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  1. #1
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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    new to forum & need some help from the vets.

    this isnt another thread with same ol questions because i wanna get a idea to MY body size.. anyone that can help me, id appreciate it much

    this is a lil brief description of me
    im 6ft 3in, 204 pounds. pants waist size is 36 or 38. i have some what of a belly sticking out due to my lazyness in the past unemployed year. \

    i been going to gym on and off past 2 years most of it being off.. past months i been going atleast 3 times a week trying to get my body used to the workout scene. i just do random machines to get my muscles used to being worked out and i do cardio. atleast 30 minutes - 1 hour each day.

    i have a cycle of steroids i will be using with in the next month. i will be using deca qv200 and sustanon qv250. i have 3 bottles of deca and 1 of sustanon. the person i got them from told me to do. deca 2 times a week for the first month and 2nd month. then the 3rd month stack the deca with sustanon. thats using 1 bottle a month and the 3rd month using both deca and sustanon.

    i want to get otehr opinions on how i can take the cycle compared to my body type.
    *how many days a week should i take the deca?

    what do i need to do to lose my belly fat but gain upper body strentgh. anyone with any help please let me know what your inputs are.. thank you

  2. #2
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    okay okay look look.


    The advice you were given is AWFUL. 100% INCORRECT.

    Im confused as to what you have on hand as far as compounds. 2 bottles of deca and 1 bottle of sust means nothing to me.

    I need to know how many ml is in each vial and the mg/ml.
    For instance 10ml vial dosed at 200mg/ml.

    Whats are your stats bro? This will be fastest track to us helping with a plan that is right for YOU.

    height? youve stated youre 6'3
    weight? youve stated youre 204

    Please do not start on this cycle untill you get some more help. Youre in the right place. The sooner you give us answers the sooner youll have the answers youre looking for.

    If your goals are simply to loss far and gain strength then you will have no need for AAS.

    Whats youre current diet and workout routine?

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovey916 View Post
    this isnt another thread with same ol questions because i wanna get a idea to MY body size.. anyone that can help me, id appreciate it much

    this is a lil brief description of me
    im 6ft 3in, 204 pounds. pants waist size is 36 or 38. i have some what of a belly sticking out due to my lazyness in the past unemployed year. \

    i been going to gym on and off past 2 years most of it being off.. past months i been going atleast 3 times a week trying to get my body used to the workout scene. i just do random machines to get my muscles used to being worked out and i do cardio. atleast 30 minutes - 1 hour each day.

    i have a cycle of steroids i will be using with in the next month. i will be using deca qv200 and sustanon qv250. i have 3 bottles of deca and 1 of sustanon. the person i got them from told me to do. deca 2 times a week for the first month and 2nd month. then the 3rd month stack the deca with sustanon. thats using 1 bottle a month and the 3rd month using both deca and sustanon.

    i want to get otehr opinions on how i can take the cycle compared to my body type.
    *how many days a week should i take the deca?

    what do i need to do to lose my belly fat but gain upper body strentgh. anyone with any help please let me know what your inputs are.. thank you
    you have been given some horrible advice. follow that cycle and you will likely have erectile dysfunction and possibly grow breasts. forget steroids for now, they keep. tweak your diet and training first.

  4. #4
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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    okk.. the DECA bottle says DECA QV200- 10ML 200MG
    The SUSTATON bottle says QV250- 10ML ?

    the bottles have writing in spanish i belive and dnt understand it, both bottles are the same size.

    im 22yrs old
    6ft 3in
    204 pounds
    bf is i believe 14-18%? the last time i checked.

    im not starting my cycle yet dont worry lol im still getting advice from the vets before i start.. i dnt plan on starting till atleast another month or 2.

    im not a stranger 100% to this, i have lots of friends who do this and know lots of people who are into body building. but i would like opinions from other people besides them just to be right on my cycle.. thanks

    oh and for my diet plan.. right now i was on the subway diet.. just trying to lose some belly fat but i would need a new diet plan once im tryng to build up.. i could use advice on that as well because im pretty clueless on that as well.
    Last edited by lovey916; 04-17-2009 at 01:05 AM. Reason: add on

  5. #5
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    This is really funny. Bro go read the steroid profiles, and all the other educational threads. then you can go tell the people you know who do this why they are wrong and should stop immediately.

  6. #6
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Alright well you dont have enough of either of these compounds to cycle them correctly and reap the reward.

    Deca should be run at least 12wk. Test E at least 10 wk. IMO. Youre body fat is in a decent range if you are @ 14% but not if youre at 18%.

    Also...youre friends that "do this" are idiots if they are telling you run those compounds that way.

  7. #7
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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    i have a total of 4 bottles, thats not enough? how many more do i need?

  8. #8
    jbruno is offline New Member
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    You need to do your homework. It appears that you haven't a clue about diet or how to build muscle. Don't even consider taking those compounds they will do nothing for you and may hurt you. Judging by the little amount you know about this I think you might kill yourself doing an injection.

  9. #9
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    2 10ml 200mg/ml of Deca and
    2 10ml 250mg/ml of Test e?

    Is that right?

    If it is right:
    You have enough to run for 10 wks @ 500mg/wk of test and 10wks 400mg/wk of deca.

    You will see results from this but id recommend running deca for 12 wks and the test e for 13 wks.

    This is your choice.

    Typically a cycle of test only is advised for a first time user but being as you already have the compound im sure youre going to run it anyways so the important thing is that you run it safely.

    Some parameters to consider before cycling:

    VERY IMPORTANT. You appear to have no knowledge of pct. This is a very important element of cycling. We are not here to spoon feed you info but point you in the direction to educate yourself and answer other questions along your way.

    A well organized diet-
    You admited to having no knowledge of diet. Get over to the diet forum ASAP.
    This will take the guessing out of your nutrition and ENSURE GAINS rather than guessing at what youre doing and eating a ton of food.

    Low Body Fat %-
    You are unsure of your bodyfat percentage.
    A lower body fat percentage will allow more of your gains to show and lower the chances of estrogen sides. Also will allow you to be aware of gyno symptoms should they appear.

    in my honest opinion you lack the minimal knowledge needed to cycle safely. I would advise not going forward on this.
    Last edited by MMArmour; 04-17-2009 at 03:19 PM.

  10. #10
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    u need to get your diet in check.... go to the diet branch of this forum, im in there daily checking people diet... that would be the best first step u can take...

    even if you wanna do gear (which i dont recommend in ur situation), there's no point in trying to grow without eating right, they go hand in hand

  11. #11
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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    i appreciate everyones inputs.. but to make it clear.. im not doing this cycle yet.. yes, i am not ready to do so.. thats why im on here asking for help. just because i have the stuff doesnt mean im using it tomorrow.

    i have 3 bottles of deca and 1 of test.
    so what can i do with that?

    i will start on the diet forum now, and wnt move on to the cycle till i am 100& ready.

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    just save it, room temp in the dark and it will be fine.

  13. #13
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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    so to my original question tho.. is the 4 bottles(3 deca , 1test) enough for a actual cycle?

    if so, what would be the cycle? which days do i inject and how much and so on? want to get a idea of what i need to prepare myself for and if i need to get more or if this is enough for a cycle.

  14. #14
    lovey916 is offline New Member
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  15. #15
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    No. It isnt enough. You could run it how your buddy said to, but its completely ****ed and wrong. If you run it how he advises you will see sexual side effects.

  16. #16
    fresh31 is offline Associate Member
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    what MMArmour is trying to say, is that you might not be able to get it up. and possibly permanently, if you take your cycle like that.
    you don't have enough test to run it properly.

  17. #17
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    if you do run it have arimidex or letro and use it throughout cycle or you will be sad.

  18. #18
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    you gotta learn how to eat before you juice

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