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  1. #1
    mikeO is offline New Member
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    Dont know what to do!! Injured chest 1 week into cycle!!

    Guys, I'm a newbie here and I'm respectfully asking for the advice of someone experienced. I'm 9 days into a cycle. So far, I've only been taking Anadrol , 50mg Daily. Next Tuesday, I was planning on starting with the Cypionate and Deca . Now, I'm not sure if I should. Yesterday, I threw on a few extra pounds on the bench press, (since I have been taking Anadrol, I feel like I could lift a house with my bare hands). On about the third rep, I felt a sharp pain in my lower chest area but I still managed a fourth rep. My guess is that since the pain is in the area of the nipple, I strained the pectoralis minor or an intercostal muscle. There is no bruising, muscle weakness, swelling or palpable mass, but the area is warm to the touch and painful when I do certain movements. From what I have read, there is really not much I could do except rest the muscle and provide a high level of nutrients. My questions are:

    1) If you were faced with this decision, would you stop the cycle since the muscle needs to be rested for probably a month?

    2) Even though I have been on for only 9 days, I am guessing my endogenous testosterone has been suppressed quite a bit. If I do stop the cycle, how much PCT will I need?

    3) If I continue the cycle, will it shorten the recovery time for this injury?

    4) Could anyone suggest anything for me to do to recover quicker? Any nutritional supplements?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    It would really depend on the extent of the injury.
    If you think its gonna need a month, then I would STOP, do a PCT for that month then take another month before you start up again

    Why did you start with just the oral only? Is this your first cycle? what are your stats please as that cycle doesn't sound laid out correctly.

  3. #3
    mikeO is offline New Member
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    Why did you start with just the oral only? Is this your first cycle? what are your stats please as that cycle doesn't sound laid out correctly.
    Its my second cycle, I've done this once before. I was planning on starting the injectables two weeks into the orals and then proceed to run the orals for another 4 weeks. (The reason I am not too worried about overdoing it with the orals is because I think they are slightly under dosed and I was planning on getting blood tests every 2 weeks.) The cycle was supposed to look like this: Anadrol 50mg QD x 6 weeks; Deca 300mg x weekly and Test. Cypionate 250mg x twice per week.

    It would really depend on the extent of the injury.
    If you think its gonna need a month, then I would STOP, do a PCT for that month then take another month before you start up again
    Not really sure how to determine if I'm gonna need a month or how bad the injury is. It only hurts when I apply force with that muscle. When I walk, sit or just move around, it really does not hurt. Would you do regular PCT as if you did a full cycle, including clomid and HCG at the usual dose?
    Last edited by mikeO; 05-22-2009 at 10:19 AM.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeO View Post
    Its my second cycle, I've done this once before. I was planning on starting the injectables two weeks into the orals and then proceed to run the orals for another 4 weeks. (The reason I am not too worried about overdoing it with the orals is because I think they are slightly under dosed and I was planning on getting blood tests every 2 weeks.) The cycle was supposed to look like this: Anadrol 50mg QD x 6 weeks; Deca 300mg x weekly and Test. Cypionate 250mg x twice per week.

    Not really sure how to determine if I'm gonna need a month or how bad the injury is. It only hurts when I apply force with that muscle. When I walk, sit or just move around, it really does not hurt. Would you do regular PCT as if you did a full cycle, including clomid and HCG at the usual dose?
    Well the whole point of using an oral kick start is to "kick start" until the long estered compounds kick in. SO, it would make sense to start them together so that the long esters can start to build up in your blood system, while you are getting the benefits of the fast acting oral

    I Would start all three compounds at the same time and shoot the deca twice a week with the cyp.

    I would do a month of Clomid/Nolva just to be safe. the HCG is optional and I probably wouldn't do it

  5. #5
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    if anything - and i dont mean to come across as an a55hole, but maybe you should also look at your form and training style?

    a LOT if not most injuries come from very poor form. as great as it is to lift heavy, form and control is very very important.....

    take the time to do your pct. keep up with your arms/back/legs/abs and shoulders if you can, and let the chest heal...dont rush it, or you could REALLY injur yourself

  6. #6
    mikeO is offline New Member
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    Well the whole point of using an oral kick start is to "kick start" until the long estered compounds kick in. SO, it would make sense to start them together so that the long esters can start to build up in your blood system, while you are getting the benefits of the fast acting oral
    Thanks, you're right. That does make sense. To be really honest with you, I did want to kick start the cycle with the orals and now that you mention it I'm completely with you, that it would have been more beneficial to start the injectables at the same time as the orals. A major factor that contributed to me waiting to start the injectables is that the stuff I have is so questionable. I did some reasearch on it and found out it is UG and it got some mixed reviews online. Anyway, I figured if the orals (which look more like extacy than Anadrol ) are legit than the injectables are legit as well. I was a little leery of injecting myself with something of questionable quality.

    I Would start all three compounds at the same time and shoot the deca twice a week with the cyp.
    Just to clarify, you would split the 300mg of deca once a week into 150mg twice a week? Or would you up the deca to 300mg twice weekly? From what I have heard, I have always been under the impression that it is important to use substantially more testosterone that deca. I'm not exactly sure why that is, I know that the deca will shut down the HPTA but once you are using say 500mg of test per week, are you not already covered no matter how much deca you use?

    if anything - and i dont mean to come across as an a55hole, but maybe you should also look at your form and training style?

    a LOT if not most injuries come from very poor form. as great as it is to lift heavy, form and control is very very important.....

    take the time to do your pct. keep up with your arms/back/legs/abs and shoulders if you can, and let the chest heal...dont rush it, or you could REALLY injur yourself
    NICOTINE: Thanks for the input man. You are right, it happened due to poor form and loss of control due to crappy equipment. My bench is wobbly unless I put small plates under the end where my feet would be. Yesterday, I forgot to stabilize it and when I was lifting, the bench sort of tilted to the right and messed up my form.

    Thanks for the advice fellas. BTW, now that it's been almost 24 hours, the injured muscle is starting to get more sore and I'm almost positive that it is not the pec that was injured but the intercostal. If it starts to feel better tomorrow, would I be safe to assume that it will be alright in a week and possibly salvage this cycle?

  7. #7
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would avoid doing chest work.... as much as that sucks....

    i would do shoulders, and see how you feel.... the chest does stabilize some of your shoulder workouts....

    taking any ibuprofin to reduce the swelling?

    i would keep the cycle going maybe for another week-ish.. judge how your body is healing, then make your decision then........

    you dont wanna hurt yourself and halt your traning for MONTHS, just to salvage one cycle....

  8. #8
    captaincharles747 is offline Junior Member
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    Does your vagina hurt too?

  9. #9
    mikeO is offline New Member
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    i would avoid doing chest work.... as much as that sucks....

    i would do shoulders, and see how you feel.... the chest does stabilize some of your shoulder workouts....

    taking any ibuprofin to reduce the swelling?

    i would keep the cycle going maybe for another week-ish.. judge how your body is healing, then make your decision then........

    you dont wanna hurt yourself and halt your traning for MONTHS, just to salvage one cycle....
    Thanks man. Didn't take any ibuprofen, took some acetaminophen. Also I took some skelaxin, which is a muscle relaxer. Later, I'm also going to get this patch. I forgot what its called but its used in chinese medicine for strains and sprains by supposedly increasing circulation in that area. I'm gonna keep the cycle going for another week, like you said, to see how I feel then. I just know that if I'm forced to stop the cycle it's really gonna suck. I'm going to be on the bench at least 2 or 3 times as long as I would be if I'm on cycle. PCT takes a few weeks to kick in, therefore for the next month or so, the muscles would be repairing with decreased test levels in the body and that would take forever. From my understanding, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that if an individual is on cycle then tissue heals a helluva lot quicker. Thanks for the advice.

  10. #10
    mikeO is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by captaincharles747 View Post
    Does your vagina hurt too?
    very funny

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