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  1. #1
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Help with Test/Deca Cycle

    This is my cycle:

    Weeks 1-8: 500mg Test Enanthate /200mg Deca
    Weeks 3,4,6: Proviron
    Weeks 5,7,8,9,10,11: Nolvadex

    I'm wanting to go Test Enanthate at 500mgs until week 12 and possibly introduce Winstrol Tabs at 30mgs per day from weeks 9-12. If I were to do so how should I continue the Nolvadex and when should I begin Clomid? Would that be a smart thing to do? I need some help because I have to get them soon. Feel free to rewrite my cycle or recommend something. I am currently on Week 9 and am injecting 250 mg of Test enanthate today.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    stats and cycle history?
    deca needs to be run at least 10 weeks, 200mg/week will give joint relief but little else. test e needs to run at least a week past when you stop the deca, I see no point in the proviron and nolva the way it's listed, (not to mention there aren't even dosages listed for each) (oops I mentioned it), pct would start 2 weeks after last shot of test e.

  3. #3
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Run the Test E 12 weeks min.

    Dont start the nolva until 2 weeks after the last test e shot with the clomid unless youre showing signs of gyno

    Winny weeks 9-12 is fine

    Actually I just read youre on week 9..and youre asking now? lol

    Drop the deca , as BIG mentioned no point in running that low unless youre looking for joint pain relief

  4. #4
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Okay, dropped deca am going test e for 12 weeks and starting winny this upcoming Thursday along with my next 250mg Test E shot. I went the lowest dose possible for deca just trying to safe because I wanted to do them the safest way possible and I figured low dose since it was my first time would be alright and yes I do have problems with my wrists and rotator cuffs. I'm going to stick with nolva at 10mg day the whole time just to stay safe.. I will start Clomid 2 weeks after last Test E shot. So I will be going 500mg of Test weeks 9-12 along with 30mgs of Winny tabs 9-12 and also nolva 10mgs 9-15 (Would that be okay?) and I will start Clomid Therapy on Week 14 along with ZMA, and Trib. I was just following a cycle that was recommended to me by a bodybuilder with years of experience. I was leaning torwards the safest way possible and that was the reason for Nolva throughout cycle. Just trying to be safe. Please don't crucify me.. everyone was inexperienced at some point. I have done plenty of research but all of it was through articles and not people with actual experience, so I apologize for lack of research. Thanks and I appreciate all the help. If possible could someone post me a cycle based on the information I provided and starting from week 9.. Would 750mg of Test E per week be wise or should I just stick to 500mg?

  5. #5
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Also, I have instant access to what I need so feel free to add anything or subtract anything. I need to know pretty soon though because Monday was the start of week 9 and I shot 250mg of Test E only and will do the same Thursday while starting the winny tabs.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    500/week test is plenty. I don't like a clomid only pct. you are correct to start pct 2 weeks after last test shot, however if it's a 12 week cycle then pct would start week 15 not 14.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Winny is a little low dosed. you can also run the winny right up to the day before PCT. I would go with winny at 50mgs/ED

    PCT would actuallly start the beginning of week 15, not 14

  8. #8
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Okay I appreciate the advice guys.. I was also wondering what yall thought about PCT:

    Nolva 20mg/day, HCG 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day (Still trying to find some if anyone want's to help out), Vitamin E 1000 IU/day

    Also, I read an article that said PCT should begin the day of last shot: http://www.*********.com/steroids/Po...y%20(PCT).html

    The site explains the reasoning behind it which makes alot of sense but all my previous cycles of long acting esters I have been fine just using Nolvadex 10mg/day, and Clomid Therapy. What do you recommend? I would be much happier going the cheaper route but I am willing to pay the extra to be 100% safe. However, I know the reason for starting PCT 3 weeks after juice is because the half-life but why not start PCT immediately day after last shot and go ahead and stimulate natural test?

    Last thing, Would the Winstrol Tabs be a better choice then Trenbolone or Equipose or should I consider replacing Winstrol with one or the either? Like I said, I'd like to go the cheap route : ) lol.

  9. #9
    RipitFuel's Avatar
    RipitFuel is offline Associate Member
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    in my eyes.. going cheap gets u cheap.. from what i've collected is doing cut corners.

  10. #10
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Alright ran into some problems with supplier and wasn't able to get what I needed and I won't be able to get anything for atleast another 2 weeks. At week 9 I injected 250mg of Test Enanthate on Monday. It's now week 10 and I haven't injected since previously mentioned. I have been taking Nolvadex at 10mg per day. I guess I'm going to go ahead and start PCT at week 11 on Monday morning. I will go 20mg of Nolvadex for first two weeks along with 100mg of clomid first week then drop down to 50 mg the second week and then I will continue Nolva at 10mg on third week and fourth week. Is that okay? or should I follow another route? I really wanted to drag this cycle out a little longer but like I said I ran into problems with supplier and can't get anything for another 2 weeks which will be after I will have started PCT. Is there anyway I could still drag this cycle out or should I just wait and recover? How many weeks after PCT until I could start again?

  11. #11
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Also I'm 5"10 at 197lbs... decently lean... not sure on bodyfat or else I would state... I am wanting to drop down to 185lbs and be as strong as possible. What cycle would you recommend?

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by austin07 View Post
    Also I'm 5"10 at 197lbs... decently lean... not sure on bodyfat or else I would state... I am wanting to drop down to 185lbs and be as strong as possible. What cycle would you recommend?
    what cycle to lose 12lbs?

  13. #13
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Not necessarily cycle.. How should I run clen is basically what I was meaning?

  14. #14
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by austin07 View Post
    Okay I appreciate the advice guys.. I was also wondering what yall thought about PCT:

    Nolva 20mg/day, HCG 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day (Still trying to find some if anyone want's to help out), (DONT DO THIS! DO NOT REPLY TO ANY EMAILS OR PM FROM PEOPLE WANTING TO 'HELP') Vitamin E 1000 IU/day

    Also, I read an article that said PCT should begin the day of last shot: http://www.*********.com/steroids/Po...y%20(PCT).html

    The site explains the reasoning behind it which makes alot of sense but all my previous cycles of long acting esters I have been fine just using Nolvadex 10mg/day, and Clomid Therapy. What do you recommend? I would be much happier going the cheaper route but I am willing to pay the extra to be 100% safe. However, I know the reason for starting PCT 3 weeks after juice is because the half-life but why not start PCT immediately day after last shot and go ahead and stimulate natural test?

    Last thing, Would the Winstrol Tabs be a better choice then Trenbolone or Equipose or should I consider replacing Winstrol with one or the either? Like I said, I'd like to go the cheap route : ) lol.
    That PCT is terrible. hCG during PCT? Come on now... You need to get into the PCT forum ASAP! And do yourself a favor, research more. Like at all would help...

  15. #15
    austin07 is offline New Member
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    Forums are suppose to be helpful rather than getting asshole responses to questions. Aren't the forums for learning and discussing what people have experienced and offering advice? I have done plenty of research and have several years of experience. I have never followed that PCT but I read about it and the write up was pretty convincing. Next time you should consider being helpful rather than being an ignorant smart ass.

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