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  1. #1
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Hammer/Critigue my new Cycle!!!

    33yrs old. 6'4 220. approx 10% body fat. cycled multiple times, though only a few "the right way" (ie..kept 1/2 gains). Have been training for approx 09years.

    Bros, Here is my latest cycle that I plan to start next week. Please hammer the shyt out of this as I intend on doing this one the right way. Everything, including PCT has got to be on point. The goal is to put on lean mass. I do not want to "blow up" or cut up. Its an inbetweener, if there is such a thing. Here we go.

    EQ Wk 1-2 700mg Wk 3-13 500mg
    Cyp Wk 1-13 300mg
    Sus250 Wk 1-13 600mg
    Tren wk 3-10 200mg

    I admit to being nervous about booting tren. It will be my first time with the compound. all others I have done before. I have never used such a high dose of EQ and have never front loaded it before. From what i hear and read, the combination of frontloading the EQ and increasing from 400 to 500 MG will give better results as well as make it "kick in" faster (from front loading). The cyp is thrown in there, literally, because I have it on hand. I can go up and down in all compounds except the cyp.

    I have arimidex on hand should any excessive bloating occur. as arimidex does take time to build up in the system, I will also have nolva on hand should any gyno threat present itself. I am hopeful i can stick with the arimidex through the cycle. Also have HCG on hand to boot should my nuts turn to raisins.

    standard PCT. Will be using HCG as well as switching from arimidex to Nolva. I have all the chemicals, but am still working on the exact timing to start each. most likely the HCG will start two weeks after last shot and be run for 3 weeks. Nolva start at the same point at 20MGs a day and run for 3 weeks after my last HCG shot (6 wks total). Not i am electing to start PCT a few days earlier that would normally be the case. Rather be safe than sorry

    Hammer this fellas. I want this to be a good one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That's a shiitpot of juice!

    What is your cycle experience?

    1000mg's of test per week seems pretty high, considering the amounts of the other drugs you'll be taking. Hell, that's more juice in one cycle than I've done in my first 3!

    Why not run a cycle with just test/tren since you haven't run tren before?

  3. #3
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    honestly.. run test and tren .. hit the tren good.. you will gain good... its not as bad as people say (it is but it isn't) just sides its all tolerable.. just the cold sweats and no sleep some people get cant handle it..

  4. #4
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    I wanted to keep the EQ in there to increase my appetite. So maybe i can lower that to 400 per week, drop the cyp and increase the tren to 300 wk? Only tren side i am worried about is aggression. I am naturally aggressive, so i have to be careful there and wonder if it is really a compound i should even touch.

    cycle experience is 6 cycles. have really changed my body composition through the use of gear. less body fat/more muscle. very lean.

    Muchas gracious for the feedback.

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    that cycle is a bit off the deep end.

    why are you using two tests??

  6. #6
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    that cycle is a bit off the deep end.

    why are you using two tests??
    lol...lets get it off the deep end bro!!

    Only using the cyp because I have, and have no problems saving it for another day. I can go up or down in all other compounds. point me in the right direction.

  7. #7
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    500 test, 500mg tren seems to me would work just fine.

    I'm sure someone else will say it again, but at 6'4, you should be able to carry a little more weight naturally if you are eating and training right.

  8. #8
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin View Post
    lol...lets get it off the deep end bro!!

    Only using the cyp because I have, and have no problems saving it for another day. I can go up or down in all other compounds. point me in the right direction.
    Alright.. I'll help you out with this... looks like a mighty fun cycle there buddy lol. I'm down for going over the deep end sometimes too. Huge gains will be made.


    #1 I'd just keep that EQ dosage constant... I really like to run it at 600mg for around 14 - 16 weeks. (imo, don't do that 700 little frontload. no point)

    #2 is your tren -ace or e? (this is going to be the hard part, sides might own you.. they are pretty brutal.. haha)

    #3 are you set on taking sustanon too? I wouldn't even bother with the sust, and I'd just go with prop @ 150mg each other day (inject 4 times a week) But if you've already got the sustanon.. then it's fine to run it the way you proposed

    #4 I'd also throw in one more compound to finish off this cycle... (weeks 11 - 16) winstrol @ 50mg.

    Anyways, hope you like the advice, use it wisely hah. peace

  9. #9
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^^^ he dont need all that he will get enough appetite from tren alone... leave the winni out to0.. tren does everything.. why load your body when u dont have too..

  10. #10
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lexusis09 View Post
    alright.. I'll help you out with this... Looks like a mighty fun cycle there buddy lol. I'm down for going over the deep end sometimes too. Huge gains will be made.
    You the man!!

    #1 i'd just keep that eq dosage constant... I really like to run it at 600mg for around 14 - 16 weeks. (imo, don't do that 700 little frontload. No point)

    if you had enough, would you? If i go six i will be mixing labs. I tend not to want to do it, but will. You have read me right, i do want growth. Do you boot it twice a week? I always think that first pin should be high mg..get more active quicker. Then ease in to twice weekly.

    #2 is your tren -ace or e? (this is going to be the hard part, sides might own you.. They are pretty brutal.. Haha)

    ace. Have a mate on parabolan and needed to try it, but wanted the shorter ester in case i go bonkers. He looks great. Has come a long way.

    #3 are you set on taking sustanon too? I wouldn't even bother with the sust, and i'd just go with prop @ 150mg each other day (inject 4 times a week) but if you've already got the sustanon.. Then it's fine to run it the way you proposed.

    Cool. I have the sus on hand. Very nice looking. Amps w/box. Little pamphlet in there. Love that. Never did prop. Will next summer. I love sus if its legit.

    #4 i'd also throw in one more compound to finish off this cycle... (weeks 11 - 16) winstrol @ 50mg.

    Oh yeah. I didnt mention that. Run right up to pct. Yep. Nice. I didnt think of running it up to pct. Damn. Nice. Thank you. Details details!!

    Let me add i have also been hgh for 9 weeks and running for another 15. Been doing 4iu 5-2 days off. Not open to moving off up from 20 iu wk. Want no problems from the gh. 4 is good for me like a daily shot of manhood.

    Anyways, hope you like the advice, use it wisely hah. Peace
    muchas gracious bro. Look forward to anything else you might have to offer. Good shyt.

    220 is light for 6'4. I agree. I am looking to keep 7 lbs a cycle, so we are looking at a solid 234 at the end of next summer. I can maintain, but gaining quality is tough. I can be a big eater, big. And not because i am hungry..just because i love freakin eating (i smoke weed). So i really have to watch the quantity i eat and hovering at 220 does require a certain amount of discipline. Could easily get to a 235 pudgy, strong n cocked..been there...and cut naturally to come back down i have a mental image of what i want to look like in two years and think the best way to get there is the route i am going. Some will disagree.

    Busaboy - i think the winny is never a bad idea on the back end but probably only for 3-4 weeks.
    Last edited by Jay_notellin; 05-30-2009 at 06:37 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    If you are looking to keep 7lbs of muscle, you should be able to eat right for 6 months and gain that, especially at your height. If you are really 6'4, and you eat right, and train right during this cycle you are proposing, I don't see how you wouldn't get to 250. But if you are staying at 220 and 6'4, then you are eating to stay at that weight. and if you go back to eating that amount after your cycle, you'll go back to 220. And if you smoke (which I don't think you are supposed to discuss) you should be able to eat enough food to carry a few more lbs.

    Either way, I think a simple test/tren is the only cycle needed to see the gains you want. 10 weeks would put that 7 lbs you are looking for easily if you eat right and train.

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