flamed you, provided no links, and just told it sucks and do more research

    Seems you just wanna run this cycle anyway...

    I'm out

  11. #11
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    Its cool man I meant no hard feelings I just wanna hear lots of opinions thats all...

    I wouldnt necessarily mind size gains it is just not my primary goal.

    From my understanding and the experience of my friends, Eq can put on some very dense maintainable lean muscle...just what im looking for.

    The IGF-1 has great potential in performance as well as mass, why do you think so many pro athletes are experimenting with Hgh... B/C it boost igf-1 and in turn increases muscle cell count rather than just size as i stated earlier. (And it isnt tested for in any standard test)

    I like your advice on winstrol and i will most likely make adjustments. Thank you

    As for masteron you should do some more research it has much greater potential than you give it credit. For bodybuilders its a simple pre-contest agent but for people like myself i feel it can do so much more...Anthony Robert's was definetly not my main source as much as friends and many other sites including anabolicweb which is a good start for complete novices to start doing their h/w

    I'm still undecided on Test, but i may up my dose of Win after more research I wouldnt mind one oral though to avoid to many pin spots...

    Again I want maintainable performance and strength gains well after my cycle has come and gone....

  12. #12
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    reed ur being mean......

    wait a test????

  13. #13
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post

    Then the masteron ..... I don't have any experience with it yet till my competition cycle this coming season but I feel, as do some others, that its a complete waste of a drug for gaining muscle.....
    true story for the most part....helpful in drying out and hardening up when under 8% bf

  14. #14
    HOLLYWOOD.JACK is offline Associate Member
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    Wrong post.

  15. #15
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    complete cluster fvck
    start over
    no need to inject eq 2x a week, 1 is plenty unless you're doing it for injection volume
    I think a few of my hairs fell out just looking at your cycle

  16. #16
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    Okay, first off this is at this point a hypothetical cycle, a plan to try something new, my attempt at a planning great cycle for athletes such as sprinters, boxers, mma fighters, wrestlers, and football players. The weight gain should be minimal if existent while the strength, especially explosive strength gains should be amazing with minimal side effects as far as water retention/ gyno at least in theory...

    I didnt just throw this thing together it took hours upon weeks of research on each gear. I feel there is a possibility each one could compliment the other for amazing strength gains of lean muscle that would cause minimal aromitization thus allowing for maximum maintanence long after the cycle has ended...

    MPB is the least of my worries at this point, but luckily my grandfather (mother's father) is 86 with a full head of hair!

    Now, the main focus of Masteron is its positive influence against estrogen any gains induced by it would be a welcome bonus...

    Most of my experience and studies done on Eq recomend dividing the weekly dose in half to spread out its release (2 shots a week of 250mg each to get a totale of 500mg/week right between the recomended 400-600mg/week)

    I stated earlier the lack of Test is far from set in stone...I just dont know if it would be safe with this stack...

    On the other hand I agree this stack maybe alot of nothing without it...

    Again as far as I know no one has tried this exact stack thus it is still unknown what may happen, be it awesome, worthless, or terrible...

    Thank you everyone for your replies, criticism, recomendations, etc.

    All are very appreciated
    Last edited by trickynicky511; 03-06-2009 at 01:56 PM.

  17. #17
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by trickynicky511 View Post
    Okay, first off this is at this point a hypothetical cycle, a plan to try something new, my attempt at a planning great cycle for athletes such as sprinters, boxers, mma fighters, wrestlers, and football players. The weight gain should be minimal if existent while the strength, especially explosive strength gains should be amazing with minimal side effects as far as water retention/ gyno at least in theory...
    It's a hot mess no matter what you were trying to plan a great cycle for

    sprinters---->football players have very different needs gear wise

    I'm sure you did some reading, then found some good qualities in each compound. Then you were like, "what they heck, why not throw em' all together."

    Trust me, on the cycle you proposed, you'd be so tired you couldn't even sleep. So angry the only way you could get around would be walking without suffering road rage or strangeling one of your fellow bus/subway riders. In addition you'd be depressed and unable to hump. Side effects vs benefits would be poor with that mix.

    Be specific with what you want out of a cycle and if for a sport what sport and people here can help you better. A few weeks of reading is nothing compared to the wealth of knowledge the people on this site have.

  18. #18
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trickynicky511 View Post
    2) I did lots of research on winni. I read 50-100mg was necessary with intravaneous but only 25mg/day was necessary for the tablet form which I was planning on...but i can get either. (Plus i figured a lower dose would be okay since its stacked))
    I hope your not planning on shooting this into your veins?

  19. #19
    trickynicky511 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StritationOrBust View Post
    I hope your not planning on shooting this into your veins?

    I have not decided between injection winni or oral but i would use each respectably the way it was meant to be used...

    I know i dont kno everything thats the point I posted this cycle thank you for the advice...

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