I am going to do a cycle of m1t and testosterone . Back when m1t was legal I used 4ad to help with libido and It worked pretty quickly. Since it is no longer available I need to use some testosterone. I am normally shut down after 3 or so days. Since it takes a while before the effects of Test E is felt, would Sust250 be a wise choice to combat the quick acting shutdown of m1t? Would twice a week injects be enough to get the best of the all the esters??

Still working on my stack but I am thinking about something like this
weeks 1-4 5-10mg m1t and 500mg sust 250
weeks 4-8 haven't quite figured out what to take while off m1t for 30 days to go along with 500mg sust 250
weeks 8-12 5-10mg m1t and 500mg sust 250
weeks 13-17 dnp cycle along with PCT

I have all my m1t and dnp supporting supplements and I am waiting for my regular cycle PCT to arrive.

I want to make sure that SUSt250 will act fast enough to counter the quick
m1t shutdown. Also can anyone tell me what would be a good oral to take during the 30 days I am off of m1t but still taking a Sust250? I really don't want to use another methyl while I am off the m1t unless it is very mild. Maybe winny or anavar . Or I can just take nothing except the Sust250 during the time I am off the m1t

This is just a rough draft. Any assistance would be considered. I am tired of reading. lol my brain hurts. It is time to get feedback