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  1. #1
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2002

    Exclamation hey i have questions regarding a cycle

    OK whats up everyone?
    Well im 6'1 around 204 been lifting for about 2 years, dropped 11lbs. 2 weeks ago cause of strep throat..
    DAMN illness
    Ok well,this is going to be my first cycle and I am planning on composing it of Deca and Sustanon ..
    I am going to do a 10 week of Deca but I don't know if I should only do 200mg a week or go up to 400mg or pyramid it?I want to gain as much as possible ...
    Also should i only do Sustanon 250mg/ a week for the first 4 weeks, thats what i was planning....
    I don't wanna overdue it and do 10 weeks of deca but i heard 8 weeks of deca will only amunt to minimal gains..
    Of course I will have nolvdex and clomid for after....
    I would really appreciate all your guys input.
    Thanks alot,
    Last edited by agiraldo; 12-11-2002 at 10:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    boom town
    sust 500mg week
    deca 400mg per week
    d-bol 35mg for 4 weeks

    hope this helps...Madmax

  3. #3
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2002


    sust for 10 weeks at 500? that alot isnt that for my first cycle?
    dbol - will kcik start the deca ? only for the first 4 weeks take d-bol?
    Thanks Max

  4. #4
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Toronto, Canada
    Do this..

    wk 1-4 dbol @ 25-30mg/ed
    wk 1-10 300mg/wk deca
    wk 1-11 400mg-500mg/wk enanthate

    wait 2 weeks after last shot of enanthate to start clomid therapy.

    I'd say replace the sust with enanthate because if you're not shooting sust EOD or ED its being wasted IMO.

  5. #5
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by nj_
    Do this..

    wk 1-4 dbol @ 25-30mg/ed
    wk 1-10 300mg/wk deca
    wk 1-11 400mg-500mg/wk enanthate

    wait 2 weeks after last shot of enanthate to start clomid therapy.

    I'd say replace the sust with enanthate because if you're not shooting sust EOD or ED its being wasted IMO.
    Also, keep these doses to take advantage of your fresh receptors. Running the test a week longer is a great idea -- and as nj pointed out, sust is only gonna benefit if you run it eod

  6. #6
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i agree with max. i myself for my first cycle did very small dosages. i wanted to see how my body would react blah blah blah. my only regret is not doing a larger dose to see even better results than i got. oh and so you know my virgin cycle was 6 weeks tren only 100mg/ED. Gained 15lbs kept 10

  7. #7
    agiraldo is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2002


    hey so what else would be good besides test-e instead of sust to stack it with deca for to weeks....?
    just d-bol?
    or should i take a test to balance out the deca..?

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