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  1. #1
    aaron1mix's Avatar
    aaron1mix is offline Junior Member
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    Your opinion, which cycle would be better?

    Thanks to everyone so far in answering previous questions. I have gotten to the end of my research and am ready to start. I have aquired all my PCT, on cycle, and just in case gear.

    Now to the question.

    I have 2 - 10ml bottles of Sustanon 1 - 10ml bottle of Deca . This is my second cycle, first was test only.

    What do you think would give me the best gains based on what I have.

    Deca - 400mg/wk - 8wks
    Sust - 500mg/wk - 10wks


    Deca - 300mg/wk - 10wks
    Sust - 400mg/wk - 12wks

    Quick profile, 172lb, 5'11, 30yr. Diet - 3300 cals a day, 250 grams of protein.

    Thanks in advance for your opinions.

  2. #2
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    just off of what you have said i would go for the 12 week cycle but you will see something on either.

  3. #3
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    you're pretty small to be starting a cycle.. but i'd definitely do the 2nd cycle.. you need to run deca for at least 10 weeks imo.

    start pct 18 days after last injection of sust.

    the deca dose is very low... i don't even know if i'd run it.. probs just save it for next cycle.. 200mg each week is considered a therapeutic dosage.. but you'll still see gains from 300mg.. and some nicely lubricated joints i guess lol

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaron1mix View Post
    I need some advice... This is my 2nd cycle, I have been working out for roughly 10 years but never for mass. Always to keep fit. I did a 12 week cycle of M1T back when it was legal in the states.

    I was able to obtain
    10ml - Deca - 300mg/ml
    10ml - susta - 250mg/ml

    I have 2 buddies that have done this exact cycle, 5 weeks, and made some good gains. They tell me this is fine but I think that I am getting uneducated advice and don't think 5 weeks is long enough. I would like to run these quantities for 10 weeks. Is that possible with what I have. My feeling is that I need another bottle of Susta. Run the Deca for 10wks @ 300mg/wk and the Susta for 12wks @400wk.

    Can I run the below for an effective 2nd time cycle?
    10wks - Deca - 300mg wk
    10wks - Susta - 250mg wk

    My stats are 30yr, 167lbs, 5'11. Time for some size. Can anyone offer advice on this?

    You are ONLY 167 lbs, at your height you SHOULD be able to get to and Maintain 200 lbs BEFORE ever using steroids !!

    you already did one cycle. your DIET is the problem, you do NOT need steroids YET

    IF you can't eat correctly to get to your natural potential, then chances are you will NOT be able to keep your gains that you make off your next cycle either.

    Not trying to be harsh or mean, just trying to get you in the right direction so you don't waste anymore time or money.

    have your diet checked out in the diet section by Phate or jamyjamjr and they will be able to get you to gain some weight

  5. #5
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    NEITHER! hhehehehhhehhe

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