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  1. #1
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    Doing a cycle, with only one kidney?

    hey guys new to the forum, and about to start a test cyp cycle tom. heres my story

    my first time ever doing a cycle i was 17, yeah i know pretty young. it was a cypionate cycle. second cycle was at 18, it was dbol and honestly thought it was crap, but i did gain pretty good, but it didnt make me feel anywhere as good as the cypionate did. well right around 18-19 i started drinkin alot, and just plain out being a pos. eating junk food 3 times a day, partying 4 days a week, hard. slowly i started getting bad pains in my left side, only when i would get shit faced drunk. it got to the point where i would have 5 -6 beers and i would be up all night holding my back in pain. well one night i was partying it up like usual and i got into a fist fight, then that fist fight turned into a stabbing. i got stabbed 4 times, once in the forearm once in the back and one in both legs. when i was rushed to the hospital they had to scan me to make sure my lung wasnt punctured, well it wasnt. but i did have a totall failed left kidney (talk about a blessing in disguise.) turned out to be a kidney stone had formed and blocked the tube to the bladder, causing me hydronephrosis, which in short is a kidney thats filling up with liquid and doesnt drain. on top of that my liver was close to cerosis from the drinking, my blood pressure was 145/95, and i just down right had no energy and looked pretty bad. i turned my life around. at first i blamed the kidney problem on my steroid use , but it most likely wasnt the culprit as much as my bad diet habbits while on them. i am now 23 6'3 190lbs and live a total different life style. my last doctors visit i was told to be in perfect condition, blood work didnt show any signs of a failed kidney, although i only have one. my blood pressure is 140/80, my liver enzymes are great and my cholesterol is perfect. so now i think im ready for a small cycle. im planning on running 10ml of test cypionate BD 1.5 a day. my diet is going to be very low in sodium, and my protein will prob be around the 150 a day range, to keep the kidney work alil on the lower range.. well my question is what do you think, am i a retard for doing a cycle with only one functioning kidney? i plan to run it for 3 weeks and go in for a full blood panel. if they tell me my creatanine levels are high or anything is out of place i will stop that day. thanks alot
    Last edited by cannabizz20; 05-10-2009 at 12:09 PM.

  2. #2
    LivingToBeBig's Avatar
    LivingToBeBig is offline Associate Member
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    Thing is steroids without a doubt put preasure on your organs, is it really worth it? I would say no!

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LivingToBeBig View Post
    Thing is steroids without a doubt put preasure on your organs, is it really worth it? I would say no!
    I tend to agree with the above, is the risk worth it?

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    WTF who cares, it's only a Kidney, that's why they have dialysis machines now days. I'm sure without your other kidney you can live a perfectly almost normal life for another 5+ years and by then maybe they can clone you a new one.
    I say do orals only so you dont take a chance of NOT f*cking it up. If your gona do it do it right...

  5. #5
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    There are so many things wrong with your post. Steroids are not for you! Just eat right and work hard in the gym and you will be fine.

  6. #6
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    actually have a friend missing a kidney.. and he cycle on and off regularly.... tren off all things.....

  7. #7
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    i mean im doing a pretty mild cycle. from what i read steroids dont necessarily strain your kidneys, the high protein you take in strains them. you tell me to jump on a good diet, well that good diet is just as harsh on my kidney with or without the cyp. if im wrong about this please someone give me the right faqs. i know steroids are hard on your liver.

  8. #8
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    yea bro, health comes first... if your in good health standing and reached your genetic "potential", and feel ready for AS through HEALTH, PROPER DIET, TRAINING, ETC. then your ready.. its not for everdboy.. and yhes i would believe you'd be retarted to plan out a cycle with one kidney

  9. #9
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    actually have a friend missing a kidney.. and he cycle on and off regularly.... tren off all things.....
    LOL thats exactly what he needed to hear...WTF????

  10. #10
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    just saying.. cause tren messes with kidneys... should do some research and see what compound effects the kidneys the least if any? and see how he can prevent things from happening.. if i were him i would flat out ask a doctor.. tell the doctor listen i want to take this stuff what am i looking at for problems.. and hopefully the doctor will tell him the truth and not be on the doctor kick oh steroids are bad fr u.. i talked to one doctor and he told me flat out if your gonna do it.. do it right.. and he went on explaining things.. so start from there.. but remember doctors are like car mechanics to a point.. they know from books or experience.. big difference

  11. #11
    ArkRoyal is offline New Member
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    Why are people saying this guys shouldn't do a cycle of test? Test puts no strain on the kidney at all. I guess they just want you to be small. You'll be fine. The best thing you can do is learn how to use pubmed. It will allow you to research every peer reviewed medical journal article going back to the nineteen fifties. Just put in the steroid you are going to use in the search function on the site and sit back and read. You'll get a lot of articles that aren't related to humans, namely fish and steroids , but you can tell that from the title. If you put in testosterone and kidney in the search function you will find every article that has testosterone and kidney in it. That should answer your question way better then what you are getting here. Here is a link for you (Don't say I never gave you anything ;-} ):

    I did a search on testosterone and kidney and found this article right away.
    "Endogenous sex steroid hormones and measures of chronic kidney disease in a nationally representative sample of men." I will cut to the chase and say maybe, they study says maybe, there is a link between estrogen and kidney disease but not testosterone. But in the study they say they can't be sure that it was estrogen that caused the kidney problem or the kidney problem caused a raise in estrogen. And the "kidney problem" was taken from healthy men that had just slightly elevated kidney function tests.

    So do your research and the truth shall set you free.

  12. #12
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkRoyal View Post
    Why are people saying this guys shouldn't do a cycle of test? Test puts no strain on the kidney at all. I guess they just want you to be small. You'll be fine. The best thing you can do is learn how to use pubmed. It will allow you to research every peer reviewed medical journal article going back to the nineteen fifties. Just put in the steroid you are going to use in the search function on the site and sit back and read. You'll get a lot of articles that aren't related to humans, namely fish and steroids , but you can tell that from the title. If you put in testosterone and kidney in the search function you will find every article that has testosterone and kidney in it. That should answer your question way better then what you are getting here. Here is a link for you (Don't say I never gave you anything ;-} ):

    I did a search on testosterone and kidney and found this article right away.
    "Endogenous sex steroid hormones and measures of chronic kidney disease in a nationally representative sample of men." I will cut to the chase and say maybe, they study says maybe, there is a link between estrogen and kidney disease but not testosterone. But in the study they say they can't be sure that it was estrogen that caused the kidney problem or the kidney problem caused a raise in estrogen. And the "kidney problem" was taken from healthy men that had just slightly elevated kidney function tests.

    So do your research and the truth shall set you free.

    FIRST OF ALL, to the OP, edit your damn post of your test brand.. 2nd of all quoting this statement, why the hell would you want to take AS with one kidney?? i dont care what study you read the OP should consult a DOCTOR who will let him know what are the risks to be taken.. he would no better than your random study that cant even answer its own question in regards to estrogen and kidneys.

  13. #13
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    well now im second guessing everything. heres the big things, i dont have kidney disease, which is were your kidneys are slowly degrading there filtering capabilities. i had bad luck with a kidney stone that didnt pass. i figure i cant really do to much harm in 5 weeks, if on top of it. when i was drinking alot of alcohol for shit 5-6 months straight the doctors told me that not only was the one failed but my good one was working at only 75%. when i heard that shit i stopped everything i was doing and got on a water diet lol. and made a good recovery. last week when i asked the doctor how my 1 kidney functioned he said perfect. i just cant see me doing any harm in 5weeks. but i may be very wrong. i mean there are guys on this forum who have been juiced out of there mind for years on years. and yes they have two healthy kidneys but how can you tell me that me having one kidney is more unsafe than doing steroids for a decade lol? im going to keep my protein intake at a normal level. and the cycle is going to be short. if you have two kidneys, but run twice the gear isnt that equally as dangerous?

  14. #14
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    FIRST OF ALL, to the OP, edit your damn post of your test brand.. 2nd of all quoting this statement, why the hell would you want to take AS with one kidney?? i dont care what study you read the OP should consult a DOCTOR who will let him know what are the risks to be taken.. he would no better than your random study that cant even answer its own question in regards to estrogen and kidneys.
    edit my test brand? sorry what did i screw up? am i not allowed to say brand names?
    Last edited by cannabizz20; 05-10-2009 at 12:21 PM.

  15. #15
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    its really hard to find any real data showing testosterone 's effects on kidneys. but basically im going to run this cycle. i went to the doctors 5 days ago and had my blood run, it was good, actually great. in 2 weeks ill go again, if anything is out of place i will stop. in 3 weeks a have a ct scan, and a nuclear scan appointment, which is going to tell me alot more about my current kidney function. like i said, i find it very hard to believe that doing a short 5 week cycle of cypionate is really going to cause any adverse effects, that i wont be able to catch in time. there are people that run 3 times the dosage at 3 times the length year after year. im extremely anal about my health im not going into this blind. thanks for all the advice guys, i dont mean to go against your word. wish me luck and maybe remember this thread, and ill post up in two weeks how my blood work goes.

  16. #16
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I think your best bet is to hold off on running anything until you see an HRT doctor. A hormone replacement doctor should be well versed on the topic of testosterone LOL.... See what he says and then report back to us.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LivingToBeBig View Post
    Thing is steroids without a doubt put preasure on your organs, is it really worth it? I would say no!
    I think I would pass myself on this one. Like someone said,,,try working with an TRT doctor as see what their advice is.

  18. #18
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    LOL thats exactly what he needed to hear...WTF????
    i dont get the problem to be honest most people are gonna do gear wether someone like u tells them not to or not. i would go see a dr that is familiar with gear. honestly i dont think its as bad as u guys think.

  19. #19
    Dee312's Avatar
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    If I were you and had one kidney, dont think id take steroids my man, go buy a medium tapout shirt and feel good about yourself. jk about shirt...hate those guys.

  20. #20
    pyrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cannabizz20 View Post
    what do you think, am i a retard for doing a cycle with only one functioning kidney?

    My dad has a friend who was a juicer back in the day. Hes in his early 40's now and just lost a kidney to some disease noone has ever heard of. He honestly believes it was because of doin juice. You be the judge, and possibly your own executioner.

  21. #21
    shadow21's Avatar
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    Have to say dont do it. Its not worth it..

  22. #22
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    Dont listen to lovebyts. I think it would be overkill for you to cycle. Your one kidney got to work twice as much since it doesnt have two. My grandfather just passed he only had one kidney his doctor told him before he passed that even minor drinking was twice the effects. I would really get some good test ran and have your vaules checked first.

  23. #23
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navy-boi-kai View Post
    Dont listen to lovebyts. I think it would be overkill for you to cycle. Your one kidney got to work twice as much since it doesnt have two. My grandfather just passed he only had one kidney his doctor told him before he passed that even minor drinking was twice the effects. I would really get some good test ran and have your vaules checked first.
    agree to disagree. not to act like i know anything about having one kidney but i have 4 family members who have had kidney transplants do to a disease that runs in my family. thank god i dont have it. they all get blood test all the time and my 2 uncles drink several times a week and their test always come back with good levels and no problems.

    "Alcohol is metabolized by the liver and not by the kidney. Therefore there is nothing to work about regarding your kidney function.

    The reason why people think that alcohol use would be "hard on the kidney" is due to the fact that alcohol use impacts "ADH" or "anti-diuretic hormone", and thus results in an inhibition of the kidney ability to concentrate urine. This blocking of the kidney's urine concentration ability results in increased urine production and more "going to the bathroom". This effect (when done within the bounds of the above mentioned "sensible drinking guidelines") is short lasting and not of any risk to kidney function.

  24. #24
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    also im glad u got ur life together bro. ive been stabbed on 2 different ocassions and have also got my life together. nothing like not knowing if ur gonna make it

  25. #25
    anabolian's Avatar
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    A good cycle is a lifetime cycle. Only a 5 weeks cycle is very short one, after a few weeks you will loose almost everything gained....
    Maybe you need to read more about this:

    That helped me a lot and i saw that to keep what you gain, you never stop for a long period of time.

    And in your case, i dont think its a healthy way of life.....that's my oppinion.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cannabizz20 View Post
    well now im second guessing everything. heres the big things, i dont have kidney disease, which is were your kidneys are slowly degrading there filtering capabilities. i had bad luck with a kidney stone that didnt pass. i figure i cant really do to much harm in 5 weeks, if on top of it. when i was drinking alot of alcohol for shit 5-6 months straight the doctors told me that not only was the one failed but my good one was working at only 75%. when i heard that shit i stopped everything i was doing and got on a water diet lol. and made a good recovery. last week when i asked the doctor how my 1 kidney functioned he said perfect. i just cant see me doing any harm in 5weeks. but i may be very wrong. i mean there are guys on this forum who have been juiced out of there mind for years on years. and yes they have two healthy kidneys but how can you tell me that me having one kidney is more unsafe than doing steroids for a decade lol? im going to keep my protein intake at a normal level. and the cycle is going to be short. if you have two kidneys, but run twice the gear isnt that equally as dangerous?
    5 weeks? you need to run it alot longer then that if you want results. personally i would'nt touch steroids with 1 kidney but if your dead stuck on it then stay away from the orals and the harsher injectables like tren
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  27. #27
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    ill say it one more time, im going to run the cycle. as for getting my blood done ive repeated that 2 or 3 times, its been done, and my function is at normal operation. after 2 weeks im going in for blood work. if my creatanine, or urea are out of place the cycle stops, period. if your telling me that in 2 weeks im going to DESTROY my kidneys your insane. one week after the blood work i have a full ct scan and nuclear scan, if my functioning kidney is nothing but 100%, i stop the cycle. ive been living with this kidney ailment since i was prob around 15-16 years old, maybe younger. been reading and keeping up with my health since i was 19 yrs old. what i find funny is everyone that is saying this is insane but they will do 4 fold what im about to do. you think because you have 2 kidneys your 2 are now indestructible? you in theory are putting your 2 kidneys through alot more work then im going to. i dont plan on this being a ongoing thing, honestly im 23, single, getting old and going to mexico in 7weeks. thanks for some sort of encouragement lightsout2184.

  28. #28
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    5 weeks? you need to run it alot longer then that if you want results. personally i would'nt touch steroids with 1 kidney but if your dead stuck on it then stay away from the orals and the harsher injectables like tren
    my first cycle was testex elmu cypionate , i went from 175lbs body weight, 165lb benchpress to 210lbs body weight 255lb bench. 6 ampules(6weeks)

    second cycle was 3 testex ampules and dbol reforvit, weight 190lbs, benchpress 265lbs. didnt gain one pound (no real diet) but benchpress went up to 315lbs. roughly 7weeks.

    so i will gain ill take before and after pics for you. im not looking to be hulkamania lol just an edge and alil extra bulk.
    Last edited by cannabizz20; 05-11-2009 at 04:21 AM.

  29. #29
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cannabizz20 View Post
    my first cycle was testex elmu cypionate , i went from 175lbs body weight, 165lb benchpress to 210lbs body weight 255lb bench. 6 ampules(6weeks)

    second cycle was 3 testex ampules and dbol reforvit, weight 190lbs, benchpress 265lbs. didnt gain one pound (no real diet) but benchpress went up to 315lbs. roughly 7weeks.

    so i will gain ill take before and after pics for you. im not looking to be hulkamania lol just an edge and alil extra bulk.
    buddy thats not even the point a lot of the weight u gained was water and fat. even when u started ur second cycle u were back down to 190 so obviously not holding a lot of ur gains. im one of the only guys thats actually had ur back on this thread and a 5 week cycle is pointless. youll just be right back to where u started before u know it. i dont want a after pic right when ur done i want one like 3 months later when u have lost all ur gains

  30. #30
    AS-Talon is offline New Member
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    I say ask your doc. If he is a cool doc. Sure it may be a risk, but it seems like there isn't one define answer here. The doctor would most likely know whats best for you.

  31. #31
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    buddy thats not even the point a lot of the weight u gained was water and fat. even when u started ur second cycle u were back down to 190 so obviously not holding a lot of ur gains. im one of the only guys thats actually had ur back on this thread and a 5 week cycle is pointless. youll just be right back to where u started before u know it. i dont want a after pic right when ur done i want one like 3 months later when u have lost all ur gains
    no trust me i understand that i wont keep much of my weight. but i enjoy being bigger, and enjoy being cut down. everytime ive ran a cycle i get much larger size, strangly not always larger weight. then soon as its over i cut my calories down to like 1800 2500 a day and hit high repetition. it does help i know its a short cycle but honestly its all im willing to risk. if things go ok and my kidney function stays in good working condition, maybe in the future ill think about running alittle longer. the cycle is actually 7weeks, the last week is going to be a little bit less cc.
    Last edited by cannabizz20; 05-11-2009 at 05:06 PM.

  32. #32
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    OK i understand your bloodwork is ok right now..... but why not talk to a HRT doctor about using test? It's not going to hurt to see what he says.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  33. #33
    cannabizz20 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    OK i understand your bloodwork is ok right now..... but why not talk to a HRT doctor about using test? It's not going to hurt to see what he says.....

    ill speak to my primary doc about referring me, thanks.

  34. #34
    Z0mb13666 is offline New Member
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    I know this thread is several years old. I was curious how cycle worked out and how your curren kidney health is. I lost a kidney in a motorcycle accident. I'm also a gym rat. Contemplating a cycle. Not sure yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by cannabizz20 View Post
    hey guys new to the forum, and about to start a test cyp cycle tom. heres my story

    my first time ever doing a cycle i was 17, yeah i know pretty young. it was a cypionate cycle. second cycle was at 18, it was dbol and honestly thought it was crap, but i did gain pretty good, but it didnt make me feel anywhere as good as the cypionate did. well right around 18-19 i started drinkin alot, and just plain out being a pos. eating junk food 3 times a day, partying 4 days a week, hard. slowly i started getting bad pains in my left side, only when i would get shit faced drunk. it got to the point where i would have 5 -6 beers and i would be up all night holding my back in pain. well one night i was partying it up like usual and i got into a fist fight, then that fist fight turned into a stabbing. i got stabbed 4 times, once in the forearm once in the back and one in both legs. when i was rushed to the hospital they had to scan me to make sure my lung wasnt punctured, well it wasnt. but i did have a totall failed left kidney (talk about a blessing in disguise.) turned out to be a kidney stone had formed and blocked the tube to the bladder, causing me hydronephrosis, which in short is a kidney thats filling up with liquid and doesnt drain. on top of that my liver was close to cerosis from the drinking, my blood pressure was 145/95, and i just down right had no energy and looked pretty bad. i turned my life around. at first i blamed the kidney problem on my steroid use, but it most likely wasnt the culprit as much as my bad diet habbits while on them. i am now 23 6'3 190lbs and live a total different life style. my last doctors visit i was told to be in perfect condition, blood work didnt show any signs of a failed kidney, although i only have one. my blood pressure is 140/80, my liver enzymes are great and my cholesterol is perfect. so now i think im ready for a small cycle. im planning on running 10ml of test cypionate BD 1.5 a day. my diet is going to be very low in sodium, and my protein will prob be around the 150 a day range, to keep the kidney work alil on the lower range.. well my question is what do you think, am i a retard for doing a cycle with only one functioning kidney? i plan to run it for 3 weeks and go in for a full blood panel. if they tell me my creatanine levels are high or anything is out of place i will stop that day. thanks alot

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