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  1. #1
    guitario's Avatar
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    Oral only cycle - My thoughts and questions

    Hi this is my first post. I am 28, 5ft 11, 12st 2 lbs and have been training since i was 18! I am a natural hardgainer/ectomorph and have probably gained about 25lbs in this time naturally.

    In 2004 i did my first cycle. It was 30mg Dianabol and 10mg Winstrol . This was meant to be a 6 week cycle yet i only completed 5 weeks due to being ill for the last week and not being able to hit the gym.

    I know there is a lot of advice saying oral only stacks/cycles are bad news yet to begin with, i can say it seemed to work for me. I went up from (at the time) a starting weight of 12st 4 lbs to a high point of 13st 2 lbs in that 5 week period. My arms went from 16 inches to 16.5 and my waist dropped half an inch. After the cycle i went on 2 weeks of Nolvadex and natural test boosters and stayed around 12st 12. I have lost weight in the last 5 years due to not training as seriously until recently.

    I had no side effects that i noticed. I certainly had no sexual problems.. and all seemed fine.

    Now, and i apologise if these questions seem obvious or strange, but what was so bad about doing this? I ask because im thinking about doing the same thing again soon.

    Also, i have read Dbol only shuts down some of your natural test and the Winstrol amount i used was small so is this a reason i had no noticable drop in test levels/libido?

    I know people preach about taking test or maybe a mix of oral and injectables, so please dont mention this, I am merely asking about this situation specifically and am very interested in your opinions.

    Thanks for your help! :-)

  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to AR!

    Well my 1st question is did you run any form of pct after the dbol and winny?

    also, just because you didnt NOTICE any side effects of harm done to your body, doesnt mean it wasnt there. only way to know for sure is if you got bloodwork done

  3. #3
    guitario's Avatar
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    Hi, i just used nolva and natural test supplements for 2 weeks. At this time i didnt know much about pct but it was better than nothing.

    Yeh i agree with the blood levels thing, i dont know for sure what, or if any damage was caused yet am i right in saying you shouldnt take orals for longer than 6 weeks?

  4. #4
    subaruwrx04's Avatar
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    Oral only cycle isnt a good idea.. Waste of money..

  5. #5
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subaruwrx04 View Post
    Oral only cycle isnt a good idea.. Waste of money..
    Thanks for your reply but you obviously didnt read my post well enough. It WORKED... in the sense i gained muscle through it which was the point. My questions relate to WHY oral only is thought to be bad.

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    well oral only can be hard hard on your liver if you run them too long, dont use any liver suppor, or dependant on the compound you use

    IMO not only should you be concerned with how much you gained, but you should more so be concerned with your health brotha.

    some guys do run oral only cycle, i personally wouldnt.

    IMO if you are going to continue this, drop the dbol and maybe the winny
    look into Tbol and anavar (not suggesting together or not, you choice)
    get some milk thistle to run along side
    and most importantly get a real pct, clomid and nolva

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    Thanks for your reply but you obviously didnt read my post well enough. It WORKED... in the sense i gained muscle through it which was the point. My questions relate to WHY oral only is thought to be bad.
    WHY?? you ask...OK here you go.

    Yes there is NO doubt that you can make gains. Dbol will blow you up fast, so you can't go by how much you gained in weight as MOST of the weight is WATER RETENTION !!! and yes you will get strength gains , so if that is your guide to whether or not a substance works, then sorry, you are way off !!!

    The problem with oral only cycles is that 99.9 % of all steroids will shut down your HPTA !!! period !!!

    that means your natural production of testosterone ( THE largest hormone that makes men men) and responsible for things like erections, libido, energy, metabolism...... will be SHUT OFF !!!

    so WHY would you want to turn that off without adding supplemental Testosterone to at least make up for what you are losing????

    That is why it is NOT smart.

    also, you say you made gains, well come back in 3-6 months and tell me if you still have those gains, as chances are you won't.

    and although you think you may not have done damage to your endocrine system, unless you are a doctor or had blood work done, you really don't know what damage you have done

    you could have prematurely fused your growth plates,
    you could have prematurely decreased your production of Test for the rest of your life.....and so on and so on

    hope this helps
    Last edited by T-MOS; 03-21-2009 at 02:43 PM.

  8. #8
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    I dont really buy into the no orals only cycles idea of thinking. However because youre so young im not going to give you my thoughts and opinions on it because I dont want to be the one that enabled you.

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    WHY?? you ask...OK here you go.

    Yes there is NO doubt that you can make gains. Dbol will blow you up fast, so you can't go by how much you gained in weight as MOST of the weight is WATER RETENTION !!! and yes you will get strength gains , so if that is your guide to whether or not a substance works, then sorry, you are way off !!!

    The problem with oral only cycles is that 99.9 % of all steroids will shut down your HPTA !!! period !!!

    that means your natural production of testosterone ( THE largest hormone that makes men men) and responsible for things like erections, libido, energy, metabolism...... will be SHUT OFF !!!

    so WHY would you want to turn that off without adding supplemental Testosterone to at least make up for what you are losing????

    That is why it is NOT smart.

    also, you say you made gains, well come back in 3-6 months and tell me if you still have those gains, as chances are you won't.

    and although you think you may not have done damage to your endocrine system, unless you are a doctor or had blood work done, you really don't know what damage you have done

    you could have prematurely fused your growth plates,
    you could have prematurely decreased your production of Test for the rest of your life.....and so on and so on

    hope this helps
    while i def agree with most of what you said...the need test in cycle with dball - not necessarily true. dball is a test based roid - 10mgs /day is equivalent to androgen replacement in males. Now that being said i personally dont like the easy come- easy go effect of most orals. Inj are less toxic ...and can be run for longer duration. I personally only use orals very rarely and its for their synergy purposes and ancillary benefits - ie test / tren /winny cycle. I never use dball or drol at all any more. - JMO...

  10. #10
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    WHY?? you ask...OK here you go.

    Yes there is NO doubt that you can make gains. Dbol will blow you up fast, so you can't go by how much you gained in weight as MOST of the weight is WATER RETENTION !!! and yes you will get strength gains , so if that is your guide to whether or not a substance works, then sorry, you are way off !!!

    The problem with oral only cycles is that 99.9 % of all steroids will shut down your HPTA !!! period !!!

    that means your natural production of testosterone ( THE largest hormone that makes men men) and responsible for things like erections, libido, energy, metabolism...... will be SHUT OFF !!!

    so WHY would you want to turn that off without adding supplemental Testosterone to at least make up for what you are losing????

    That is why it is NOT smart.

    also, you say you made gains, well come back in 3-6 months and tell me if you still have those gains, as chances are you won't.

    and although you think you may not have done damage to your endocrine system, unless you are a doctor or had blood work done, you really don't know what damage you have done

    you could have prematurely fused your growth plates,
    you could have prematurely decreased your production of Test for the rest of your life.....and so on and so on

    hope this helps
    Hmm okay, all very good points etc but i know these facts already as do most people. A couple of things to point out. Yes after 3-6 months i still had the gains i made. Oral steroids shut down your test production.. but so do injectables so that was a point you didnt need to make. Okay you have something about not having any testosterone to put back into my system, but that wouldnt make any difference to my body shutting its natural production down. We have all heard of 'deca dick' when users miss out the test injections but strangely not 'dbol dick' hmmm...

    I have already pointed out that i still had my libido so obviously the artificial test benefits i was receiving via the Dbol was sufficient to keep me going.

    I still havent received the answers to why orals alone are a bad idea. Yes i get that they are bad for the liver and you cant take them for a long period of time.

    Lets say i used Dbol and injected Deca and/or Test. This little stack has been recommended many times as Deca takes a while to kick start and the Dbol can be used for the first 6 weeks to get you going until the Deca really starts working.. but wait taking Dbol for 6 weeks with an injectable is the same as taking it for 6 weeks by itself.. in terms of 'shutting down your test production, hitting your liver etc' so that argument is void.

    Maybe it is just a personal preference. This i can accept and understand. Injectables are safer in the long run, provide arguably better results and miss the liver altogether. If it is just for this reason then im happy.. but if it isnt then please please could somebody explain fully why orals only should be missed. Preferably without the points mentioned already, as they are redundant to the question asked.

    Im sorry if this is long winded but to me it seems a simple answer but nobody has fully understood my question thus far and its a little frustrating. Maybe its just the way i wrote it.

    Just another thing to add. What if i could only get my hands on Dbol and Winny. Thats it. Nothing else. Does this mean i shouldnt use it again?

    I appreciate the answers given so far, and thanks for taking the time to reply, dont think think im being rude, i just like to really question opinions and facts to get a better understanding.

  11. #11
    guitario's Avatar
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    Oh just saw something that i feel i should add..

    I wouldnt have fused my growth plates because i was 23 and had stopped growing by the time i started that cycle. I was 5ft 11 at 17 and now at 28 i am still 5ft 11..

    You know another thing.. my test levels are doing great these days. As each year passes i can grow a thicker beard.. a much better one now than before i did that cycle..

    Sorry had to post that.

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    Oh just saw something that i feel i should add..

    I wouldnt have fused my growth plates because i was 23 and had stopped growing by the time i started that cycle. I was 5ft 11 at 17 and now at 28 i am still 5ft 11..

    You know another thing.. my test levels are doing great these days. As each year passes i can grow a thicker beard.. a much better one now than before i did that cycle..

    Sorry had to post that.

    you asked for a GENERAL answer to a GENERAL question

    so you got reasons that orals are not good for the average person

    not to a person with your SPECIFICS

    so if your growth plates are already fused, then that is fine for you,

    but for the general public, the above listed reasons still apply as all those things are risks involved in oral only cycles

    if they don't apply to you , then you are one of the lucky ones

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