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  1. #1
    thomor25 is offline New Member
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    Are there or is there a company that will pay for your weight loss pictures?

    I was wondering this... I have put a lot of hard work into it so far and have lost alot of weight and will lose more weight as I progress. I was wondering if any of you came across anything like this where people payed for progress pictures and full rights to them...

  2. #2
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    Bump, I'm interested to find out.

  3. #3
    thomor25 is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Vegas Kid
    Bump, I'm interested to find out.
    thanks for the bump... just a little info about me.

    I started at 334lbs and was at 281 this morning. I had my bf% tested at 34.4% now with 95lbs of fat at 284lbs. I've been taking pics in the same 10 poses every 15-20lbs I've lost as well as keeping a chart in excel of my weight loss everyday.

  4. #4
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Richard Simmons is always looking for pictures of guys that have lost weight...of course it would be for his personal collection.

    Awesome progress! Keep it up and keep taking those pics. Maybe Muscletech will put your pics in the new Hydroxycut ads!

  5. #5
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes, there are product marketing companies that pay people A LOT of money to loose x-pounds in x-weeks (while using a given product). The companies monitor your progress and document it (for those people used in major ad campaigns). They then use your pictures as parts of advertisements.

    UNLESS you made remarkable changes, volunarily base your change on a brand name product and you can prove it, they will not just buy before and after pics from you--mainly because they have to adhere to laws regarding "truth in advertising."

    What many of these "before/after" advertising schemes fail to mention is that most of the people in the ads were on monitary incentive programs like the one I mentioned at the beginning of my post.

  6. #6
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    good job on loosing the weight...Madmax...

  7. #7
    dern180 is offline Member
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    If thats the case I got pics of me at 410 to 180. What to do with them?

  8. #8
    thomor25 is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by dern180
    If thats the case I got pics of me at 410 to 180. What to do with them?
    How long did it take you to lose the weight and do you have loose skin problems? Would you be willing to post them.... or atleast like a comparison cause i'm worried about loose skin problems

  9. #9
    dern180 is offline Member
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    14 months bro. And yes the loose skin thing is killing me. I'm saving as much money as I can to remove it. Sorry I have no scanner to post pics I would like to but I just can't. How much weight did u loose?

  10. #10
    thomor25 is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by dern180
    14 months bro. And yes the loose skin thing is killing me. I'm saving as much money as I can to remove it. Sorry I have no scanner to post pics I would like to but I just can't. How much weight did u loose?
    I've lost almost 60lbs and I have about 80-90 more lbs to go.... How bad is the loose skin? Like really bad? Or is it just like there but slowly going away?

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i know someone who did those before and after pics. They do the pics oppisite. They take someone in good shape and have them diet like they are going into a show. Then thats the after pic. Then they eat anything and everything and they rebound from dieting before and put on alot of weight real fast and look all bloated. And thats the before pic
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    dern180 is offline Member
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    new york
    Originally posted by thomor25

    I've lost almost 60lbs and I have about 80-90 more lbs to go.... How bad is the loose skin? Like really bad? Or is it just like there but slowly going away?
    Anything over 70 pds and you will have loose skin and yea you can't get rid of alot if u workout and know what your doing...But in my case I got rid of alot but the rest has to removed by a doctor. I was a fat fuck and now I paying for it......If I could do it all over again I would , I'd would make things right for myself.

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