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  1. #1
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    Proper advice 1st cycle with T-bol Only

    Alright guys, I started a T-bol only cycle of 40mgs ed for 6 weeks. Here are my stats: I'm 5'10" & 185 lbs 33 yrs old. I've trained for 5-6 years & decided on a whim that was going to try this cycle as I heard it produces great results & is relatively safe if there is such a thing. My diet is decent as I understand the basic protein & caloric intakes needed for optimal training.

    Here is my questions that I would appreciate some knowledgable advice on. First let me state that I started this cycle without a full knowledge of ALL the effects, results, & info that I probaly should have researched before doing this. It was a thought that I acted on kinda spontaneously with the help of a friend doing the same cycle (peer pressure). Since I started I researched a ton & have a better understanding of things now but I want to make sure I do everything properly since I'm 2 weeks into this already.

    This will be my first & last cycle that I ever do - After reading things & reevaluating what I want from training I've decided AAS are not the route I want to go however I would like to finish my cycle. Dumb to start in the first place I know but want to make the best of my situation.

    After reading tons of stuff on this site & reading comments from experienced guys I'm still a bit lost as everyone has different opinions regarding dosage, PCT etc. I have experienced no sides at this point & have gained about 2 lbs, good strength gains. I was ultimately looking for strength gains & LBM gains - nothing hardcore thus the reason for selecting T-bol.

    Questions: After 5-6 weeks of cycle I was planning on running nolvadex 20mgs ed for 2-4 weeks. Some say no PCT required for T-bol because of its non-aromatizing properties - some say yes PCT is required. Is this a proper PCT

    Question #2 - I've seen no change in sex drive at this point & have noticed testicular shrinkage a bit. Also had a difficulty with an erection the other day before the deed. Is this normal?

    Obviously you are going to be shut down at some point from this cycle so I wanted to make sure these things were normal & that I will be able to restore things after the cycle by a proper PCT. ANY help or advice would be appreciated. Please refrain from flaming me but I'm willing to accept proper advice even though it may not be what I wanna hear.

  2. #2
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    May 2009

    Proper advice - T-bol only cycle

    Alright guys, I started a T-bol only cycle of 40mgs ed for 6 weeks. Here are my stats: I'm 5'10" & 185 lbs 33 yrs old. I've trained for 5-6 years & decided on a whim that was going to try this cycle as I heard it produces great results & is relatively safe if there is such a thing. My diet is decent as I understand the basic protein & caloric intakes needed for optimal training.

    Here is my questions that I would appreciate some knowledgable advice on. First let me state that I started this cycle without a full knowledge of ALL the effects, results, & info that I probaly should have researched before doing this. It was a thought that I acted on kinda spontaneously with the help of a friend doing the same cycle (peer pressure). Since I started I researched a ton & have a better understanding of things now but I want to make sure I do everything properly since I'm 2 weeks into this already.

    This will be my first & last cycle that I ever do - After reading things & reevaluating what I want from training I've decided AAS are not the route I want to go however I would like to finish my cycle. Dumb to start in the first place I know but want to make the best of my situation.

    After reading tons of stuff on this site & reading comments from experienced guys I'm still a bit lost as everyone has different opinions regarding dosage, PCT etc. I have experienced no sides at this point & have gained about 2 lbs, good strength gains. I was ultimately looking for strength gains & LBM gains - nothing hardcore thus the reason for selecting T-bol.

    Questions: After 5-6 weeks of cycle I was planning on running nolvadex 20mgs ed for 2-4 weeks. Some say no PCT required for T-bol because of its non-aromatizing properties - some say yes PCT is required. Is this a proper PCT

    Question #2 - I've seen no change in sex drive at this point & have noticed testicular shrinkage a bit. Also had a difficulty with an erection the other day before the deed. Is this normal?

    Obviously you are going to be shut down at some point from this cycle so I wanted to make sure these things were normal & that I will be able to restore things after the cycle by a proper PCT. ANY help or advice would be appreciated. Please refrain from flaming me but I'm willing to accept proper advice even though it may not be what I wanna hear.
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  3. #3
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    how many weeks in are you?

  4. #4
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    2 weeks in so far

  5. #5
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    either get some test... prop.. or end the cycle start pct.. i dont think u should run the cycle through though imo.. i have taken t-bol... and its in same family of d-bol im pretty sure.. and u dont run d-bol alone.. suppresses your test levels

  6. #6
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    mike they have a few tbol only threads started up here in the past week ,, do a search for them.

  7. #7
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tbolis one of the TWO Orals that can be ran by themselves IMO... the other being Anavar .

    I say this but also knowing that you should be running baseline Test with it... Here's what I would say for a minimum...

    Test Prop 1-6 25mgs ED
    T-Bol 1-6 40mgs ED

    That way you would be blessed with the benefits of Test and it would also allow you to a proper PCT and IMO your gains from doing it that way should be about double it would be without the Test.

    The reason why you would need to run Prop is because well if you ran any other kind of Test it wouldn't even be kicking in until oh weeks 3 or 4 and by that time you are already almost completed on the TBOL part of the cycle...

    Now seeings how you are already 2 weeks in it's a lil too late to use the Test Prop... so finish off your TBOL only cycle... do a PCT... Nolva only should be sufficient at 4 weeks 40 mgs ED..

    Now your next cycle... being it whether you are going to run T-BOL or not you should do as I outlined above ... or better yet...

    1-6 Test Prop 50mgs ED
    1-6 Tbol 60mgs ED

    Now that's a great quick blast cycle..

  8. #8
    milkoman16 is offline New Member
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    Thanks - appreciate the advice. As I mentioned, I kinda jumped the gun to get started when I shoulda been a bit more prepared first. I too also read that T-bol could be used alone & produced quality results but obviously running a test prop would be better.

    Just looking for that "great quick blast cycle.. " as you call it.

    So I guess the question remains - will my suppressed test levels return to normal with a proper PCT after the cycle?

  9. #9
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    yes they will return.. when is the question.... run your pct and get sme blood work done... to check it out... and also if your going to hit another cycle

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