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  1. #1
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    Arrow First Cycle : Advise Please!

    21yo male 170 lbs 6'1 bodyfat: guessing 10-12% Need: Gain weight/muscle

    Been workin out for about a year now.. was around 150lbs at 6'0 when i started. Been using creatine/other supplements and they havent been working recently.

    ready to take a cycle

    I am mildly prone to acne and i dont want it to be super obvious that im taking steroids ..

    i was told by a few friends to take test but which version should i take? should i stack my first cycle with deca ? again i dont want to break out super bad/and blow up like a blowfish.

    please help. i dont want to make any mistakes. i want to put on between 10-15 more pounds.

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by nonightmare View Post
    21yo male 170 lbs 6'1 bodyfat: guessing 10-12% Need: <- TO EAT MORE!Gain weight/muscle

    Been workin out for about a year now.. was around 150lbs at 6'0 when i started. Been using creatine/other supplements and they havent been working recently.

    ready to take a cycle

    I am mildly prone to acne and i dont want it to be super obvious that im taking steroids ..

    i was told by a few friends to take test but which version should i take? should i stack my first cycle with deca ? again i dont want to break out super bad/and blow up like a blowfish.

    please help. i dont want to make any mistakes. i want to put on between 10-15 more pounds.
    In all seriousness, you have diet problems bro.

  3. #3
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    Noone in my family weighs over 150 pounds except me.. i have a super fast metabolism..

    my diet is not down to a science but i count my calories everyday. i usualy take in around 3500-4000 calories and 180-200 g protien through protein shakes/meat.

    I eat and eat but my weight never goes up really.. it only fluctuates.

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    ^ Like i said, diet problem.

    Post your daily diet.

    Include everything youd eat in a given day. Include macros if you have them, and also, PLEASE include how much the food weighs.

    Ill go over it with you.

  5. #5
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    being a college student during the day and workin at night its hard to keep a steady diet (in my opinion eating meals at the same time and well balanced etc..)

    morning-bowl of cereal sausage biscuit banana glass of milk multivitamin

    between breakfast/lunch- preworkout supplement.. then workout then creatine/muscle milk then i eat lunch

    usually 2 turkey sandwhiches (bring to school) if not i get a burger and fries

    before (4:30 pm )work- 3/4 lb of some meat (either steak or chicken) with rice or pasta

    after work (late usually 10 or 11pm) drink a smoothie(sometimes) and eat leftovers

    like i said i cant really be accurate.. i am so busy during the day. my only free time is the 2 hr break in between classes that i work out

  6. #6
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    and yes my diet isnt amazing.. its not easy to maintian 4500-5000 calories in my opinion

  7. #7
    dan_e666 is offline Junior Member
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    if your at college during the day and work at night-when you gonna work out? you need to sort that out.

    dont use deca on your 1st cycle. if your prone to acne, at the least youl back will prob break out in a few spots, but thats ok, just accept it-getting big is your aim! i think your too light for your height to do a cycle at the moment though mate-but thats just my opinion!

  8. #8
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    i work out on my 2 hour break for my m t w thursday classes.. friday sat i have all day

    yeah ive always ate a lot but never gained weight i guess because i played/taught so much soccer in highschool. i guess i should put on about 10 more pounds before i start a cycle of test?

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    As stated your problem is clearly diet related. Regardless of steroid usage you will not meet your goals until the diet is fixed.

  10. #10
    jm21 is offline Associate Member
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    Mate im a student too i know its a pain in the ass getting the food in with no time wait till exmas then your prob will be time to train take oat cakes with you theyr light and good measurements of carbs in them there a life saver!

  11. #11
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    i will work on it..

  12. #12
    dan_e666 is offline Junior Member
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    oh ok, sound, with regards to fitting the training in.

    well, as youve only been pumping iron for a year, maybe leave the cycle for the time being...train hard and eat big. if your gonna do a cycle anway-but you should put some weight on first, something like 500mg/wk test e for 12 weeks and 40mg dbol ED for the first 4 weeks is pretty standard. if you dont want to blow up, use some adex-run small doses, like .25 EOD/E3D-i ran too much once and it decreased gains. this will stop gyno too. gotta eat big throughout.

    the amount of calories and protein you say are getting in is actually ok. so i would definitely say if your not seeing many gains at the moment, train for at least another year, hard, before juicing.
    Last edited by dan_e666; 04-15-2009 at 01:25 PM.

  13. #13
    nonightmare is offline New Member
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    thanks a lot guys for the time to answer me.

    i think i will hold off on the cycle for another month or so.. the past month i actually put on about 5 pounds of solid muscle.. been training hard

    using jack3d for preworkout supplement
    and musclemilk/celltech/masstech for postworkout/prebedtime

    hopefully i will get to 180. like i said i dont have an ounce of fat on me

    ithink in a month i will be ready and have my diet down to a science. then i will be ready for a cycle to get up to 195 hopefully.

    i plan on running test only for my 12 week cycle. which should i take? i really hate needles so i want to only shoot maybe once a week? which one tho?

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