Ok, I guess it is time that I approached this the way I should have from the beginning and ask for advice on my 2nd cycle on this forum. First I will give my current Stats. I am Male, 40, 5'9 190lbs with 149lbs lbm. (22% body fat) Right now I eat 2600- 3000 calories a day and burn 3500 and 4000 per day (both numbers depend on my activity level that day) . My caloric breakdown is as follows: 50% Carb, 30% Protein, and 20% fat... My diet is completely dialed in (as far as what I consume) as I weigh everything. I work out lifting for about hour and 15min everyday from Monday to Friday with an additional 1.5 hrs of cardio each day (I bike to the gym).

I recently completed a cycle of Sustanon 250 (1mil) and EQ (1mil) every third day as well as Winny(oral) 50 aach day. I stayed on this cycle for only 4 weeks with no side effects and increased my lean muscle mass from 132 to 151 in that short time and lost only fat. ( I weighed the same as I do now when I started the cycle. For me these where very impressive results ) I worked out for 4 months previous to the cycle and only achieved about 5 lbs lean muscle mass that I was able to maintain through my cardio phase.

I ordered a second cycle from a friend which completely got tore apart on here and I am very grateful for all the feedback I got on here and feel as though you guys have helped my avert a real disaster. So, Thanks. I am going to list the compounds that I have available right now, however, I know all of these are not recommended for me. I am just looking to see what I can salvage and what I need to add and drop. I already know the Tren is a no no, but i am just curious as to why. I would also like to know the amounts and schedule for the things I should be taking.

WEEKS 1- 6: Winstrol 50mg Every Other Day
WEEKS 1- 6: Trenabol
WEEKS 1- 6: Cytomel (T3)
WEEKS 1- 8: Testosterone Propionate 50mg Every Other Day

WEEKS 1- 8: Pregnyl ( hcg ) 300-500iu Every 4-5 days
WEEKS 1-10: Clenbuterol 80-100mcg 14 days ON, 14 days OFF
WEEKS 1-10: Anastozol 0.25mg Every day

WEEK 8: 20mg nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 9: 20mg nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 10: 20mg nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day

If it is not too much to ask I would also like some explanation as to why some of this is bad ( not just get ripped apart for being an idiot) and any substitutions that you guys can suggest.

My Goal is to get down to 10% body fat with an end weight at about 180.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this and gives me constructive advice and criticism