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  1. #1
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    How different roids effect on the blood..?

    Does anyone know, how different roids do make blood more "thick", compared to each other. I mean raising the hematocrite and hemoglobin values...?

    Like test, dbol , deca , winstrol , anavar , clenbuterol , etc...?

    I guess deca is worst of these, as it's originally actually made to treat anemia, so it causes a lots of new red blood cells and stuff...? Dbol maybe 2nd as lots of people say that oral stuff make their blood so thick it causes different kinds of problems...?

    I myself have pretty high hemoglobin and hematocrite by nature, so I have interest for this.

    Have anyone noticed increase in those values by test-only in example...?

  2. #2
    Gekko101 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Well to answer myself, after 10weeks of Test and 4-5weeks of dbol along with it earlier, my hemoglobine and hematocrite values were exactly the same today, as they were before cycle...

    Amount of red blood cells (the other value E12/l) was bit higher and so was the white cells value.

    So now we can feel "safe" again and keep injecting.

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