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  1. #1
    fitfreak6 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Pain in lower back (pelvic bone) 6 days after inject in glute. Please read.

    Okay, it was my second time to shoot the left glute, first time went off pretty normally. It's Test/Deca mixed, gets pretty sore the next day and day after but fades. Anyways, this time the pain is in my lowerback right where you can feel your pelvic bone on the left side. I had surgery on that femur a long time ago and there is a huge scar that runs across my glute, I have to inject pretty close to the scar. I am wondering if this could have caused me to upset a nerve or what the deal is. It is painful, but not red or warm. I am also wondering what I should do for my next shot that would go into that glute, can I just try to get a little further from it next time or should I change sites all together?

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    you should rotate you injection site... and for the pain tell your doc and see what he says...

    tell them you injecting b12

  3. #3
    fitfreak6 is offline New Member
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    May 2009
    talked to my doc and he said it was probably a nerve that grew around the scar tissue that i hit and that it should go away after a week or two. i do rotate sites, from right to left to right to left glute i really dont mind these glute injects, i dont think i want to try anything else based on how sore i get from this gear.

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