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  1. #1
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    body adapts to high test ??

    hey guys ,

    i was thinking something through , when we introduce very high test levels in the body , it aromatise because the body is not used to it , to balance it.

    i have read somwhere once, i wish i could find the thread , a guy went on hrt , and the doctor told him that his estrogen will actually get lower as time goes on , as the body will actually adapt to very high test levels .

    the be clear , can the body actually ADAPT to high test levels if we stay on for a long time even with reasonably above normal dosages(200-250mg per week) , and we eventually will NOT need an AI as time goes on ???

    anybody experienced that or know someone who did ???

  2. #2
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    bump i need an answer plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. #3
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    bump for answers, seems like an interesting topic.

  4. #4
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    yup interesting really , wouldn't the body just after a while recognize the test level as "normal " and the aromatization will eventually g down ??

    anyone did a very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong cruise OR did TRT fr a loooooooooooooooooooooog while over 1 year + and actually found that he needed less AI and eventually none at all .

    i know you guys need AI in the begining eventually , but does it go away as time goes on and the body adjust?

  5. #5
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Boy I don't know if any members would have tried this.

    Really the only way to risk trying this would be to have blood test done through the cycle to see if estrogen levels drop.

  6. #6
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    anyone on a """high dose""" HRT felt that or experienced that after a while , hrt's on 200mgs of test per week ?????anyone ??

  7. #7
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    i havent tried it personally. but as far human biology goes. that really makes no sense at all. your body is like a sh!t load of accountants, trying to balance the books. it will always try to maintain homeostasis. so if you off set the balance of testosterone and estrogen. than your body is going to try and balnce it. if shutting down your nuts doesnt do it. then it will start converting the test to estrogen, until it sees a balance. for the body to "get used to it". means it would be ignoring its basic function.

    but i suppose anything is possible. the body is known for not following the rules of science sometimes.

  8. #8
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    hummm.. ok one more simple question .

    does estrogen goes up in relation to dosage and STAYS like that , or does it just keep on climbing ????

    if i am doing 250 mg per week test e say for example , will the estrogen just keep on climbing or will it stabilize to a level relative to the amount of test being delivered ?

    damn i am so radical lol.

  9. #9
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Someguy123 View Post
    i havent tried it personally. but as far human biology goes. that really makes no sense at all. your body is like a sh!t load of accountants, trying to balance the books. it will always try to maintain homeostasis. so if you off set the balance of testosterone and estrogen. than your body is going to try and balnce it. if shutting down your nuts doesnt do it. then it will start converting the test to estrogen, until it sees a balance. for the body to "get used to it". means it would be ignoring its basic function.

    but i suppose anything is possible. the body is known for not following the rules of science sometimes.
    nice analogy!

  10. #10
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest;4****75
    hummm.. ok one more simple question .

    does estrogen goes up in relation to dosage and STAYS like that , or does it just keep on climbing ????

    if i am doing 250 mg per week test e say for example , will the estrogen just keep on climbing or will it stabilize to a level relative to the amount of test being delivered ?

    damn i am so radical lol.
    bump for an answer for this question please guys , ok i'll explain it even more :

    one guy was using a gram of test , than reduces it to 250 mg per week , will the estrogen level actually follow up with this dosage and go down , and how long does it take to do that ? quickly ? or does it take a long time(without AI)

  11. #11
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    bump for an answer for this question please guys , ok i'll explain it even more :

    one guy was using a gram of test , than reduces it to 250 mg per week , will the estrogen level actually follow up with this dosage and go down , and how long does it take to do that ? quickly ? or does it take a long time(without AI)

    dude, there is no concrete answer here. everybody reacts different. some people aromatise on 200mg/wk. some people dont get sides even at 1 gram/wk.

    but in general. the amount of aromatization, would follow the amount of test you take.

  12. #12
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    bump for an answer for this question please guys , ok i'll explain it even more :

    one guy was using a gram of test , than reduces it to 250 mg per week , will the estrogen level actually follow up with this dosage and go down , and how long does it take to do that ? quickly ? or does it take a long time(without AI)
    The body's main goal is to maintain homeostasis 100% of the time. Your body regulates a test:estrogen ratio, the two are proportional to each other. So if you are pumping in exogenous test then the body most compensate, so to say estrogen is not effected would be wrong. The estrogen is effected as much as the test. Kinda vague but I hope you get the idea.

  13. #13
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    sorry to bump this thread again and being too specific , but i am looking to get a lot of info.

    i understood that the estrogen would actually follow dosage even if we dont use a AI ,

    but how much time does it actually take from the week that the dosage is lowered so

    that the estrogen is also lowered .

    2- 3 weeks i suspect ?? more ??? anybody tried it """""(WITHOUT AI)"""""
    Last edited by SilverTest; 03-29-2009 at 10:26 AM.

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  16. #16
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    hey guys ,

    i was thinking something through , when we introduce very high test levels in the body , it aromatise because the body is not used to it , to balance it.

    i have read somwhere once, i wish i could find the thread , a guy went on hrt , and the doctor told him that his estrogen will actually get lower as time goes on , as the body will actually adapt to very high test levels .

    the be clear , can the body actually ADAPT to high test levels if we stay on for a long time even with reasonably above normal dosages(200-250mg per week) , and we eventually will NOT need an AI as time goes on ???

    anybody experienced that or know someone who did ???
    Eventually not needing an AI isn't going to happen. Why?

    Hormones do not work alone and the whole story of estrogen can not be told without understanding what is happening to other vital hormones that influence and control estrogen levels.
    Remember that you are talking about exogenous test too which has suppressed the HPTA, what is the sole role of this gland, yep, to control homeostasis. As it can no longer do this and we are taking exogenous test then we will always need to take exogenous AI's to try and create a balance ourselves.

  17. #17
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Eventually not needing an AI isn't going to happen. Why?

    Hormones do not work alone and the whole story of estrogen can not be told without understanding what is happening to other vital hormones that influence and control estrogen levels.
    Remember that you are talking about exogenous test too which has suppressed the HPTA, what is the sole role of this gland, yep, to control homeostasis. As it can no longer do this and we are taking exogenous test then we will always need to take exogenous AI's to try and create a balance ourselves.
    Great answer!

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