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Thread: Trenbolone Acetate (Finaplix) by itself?

  1. #1
    0dogg is offline New Member
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    Question Trenbolone Acetate (Finaplix) by itself?

    I used to be very skinny and have gained 50 lbs of muscle naturally over 4-5 years but I am very tall so it is not enough. (I am 6'4, 205 lbs with low bodyfat). I am preparing to do my first cycle of anabolics and was planning on doing tren by itself. I have read different perspectives on this, on one side people say it is ok and on the other people say you MUST stack with test. I was planning on doing 75 mg every other day for 6 weeks.

    If I do tren by itself I understand that it will kill my sex drive and I am prepared for that but will this be permanent or will my body eventually start naturally producing normal amounts of testosterone after the cycle? I have some superdrol that I bought a while ago. Would this be an adequate source of testosterone if I did decide to stack it with tren?

    I have read that post cycle therapy is not necessary with tren by itself. I have also read that you should be taking many post cylcle drugs. My problem is that I am not a part of the "steroid community". I like Finaplix because it is highly effective and I can make it myself. However, I do not have access to all these other post cylcle drugs like nova, clomid, etc. Could I use 6-OXO and Rebound XT to help restart natural test production? Will my sex drive be forever reduced if I do not take certain post cycle drugs? Is Tamoxifen Citrate an effective anti-estrogen?

    Or should I stay away from anabloics unless I can get access to the prescription type post cycle drugs?

  2. #2
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    first its not a good idea to rrun tren by itself and second hell yes pct would be necessary

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Just WHERE the hell are you reading all this horseshit??

    I smell TROLL

  4. #4
    scribbs12's Avatar
    scribbs12 is offline Member
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    i have plenty of friends not I, use tren alone... great gains... only thing they said was they couldnt get it up.. thats why people recommend using test with it. and yes you need a correct pct.. i believe nolva isnt good for tren.. it makes it worse? someone correct me if im wrong?.. i forgot.. but if you take tren do ace that way if you cant handle it you can just stop... 75mg a day would be ideal.. but if you cant e0d is fine. with test 250 > GL

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Welcome to AR

    Just WHERE the hell are you reading all this horseshit??

    I smell TROLL

  6. #6
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    I can't tell if you're serious or not!

    Anyways, if you don't have access to PCT Chems, then hell yes you shouldn't be using AAS!

  7. #7
    0dogg is offline New Member
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    This is where I was reading the stuff about taking it by itself and not really needing PCT.
    "the use for post-cycle estrogen antagonists is limited as well, so Nolva or clomid to boost natural test will have little use." I might be able to get some stuff from this guy I work with but what should I ask for? what is the post cycle drug I would need for just tren by itself?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    If you still think tren only is a good cycle, you're wasting our time. Go ask the dumbasses at that site.

  9. #9
    0dogg is offline New Member
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    I am not trying to waste anyones time I am just asking for help there is no need to react like that.

    I will ask the guy I work with I think he can get me some stuff. What would be a good first cycle then? Sustanon with tren ? So 75 mg of tren everyday for 6 weeks would be ideal (but every other day is ok too)...what about the sustanon what do you think would be a good amount? what PCT drugs would I need for this cycle? thanks for the help

  10. #10
    time 4 a *CHANGE*'s Avatar
    time 4 a *CHANGE* is offline Associate Member
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    its best to read up first then ask questions. everything you need to knows is here

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Tren is NOT FOR THE FIRST need to build experience with other compounds first !!

    Tren shouldn't be used until 6-8th cycle

    should you choose to do so, you are on your own

  12. #12
    RANA's Avatar
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    Can Tren be run by itself? Yes, it can but it is one of the dumbest things you can do.
    If you look on this site and read peoples experience they all have some form of Test.
    My questions is why would you run it by itself? Why wouldn't you add Test? You say you're willing to lose your libido, that is nuts (no pun intended).
    PCT is a must!!!!! The only time you don't need to run PCT is if your a female taking anavar , primo, etc...

  13. #13
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    what rana said^^^^^^^

  14. #14
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    Tren alone is a bad idea! forget about where you read all that stuff. Stick around here, do some searches for "tren alone" or "tren cycles" stuff like that, and i'm sure you'll find a seemingly bottomless well of information.
    Alot of guys will tell you that a powerful anabolic like tren, without test, will more than likely reduce your weiner to nothing more than a pee tube. That being said, if you DON'T run test with your tren, aside from not getting the most out of your "cycle", you will still need a proper pct. And a very aggressive one at that. IMO (like someone else stated) tren is not a beginner compound. IF you're serious about hopping on the sauce, do yourself a favor, start with some test and a planned out pct and go from there. GL

  15. #15
    tencent505 is offline New Member
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    Wow "Big" a novice comes to this forum to ask advice and you tell him hes wasting "our time" and go ask those dumbasses at that site?" Really? Maybe you should not waste "your" time posting that bullshit being such a prick **** and not answer at all since you dont have anything constructive to say. Dude's asking for advice and you basically tell him to get ****ed. Nice man. Sounds to me like youre the only one being an ass.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tencent505
    Wow "Big" a novice comes to this forum to ask advice and you tell him hes wasting "our time" and go ask those dumbasses at that site?" Really? Maybe you should not waste "your" time posting that bullshit being such a prick **** and not answer at all since you dont have anything constructive to say. Dude's asking for advice and you basically tell him to get ****ed. Nice man. Sounds to me like youre the only one being an ass.
    Ummmmm this thread is 5 years old.
    chiponmyshoulder likes this.

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    chiponmyshoulder is offline New Member
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  18. #18
    tencent505 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiponmyshoulder View Post
    Haha i didnt notice it was so old. But either way, if it was yesterday, or i jumped in my delorean back to 1955, he was still being a dickhead. haha

  19. #19
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tencent505

    Haha i didnt notice it was so old. But either way, if it was yesterday, or i jumped in my delorean back to 1955, he was still being a dickhead. haha
    Coooool. You have a Delorean!?!?

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