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  1. #1
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005

    accutane on test,tren,dbol cycle

    i was thinking of doing accutane 20 or 40mg per day... together with test e tren and dbol cycle...

    i know accutane is toxic... i might have to skip the dbol... but how about mixing it with arimidex ... is it okay?

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Tren is also very rough on the liver. I would wait until you are done your cycle to run the accutane.

  3. #3
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    i have to run accutane on cycle...

    on my previous cycle..i break out like no tommorow... i was prescribed 80mg of accutane for 10months after the cycle to cure it...

    i worry if i start another cycle i will break out again... thats why i am considering of doing low dose of accutane through out the cycle...

  4. #4
    honda450's Avatar
    honda450 is offline Associate Member
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    xxterxx, how bad is/was your acne before you started?
    i get it on my back but nothing too serious.. starting cycle soon..

  5. #5
    sloth9's Avatar
    sloth9 is offline Associate Member
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    Be very careful with Accutane, I took it on prescription in highschool to get rid of bad, bad, hamburger meat acne, and well it worked great, but it dried out my body, I just spent a couple of grand on a water treatment system for my water and it helped but I still have to put lotion on or my skin will crack and peel, no one else in my family has this. I can barely keep contacts in for 8 -9 hours, sometimes I cant even wear the contacts. I got in a lot of trouble too, my mom blames it on the accutane cause I normally wasnt that crazy, but I feel it was just me and my age, but there was a study of people who did off the wall stuff while on accutane that they would never normally do, I dont know what to think of that cause I had always done off the wall stuff, normally I just didnt get caught. I also have nosebleeds in dry climates like daily, and therefore I have to live in certain places with higher humidity levels, I cant live in the desert. I had to get tested for diabetes while on it monthly, I was on it for 6 months it was really bad acne. But now I have to get checked for diabetes more often than normal, I am 26 now and when I first took it I think I was 14 or 15 so just be really careful, it definately changes you for ever if used for a longer time period, but it does work really well. I have no acne scarring or pitting on my face because of the use of accutane, I am a firm believer in it but it has side effects that can suck, so be careful. Like I said it was a prescription and a long period of time to kill my acne not slow it down or bring it to a sustainable level. I hope this helps and I dont want to scare anyone I just wanted you to know my experience.

  6. #6
    iPump's Avatar
    iPump is offline Junior Member
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    Did your doctor make you do the ipledge thing? Accutane is a miracle drug for acne. If you're worried about liver toxicity you could start taking milk thistle. If you're on a prescription your doctor should be monitoring your blood levels once a month anyway.

  7. #7
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    my doc gave me accutane for 8 months... im done with it already... no acne now... but im very prone to acne since teenage days... even tribulus and ZMA give me acne... lol

    since tren will be about a test and deca cycle... im sure its less toxic...

    anyone run accutane during cycle before?

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