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  1. #1
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Armidex causing nipple pain??

    Hey guys, just need a little help to stop my worrying I hope. I recently got some BW done to check my estrodial levels on cycle, and they were at 30pg/ml. According to bloodwork normal is 0-50pg. So I did some more research and it turns out "for men" normal estradio levels are 20-75pg/ml. It seems like I got some underdosed aromasin and that why my estro levels were not as low as I liked. I quickly switched to adex at 1mg ED, as im a gyno parnoid guy. Got BW done a week later, and my estradiol came back at 22pg/ml, so almost a 1/3 lower.

    My question is, at this level gyno should be of no concern right??

    Also, this is the first time I have ran adex before. Its strrange im on almost nothing right now, no progestin related stuff. BUt Like i said my estro levels are at 22pg/ml which according to some reseach is almost borderline to low.

    Well my concern is My right nipple seems to be getting tender or has been since I started the adex, but pretty much nothing on my left nipple. I read about adex and it says in some it can cause chest or breast pain, as a side, so this is what im hoping this is.

    Has anyone experienced this w/ adex?? As i said im gyno paranoid so any help would be great.

  2. #2
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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