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  1. #1
    badER's Avatar
    badER is offline Junior Member
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    Super high liver values! advice please!

    Just came off a Test E / Tren E 500mg each for 20weeks, tried to finish off the cycle with 70mg Winny but it only last 1week due to my eyes turning slightly yellow, Jaundice.

    Current levels taken yesterday are;

    ALP 808 u/l, maximum 50
    AST 202 u/l, maximum 40

    What do I do?

    How do I get it down?

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    first thing is get off the gear
    get some liv52 and milk thistle and start running immediately
    don't drink or take any anti-inflammatorys
    do in to the doctor immediately and ask him for some help, he could possibly prescribe something to help you

    and btw, those are maximums bro, it's okay to have 2-3x those numbers but where you are is definitely in the danger range

  3. #3
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    You need to go out and buy an ass load of anti antioxidants! go out and get milk thistle, green tea, and some kind og greens powder. Eat healthy like you have never before! that means tones of organic veggies, clean meats ect....

    Drink water like thers no tomorow! I mean like 12 glasses a day.

    The liver is very resilient but you dont want to **** around with that kind of stuff. get plenty of sleep and be smarter next time.

  4. #4
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Oh and what ever you do dont take any meds especially tylenol, advil ect.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    You need to go out and buy an ass load of anti antioxidants! go out and get milk thistle, green tea, and some kind og greens powder. Eat healthy like you have never before! that means tones of organic veggies, clean meats ect....

    Drink water like thers no tomorow! I mean like 12 glasses a day.

    The liver is very resilient but you dont want to **** around with that kind of stuff. get plenty of sleep and be smarter next time.
    anti-oxidants help with free radicals, they won't be much help in the state he's in now, and 12 glasses of water? that's only 96oz of water, he should be drinking 1.0-1.5gal a day minimum on tren

  6. #6
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    Poopooing on your parade
    Scaring me...I'm going in for bloodwork in the next week or two to see what the tren has done to me.

    I agree on the water...I drink 2 gallons a day minimum...Three on days I work outside and sweat.

  7. #7
    badER's Avatar
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    Been to the Doctor, hes said that there isn't anything he could give me for my liver... just that I need to increase my water intake and over time it should come back to normal, going to be taking another blood test in the next week or two to see if my liver values have lowered.

    Thanks for your reply guys.

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    what the hell ya doing running tren and test for 20 weeks?

  9. #9
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    If that's you in the pic, your back is amazing.

  10. #10
    LivingToBeBig's Avatar
    LivingToBeBig is offline Associate Member
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    milk thisle, liv 52 double strength and cod liver oil

  11. #11
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badER View Post
    Just came off a Test E / Tren E 500mg each for 20weeks, tried to finish off the cycle with 70mg Winny but it only last 1week due to my eyes turning slightly yellow, Jaundice.

    Current levels taken yesterday are;

    ALP 808 u/l, maximum 50
    AST 202 u/l, maximum 40

    What do I do?

    How do I get it down?

    Get Liverlonger and Live52, those should drop the levels.

    How the hell did your levels get so f'ed up?

    What was your tren dosage? Also the fact you ran it 20 weeks makes me wonder how experienced you are, because obiviously someone who has had steroid experience would know that tren for 20 weeks will have some effects on the body, but tren hasn't been showed to be too hard on the liver. I ran it for 10 weeks and my liver values were normal 3-4 weeks after cycle.

  12. #12
    dblbass128's Avatar
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    Whole Foods has good Acai juice

    Expensive but worth it

    IF you dont mind me asking what were your iron levels were those high as well?

  13. #13
    badER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Get Liverlonger and Live52, those should drop the levels.

    How the hell did your levels get so f'ed up?

    What was your tren dosage? Also the fact you ran it 20 weeks makes me wonder how experienced you are, because obiviously someone who has had steroid experience would know that tren for 20 weeks will have some effects on the body, but tren hasn't been showed to be too hard on the liver. I ran it for 10 weeks and my liver values were normal 3-4 weeks after cycle.
    The dosage of tren was 500mg, I understand that I'm not very experienced but the mirror got the better of me... My body started to look amazing and I decided I wanted to continue knowing that Tren had an effect on my body / liver but it wasn't till i added then Winstrol at the end when everything started to change...

    My insides hurt like a bitch, my eyes started turning yellow and my urine turned close to brown... Maybe it was just a coincidence that it happened at the end, I'm not sure.

    I just hope to get back to normal and within the next 2weeks if all goes well I'll be getting another blood test.

    Thank you for all your advice guys, but how much Milk Thistle and Liv52 do you guys recommend?

  14. #14
    badER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dblbass128 View Post
    Whole Foods has good Acai juice

    Expensive but worth it

    IF you dont mind me asking what were your iron levels were those high as well?
    Hey dblbass128, my blood test was only done for the liver but my doctor says that all the other values were within normal range except for these two which he had concerns about.

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