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Thread: sides on clen

  1. #1
    phat_matt85's Avatar
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    sides on clen

    How soon do you guys feel any sides after taking CLEN like shakes, increased body temp, or higher HR?

    Im got lions clen and im hearing mixed reviews so i want to see if i get same results that you have on pill form celn or liquid.

    So far this is what i have done 40 mcg, 60mcg, 60mcg. I havent felt anything taking 40 and yesturday i didnt feel anything eather which was 60. Today i went for 60mcg but i might of done 70mcg. and my hands were shaking a little at dinner but that which was 2 hours after taking it.

    I have been checking my body temp but every day i check it its different. My BP changes 2 deg. from morning to night so i dunno if thats normal or not

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    How soon do you guys feel any sides after taking CLEN like shakes, increased body temp, or higher HR?
    i can't help ya there, i don't get sides from clen
    Im got lions clen and im hearing mixed reviews so i want to see if i get same results that you have on pill form celn or liquid.
    pm me
    So far this is what i have done 40 mcg, 60mcg, 60mcg. I havent felt anything taking 40 and yesturday i didnt feel anything eather which was 60. Today i went for 60mcg but i might of done 70mcg. and my hands were shaking a little at dinner but that which was 2 hours after taking it.

    I have been checking my body temp but every day i check it its different. My BP changes 2 deg. from morning to night so i dunno if thats normal or not
    you're supposed to check your waking temp, which means set a thermometer by the bed and AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP, take your temp, don't even get out of bed, it's like taking your resting heartrate, if you get up and start moving it will change it

  3. #3
    phat_matt85's Avatar
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    So i check my temp, take clen and check agian later or the next morning?

  4. #4
    oneshot's Avatar
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    ive only taken clen a few times, but even at fairly high doses, i never got any bad sides whatsoever. it varies a lot from person to person though. i did 150 mcg a for a few days while a buddy did 80. i felt fine and he felt like shit. i did check my temp a few times while on it and it was only about 1 degree higher than normal. for me, pretty similar to ephedrine in that aspect

  5. #5
    alextg's Avatar
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    My bro , with only 40mcg ED he had headaches and his blood pressure went to 17 , so i advice you to check your BP aswel ...

  6. #6
    RICK79916's Avatar
    RICK79916 is offline Junior Member
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    Even though everyone's reaction varies (due to unique body chemistries), you should feel sides at the dosages you've taken. Especially if it is your first time taking clen ...

    I've never taken liquid clen; however, I was lucky enough to be stationed in Korea... where I was able to get plenty of pills for dirt-cheap prices.

    I've always received mixed reviews on that source...Bottom Line: you should be feeling something!

    Don't climb the Mcg ladder so'll do you no good in the long run. Here's a pretty good clen cycle example:

    Here's what I'd do: .4 mg = 40mcg

    40/60/80/100/100/120/120/100/80/60/40/20 (MCGs)

    2 weeks on / 2 weeks off -or- on 3rd week take 100mg Benadryl ED

    * Don't forget to take Potassium and Taurine supplements daily!

    * Drink Plenty of Water / Expect Sides (if it's good) / None after 3-4 PM


  7. #7
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    How much potassium do you take a day? and taurine?

    Im still confused on when to check body temp. So if someone would tell me how they do it to know the clen in working i would really appreciate

  8. #8
    clintons is offline New Member
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    i feel it same day i take..after few shake

  9. #9
    phobos's Avatar
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    20minutes into it ill feel shakes. i take about 80 mcg a day. 40 when i wake up(8am) then 4 hours later another 40. I'll get the shakes and talk quicker. my first week i realised my eyes were bulging a little out of my head but the most noticable side (from my girlfriends point of view) are the sweats. i can usually control the shakes but i feel like working out gets them out of my system.

  10. #10
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    I dont think i feel it that fast. Today i did 40 mcg when i woke up and 40 mcg prob 5hours later. I knid of feel like shit though. Had little head ache all day, i also had a head ache off and on yesturday

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