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  1. #1
    Batman? is offline New Member
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    May 2009

    Need some good advice

    Hey all, I am 25 years old 170 lbs. and want to bulk up to about 180 or 185.
    What is a the best steroid for a newbie and what about post cycle and pre cycle? any tips?

  2. #2
    Batman? is offline New Member
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    May 2009
    To make things a little clearer about me:
    bodyfat - 15% roughly.
    I have been working out for about 6 years. went from 125lbs to 170 in about 2 years.
    I am having a hard time trying to get stronger and gain past 170. Usually when I do it is fat.
    I try to eat every 3 hours. kind of hard to do that while working construction, but i do the best I can. Here is a normal day for my meals:

    6:30 - 2 egg/whites omelete with ham and spinach/no cheese and 3/4 cup of oatmeal
    9:30 - protein bar
    12:30 - chicken breast and a half and 3/4 cup of rice and an apple.
    3:30 - yogurt and beef jerky
    6:30 - post workout shake (cytogainer)
    9:30 - chicken or fish and salad
    10:30 - bed.

    I am a little weary about taking them but am still curious and really want that extra 10-15 lbs.

  3. #3
    AUb27 is offline Associate Member
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    your diet is almost equal to one of my meals

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Yea Bro! You gotta figure out how too eat more! You have 2 egg whites a day?
    I have 11 twice a day, first thing in morning, and right before bed. Go to market and get you some egg beaters. 1 carton has about 50 grams protein.
    You should post up in the diet section. Save your money on gear and use it to buy more food!

  5. #5
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman? View Post
    To make things a little clearer about me:
    bodyfat - 15% roughly.
    I have been working out for about 6 years. went from 125lbs to 170 in about 2 years.
    I am having a hard time trying to get stronger and gain past 170. Usually when I do it is fat.
    I try to eat every 3 hours. kind of hard to do that while working construction, but i do the best I can. Here is a normal day for my meals:

    6:30 - 2 egg/whites omelete with ham and spinach/no cheese and 3/4 cup of oatmeal
    9:30 - protein bar
    12:30 - chicken breast and a half and 3/4 cup of rice and an apple.
    3:30 - yogurt and beef jerky
    6:30 - post workout shake (cytogainer)
    9:30 - chicken or fish and salad
    10:30 - bed.

    I am a little weary about taking them but am still curious and really want that extra 10-15 lbs.
    That diet is very bad, you need to go to the diet section.

  6. #6
    Batman? is offline New Member
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    the morning meal is 2 eggs And about 1/2 cup of egg whites.

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    how tall are you?

    you can get to your goals with a good change in diet !!

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