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  1. #1
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    18 Months since last cycle.......

    Hello guys,

    Been a while since my last post.
    I came off the good stuff due to a combination of lack of source and also due to some pretty bad acne that lucky due to medication has cleared up.

    Been toying with the idea for some time and decided that I will be delving back into the game and start competing.

    I am 25(nearly 26yrs), 5"10 tall, 15 stone, been lifting seriously for 6 years, don't know my precise body fat but I'm not fat at all.
    always been naturally strong e.g
    max deadlift - 240kg
    max Flat Bench - 160kg

    my routine is:

    Mon - Chest/tTriceps

    Tuesday - Back/Biceps

    Thursday - Shoulders

    Friday - Legs

    I do 20 mins incline power walking after every session also to keep the body fat levels in check (also do AB esercises every session too).

    My diet is as follows:

    Monday - Friday

    Meal 1 - 50g Oats and water/ 2 scoop whey (45g protein)/ 1 banana

    Meal 2 50g basmati rice/190g chicken breast/handful steamed broccoli

    Meal 3 - repeat meal 2

    Meal 4 - 2 scoop protein shake/banana


    Meal 5 (Post workout - 2 scoop pro recover) -
    non training day - green vegetable stir fry with 190g chicken breast and extra virgin olive oil

    Meal 6 - 2 scoop whey protein shake

    I feel I have kept a lot of my strength gains but obviously want to keep improving. The rest did do me good as it gave me time to reflect regarding my past mistakes. I am thinking of running a 12 week cycle and then 12 weeks rest. Just gonna keep it simple and see how it goes.

    My goal is Lean size and with the diet above I hope to make some real substantial gains and size - mainly vascular wise.

    what does eveyone think about this cycle:

    First week do 250mg test Enth - Monday/Wed/Friday only.
    Then the second week do
    250mg Enth every Monday with 100mg Deca
    same again on the Thursday.
    repeat the deca for 10 weeks and the Enth for 12 weeks

    then stop for 2 weeks before doing a proper HCG cycle.

    I thought keeping it relatively simple would do the trick, especially for my first cylce back for a year?

    sorry its a long thread but just want to make sure you guys get all the info needed before you reply.

    Any suggestions are welcome with regards to rejigging the cycle.


  2. #2
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    UK - England
    further to that i forgot to mention regarding my diet that I use the weekends as cheat days at the moment as I have my small son at the weekends and like to relax around him.

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Same routine in the gym I been doing since my partner tore his bicept. I been with another guy... not bad....

    As for the cycle... Looks alright... Why mon wed fri first week? Might as well Just leave it and do 500mgs for 12 weeks and 400mgs deca on thur. If your trying to get it to kick in faster by doing an extra 250mgs first week why not just run some dbol or adrol?

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Edit: Posted twice
    Last edited by c-Z; 05-23-2009 at 06:29 PM. Reason: DONT KNOW HOW TO DELETE

  5. #5
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    blue trunks
    Keep your doses constant throughout the cycle.
    1-12 500mg test
    1-10 400mg deca
    I think that is what you're trying to do. 200mg deca is not enough.

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