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  1. #1
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    letro has killed by libido!

    After 7weeks of my test deca cycle i started to develope gyno on one side. i tried to shift it with nolvadex but it didnt do the trick so i jumped onto letro for 3weeks at 2.5mg per day. This did the trick and now the gyno is gone, which im well happy about. What im not so happy about the that my libido is shot to bits. I went from being horny as hell and bashing the bishop twice a day on the test and deca to having no libido at all. Iv been off the letro now for nearly 2weeks, and im still running test at 500mg per week and my libido is still very low!!! I hoped that the the letro would clear my system and the test would take over and do its job.

    Im now unsure what to do. The test was only meant to be run for 12weeks, but im wondering whether to run it til 14weeks in order to get my mojo back so i can nail some women again!!!

    Has anyone else had this issue after letro? and how long did it take for you to return to normal? by the way, my gains stopped when i started taking the letro, but iv started some superdrol with the test now and the gains are moving up again.Maybe this is a sign of the letro starting to clear. help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    it happens. Letro is very strong, and can cause some emotional side-affects / complete loss of sex drive.

    It'll eventually come back, don't worry too much about it.

  3. #3
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    yea.. it'll come back for sure.. i has this same issue like 2 months ago.. even at .25mg my sex drive suffers... be carefull of estrogen rebound when you get off.. that might cause ed due to high estrogen levels.. u should have done a lil bita nolva

  4. #4
    Pittbull78's Avatar
    Pittbull78 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah bro Letro is very very effective stuff. I used it at only .62 mgs every other day and it totally slowed down my gains while cycling abombs! After 10 days of taking the Letro I stopped it b/c I had barely gained any weight even though I was taking 100mgs of Anadrol a day! I was like wtf is going on? To make matters worse it all but killed my sex drive - and I like you was punching the clown daily.

    The bottom line is my I started to gain on the Abombs after 7-10 days after stopping the Letro and still managed to put on an respectable 12 -15 lbs with what was left of my Abomb cycle (a 5 week total). My sex drive didn't really come back till that 5th week, or about 3 weeks after I discontinued the letro.

    I back on letro now because I'm dieting down and I have a tiny bit of gyno which should be resolved - I'm only going to take it once every 3 days due to its potency. Remember letro builds up in the blood stream and has an amazing half-life of anywhere between 7 and 14 days!

  5. #5
    Lean1038's Avatar
    Lean1038 is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin FTW bro. Letro is far too potent for on cycle estrogen control unless you're running a low dose during a progestin aided cycle (Tren , Deca , etc)

    Again, you don't want to eliminate estrogen completely, just control it.

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    it happens. Letro is very strong, and can cause some emotional side-affects / complete loss of sex drive.

    It'll eventually come back, don't worry too much about it.
    IMO I think 2.5mg daily is way to much.

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