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  1. #1
    theman1 is offline New Member
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    Help with test 400

    ok so I am 19 and am about start on a cycle of test 400 for 12 weeks. I am going 2 be doing 1 cc a week until the end of my 12 weeks. I am 5'9 and went from 144lbs to 183lbs in a year and half of wieght training all natraul. I am expecting to gain atleast 20lbs of lean muscle, but I am sure I will gain alot more than that on my cylce becuase of my strict diet. I get in about 220 grams of protien a day. My big question is should I take nolvedex while i am on cycle, like a tab a day or should i only take nolvedex when i come off cycle? some people were telling me to take arimedex so that i keep it lowered instead of block it off completly. i need help on this part only. also please no comments on my age i am going on cycle regardless, please just help me do it rite

  2. #2
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Quote Originally Posted by theman1 View Post
    ok so I am 19 and am about start on a cycle of test 400 for 12 weeks. I am going 2 be doing 1 cc a week until the end of my 12 weeks. I am 5'9 and went from 144lbs to 183lbs in a year and half of wieght training all natraul. I am expecting to gain atleast 20lbs of lean muscle, but I am sure I will gain alot more than that on my cylce becuase of my strict diet. I get in about 220 grams of protien a day. My big question is should I take nolvedex while i am on cycle, like a tab a day or should i only take nolvedex when i come off cycle? some people were telling me to take arimedex so that i keep it lowered instead of block it off completly. i need help on this part only. also please no comments on my age i am going on cycle regardless, please just help me do it rite
    Honestly, I don't know if members here will help you, coz you are too young to juice. What's your planned PCT?
    Last edited by jbm; 05-14-2009 at 02:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Don't comment on my young age, help me do this right.

    Kind of an oxymoron isn't it?

    Congrats on the progress.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    problem is , YOU CAN"T DO IT RIGHT at your age

    at your age,

    you risk permanent shut down of your HPTA
    you risk premature fusion of your growth plates
    you risk losing the high levels of natural hormones you already have

    the simple fact that you are NOT concerned about your health, suggests that you are NOT mature enough to be using steroids .

    train naturally until you are 24 or 25 you made great progress, you can continue to make progress NATURALLY

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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  6. #6
    vpchill's Avatar
    vpchill is offline "Born to lose, Dying to win"
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    You seemed to have made great results training naturally. Why use aas when you have so much more raw potential?

  7. #7
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why would any 19 year old need steroids ?

  8. #8
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    why wouldnt you just type 26 instead?
    your gonna do it you better read up on pct cus nolva alone aint gona cut it

  9. #9
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
    TRT,MAN is offline Member
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    kids these days so in hurry to get huge. they want it now instead of tommorrow.

  10. #10
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Quote Originally Posted by theman1 View Post
    ok so I am 19 and am about start on a cycle of test 400 for 12 weeks. I am going 2 be doing 1 cc a week until the end of my 12 weeks. I am 5'9 and went from 144lbs to 183lbs in a year and half of wieght training all natraul. I am expecting to gain atleast 20lbs of lean muscle, but I am sure I will gain alot more than that on my cylce becuase of my strict diet. I get in about 220 grams of protien a day. My big question is should I take nolvedex while i am on cycle, like a tab a day or should i only take nolvedex when i come off cycle? some people were telling me to take arimedex so that i keep it lowered instead of block it off completly. i need help on this part only. also please no comments on my age i am going on cycle regardless, please just help me do it rite
    Most guys would give there left nut to gain 39 lbs. (and keep) of muscle on gear. Please listen to everyone here and wait. I are still growing and at your age you can put on so much natural muscle its not even funny.

  11. #11
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    the stress you will put on your body will not be worth it. Even gaining 39 pounds naturally in a year and half is extremely fast. Take it slow for the next 5 years bulking. Learn all that you can about training and diet. Your joints and body will thank you. Nothing worse then a 20 year old with gyno and stretch marks who cant get it up trying to pick up chicks.

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